The Cookbook

Here, we provide a set of recipes detailing a broad selection of the functionality available in nbodykit. Ranging from simple tasks to more complex work flows, we hope that these recipes help users become acclimated with nbodykit as well as illustrate the power of nbodykit for large-scale structure data analysis.

For users who wish to dive right into the examples, an interactive environment containing the cookbook recipes is available to users via the BinderHub service. Just click the launch button below to get started!


The (static) recipes below are provided as Jupyter notebooks and are available for download by clicking the “Source” link in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

Data Recipes

Painting Recipes

Algorithm Recipes


If you have an application of nbodykit that is concise and interesting, please consider adding it to our cookbook. We also welcome feedback and improvements for these recipes. Users can submit issues or open a pull request on the nbodykit cookbook repo on GitHub.

Cookbook recipes should be in the form of Jupyter notebooks. See the existing recipes for examples. The recipes are designed to illustrate interesting uses of nbodykit for other users to learn from.

We appreciate any and all contributions!