Source code for nbodykit.hod

from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology

class HODModel(object):
    A class providing an interface beteween HOD models in
    :mod:`nbodykit` and :mod:`halotools`.

    See the static method :func:`to_halotools` to create a specified
    :mod:`halotools` HOD model given:

    - cosmology
    - redshift
    - mass definition

    .. note::
        Here, mass definition is used to place satellites in halos using
        a NFW profile in order to convert mass to radius.
    def to_halotools(cosmo, redshift, mdef, concentration_key=None, **kwargs):
        Return a {func_name} HOD model in the format of :mod:`halotools`.

        See :func:`halotools.empirical_models.{name}_model_dictionary`.

        cosmo :
            the nbodykit or astropy Cosmology object to use in the model
        redshift : float
            the desired redshift of the model
        mdef : str, optional
            string specifying mass definition, used for computing default
            halo radii and concentration; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or
            'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity
        concentration_key : str
            the name of the column that will specify concentration; if not
            provided, the analytic formula from
            `Dutton and Maccio 2014 <>`_
            is used.
        **kwargs :
            additional keywords passed to the model components; see the
            Halotools documentation for further details

            the halotools object implementing the HOD model
        raise NotImplementedError

# NOTE: we are making zheng 07 separately due to astropy/halotools#827
[docs]class Zheng07Model(HODModel):
[docs] @staticmethod def to_halotools(cosmo, redshift, mdef, concentration_key=None, **kwargs): """ Return the Zheng 07 HOD model. See :func:`halotools.empirical_models.zheng07_model_dictionary`. Parameters ---------- cosmo : the nbodykit or astropy Cosmology object to use in the model redshift : float the desired redshift of the model mdef : str, optional string specifying mass definition, used for computing default halo radii and concentration; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or 'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity concentration_key : str the name of the column that will specify concentration; if not provided, the analytic formula from `Dutton and Maccio 2014 <>`_ is used. **kwargs : additional keywords passed to the model components; see the Halotools documentation for further details Returns ------- :class:`~halotools.empirical_models.HodModelFactory` the halotools object implementing the HOD model """ from halotools.empirical_models import Zheng07Sats, Zheng07Cens, NFWPhaseSpace, TrivialPhaseSpace from halotools.empirical_models import HodModelFactory kwargs.setdefault('modulate_with_cenocc', True) # need astropy Cosmology if isinstance(cosmo, Cosmology): cosmo = cosmo.to_astropy() # determine concentration key if concentration_key is None: conc_mass_model = 'dutton_maccio14' else: conc_mass_model = 'direct_from_halo_catalog' # determine mass column mass_key = 'halo_m' + mdef # occupation functions cenocc = Zheng07Cens(prim_haloprop_key=mass_key, **kwargs) satocc = Zheng07Sats(prim_haloprop_key=mass_key, cenocc_model=cenocc, **kwargs) satocc._suppress_repeated_param_warning = True # profile functions kwargs.update({'cosmology':cosmo, 'redshift':redshift, 'mdef':mdef}) censprof = TrivialPhaseSpace(**kwargs) satsprof = NFWPhaseSpace(conc_mass_model=conc_mass_model, **kwargs) # make the model model = {} model['centrals_occupation'] = cenocc model['centrals_profile'] = censprof model['satellites_occupation'] = satocc model['satellites_profile'] = satsprof return HodModelFactory(**model)
def HODModelFactory(name, func_name): """ Factory to generate the functions that will return one of the pre-built Halotools HOD models. Parameters ---------- name : str a name of a pre-built HOD model name from Halotools Returns ------- callable : a function that can compute the specified Halotools model from the input cosmology, redshift, mass definition, etc. """ import textwrap def to_halotools(cosmo, redshift, mdef, concentration_key=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- cosmo : the nbodykit or astropy Cosmology object to use in the model redshift : float the desired redshift of the model mdef : str, optional string specifying mass definition, used for computing default halo radii and concentration; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or 'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity concentration_key : str the name of the column that will specify concentration; if not provided, the analytic formula from `Dutton and Maccio 2014 <>`_ is used. **kwargs : additional keywords passed to the model components; see the Halotools documentation for further details Returns ------- :class:`~halotools.empirical_models.HodModelFactory` the halotools object implementing the HOD model """ from halotools.empirical_models import PrebuiltHodModelFactory # modulate sats with cen occ model by default kwargs.setdefault('modulate_with_cenocc', True) # need astropy Cosmology if isinstance(cosmo, Cosmology): cosmo = cosmo.to_astropy() # determine concentration key if concentration_key is None: conc_mass_model = 'dutton_maccio14' else: conc_mass_model = 'direct_from_halo_catalog' # determine mass column mass_key = 'halo_m' + mdef # the configuration kwargs.update({'cosmology':cosmo, 'redshift':redshift, 'mdef':mdef, 'prim_haloprop_key':mass_key}) return PrebuiltHodModelFactory(name, **kwargs) # make the doc string hdr = "Return the {func_name} HOD model from Halotools.\n\n".format(func_name=func_name) hdr += "See :func:`halotools.empirical_models.{func_name}_model_dictionary` for further details.\n" to_halotools.__doc__ = hdr + textwrap.dedent(to_halotools.__doc__) # make the new class object and return it newclass = type(name, (HODModel,),{"to_halotools": staticmethod(to_halotools), "__doc__":__doc__}) return newclass # generate the specialized models Leauthaud11Model = HODModelFactory('leauthaud11', 'Leauthaud11Model') Hearin15Model = HODModelFactory('hearin15', 'Hearin15Model') __all__ = ['Zheng07Model', 'Leauthaud11Model', 'Hearin15Model']