Source code for nbodykit.source.mesh.species

from nbodykit.source.mesh.catalog import CatalogMesh
from nbodykit import _global_options
import numpy
import logging
import warnings

# for converting from particle to mesh
from import RealField

from nbodykit.utils import attrs_to_dict
[docs]class MultipleSpeciesCatalogMesh(CatalogMesh): """ A subclass of :class:`~nbodykit.base.catalogmesh.CatalogMesh` designed to paint the density field from a sum of multiple types of particles. The :func:`compute` function paints the density field summed over all particle species. Parameters ---------- source : CatalogSource the input catalog that we wish to interpolate to a mesh BoxSize : the size of the box Nmesh : int, 3-vector the number of cells per mesh side dtype : str the data type of the values stored on mesh weight : str column in ``source`` that specifies the weight value for each particle in the ``source`` to use when gridding value : str column in ``source`` that specifies the field value for each particle; the mesh stores a weighted average of this column selection : str column in ``source`` that selects the subset of particles to grid position : str, optional column in ``source`` specifying the position coordinates; default is ``Position`` """ logger = logging.getLogger('MultipleSpeciesCatalogMesh') def __init__(self, source, Nmesh, BoxSize, dtype, selection, position, weight, value, interlaced, compensated, resampler): from nbodykit.source.catalog import MultipleSpeciesCatalog if not isinstance(source, MultipleSpeciesCatalog): raise TypeError(("the input source for MultipleSpeciesCatalogMesh " "must be a MultipleSpeciesCatalog")) CatalogMesh.__init__(self, source=source, Nmesh=Nmesh, BoxSize=BoxSize, dtype=dtype, Position=None, Selection=None, Weight=None, Value=None, resampler=resampler, compensated=compensated, interlaced=interlaced, comm=source.comm) self.species = source.species self.position = position self.selection = selection self.weight = weight self.value = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self.species)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ If indexed by a species name, return a CatalogMesh object holding only the data columns for that species with the same parameters as the current object. If not a species name, this has the same behavior as :func:`CatalogSource.__getitem__`. """ from nbodykit.source.mesh import CatalogMesh if key in self.source.species: cat = self.source[key] # view as a catalog mesh mesh = CatalogMesh(cat, BoxSize=self.attrs['BoxSize'], Nmesh=self.attrs['Nmesh'], dtype=self.dtype, Weight=cat[self.weight], Value=cat[self.value], Selection=cat[self.selection], Position=cat[self.position], interlaced=self.interlaced, compensated=self.compensated, resampler=self.resampler, ) # attach attributes from self return mesh.__finalize__(self) else: raise KeyError("%s is not a species defined in the source" % key)
[docs] def to_real_field(self, normalize=True): r""" Paint the density field holding the sum of all particle species, returning a :class:`` object. Meta-data computed for each particle is stored in the :attr:`attrs` attribute of the returned RealField, with keys that are prefixed by the species name. In particular, the total shot noise for the mesh is defined as: .. math:: P_\mathrm{shot} = \sum_i (W_i/W_\mathrm{tot})^2 P_{\mathrm{shot},i}, where the sum is over all species in the catalog, ``W_i`` is the sum of the ``Weight`` column for the :math:`i^\mathrm{th}` species, and :math:`W_\mathrm{tot}` is the sum of :math:`W_i` across all species. Parameters ---------- normalize : bool, optional if ``True``, normalize the density field as :math:`1+\delta`, dividing by the total mean number of objects per cell, as given by the ``num_per_cell`` meta-data value in :attr:`attrs` Returns ------- RealField : the RealField holding the painted density field, with a :attr:`attrs` dictionary attribute holding the meta-data """ # track the sum of the mean number of objects per cell across species attrs = {'num_per_cell':0., 'N':0} # initialize an empty real field real ='real', value=0) # loop over each species for name in self.source.species: if == 0:"painting the '%s' species" %name) # get a CatalogMesh for this species species_mesh = self[name] # paint (in-place) the un-normalized density field for this species species_mesh.to_real_field(out=real, normalize=False) # add to the mean number of objects per cell and total number attrs['num_per_cell'] += real.attrs['num_per_cell'] attrs['N'] += real.attrs['N'] # store the meta-data for this species, with a prefix attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(real, name+'.')) # # normalize the field by nbar -> this is now 1+delta if normalize: real[:] /= attrs['num_per_cell'] # update the meta-data real.attrs.clear() real.attrs.update(attrs) # compute total shot noise by summing of shot noise each species real.attrs['shotnoise'] = 0 total_weight = sum(real.attrs['%s.W' %name] for name in self.source.species) for name in self.source.species: this_Pshot = real.attrs['%s.shotnoise' %name] this_weight = real.attrs['%s.W' %name] real.attrs['shotnoise'] += (this_weight/total_weight)**2 * this_Pshot return real