Source code for nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology

from classylss.binding import ClassEngine, Background, Spectra, Perturbs, Primordial, Thermo
from classylss.astropy_compat import AstropyCompat

import numpy
from six import string_types
import os
import functools

[docs]def store_user_kwargs(): """ Decorator that adds the ``_user_kwargs`` attribute to the class to track which arguments the user actually supplied. """ def decorator(function): @functools.wraps(function) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): self._user_args = args self._user_kwargs = kwargs return function(self, *args, **kwargs) return inner return decorator
[docs]class Cosmology(object): r""" A cosmology calculator based on the CLASS binding in :mod:`classylss`. It is a collection of all method provided by the CLASS interfaces. The object is immutable. To obtain an instance with a new set of parameters use :func:`clone` or :func:`match`. The individual interfaces can be accessed too, such that `c.Spectra.get_transfer` and `c.get_transfer` are identical. .. important:: A default set of units is assumed. Those units are: * temperature: :math:`\mathrm{K}` * distance: :math:`h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}` * wavenumber: :math:`h \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}` * power: :math:`h^{-3} \mathrm{Mpc}^3` * density: :math:`10^{10} (M_\odot/h) (\mathrm{Mpc}/h)^{-3}` * neutrino mass: :math:`\mathrm{eV}` * time: :math:`\mathrm{Gyr}` * :math:`H_0`: :math:`(\mathrm{km} \ \mathrm{s^{-1}}) / (h^{-1} \ \mathrm{Mpc})` Notes ----- * The default configuration assumes a flat cosmology, :math:`\Omega_{0,k}=0`. Pass ``Omega0_k`` as a keyword to specify the desired non-flat curvature. * For consistency of variable names, the present day values can be passed with or without '0' postfix, e.g., ``Omega0_cdm`` is translated to ``Omega_cdm`` as CLASS always uses the names without `0` as input parameters. * By default, a cosmological constant (``Omega0_lambda``) is assumed, with its density value inferred by the curvature condition. * Non-cosmological constant dark energy can be used by specifying the ``w0_fld``, ``wa_fld``, and/or ``Omega_fld`` values. * To pass in CLASS parameters that are not valid Python argument names, use the dictionary/keyword arguments trick, e.g. ``Cosmology(..., **{'temperature contributions': 'y'})`` * ``Cosmology(**dict(c))`` is not supposed to work; use ``Cosmology.from_dict(dict(c))``. Parameters ---------- h : float the dimensionless Hubble parameter T0_cmb : float the temperature of the CMB in Kelvins Omega0_b : float the current baryon density parameter, :math:`\Omega_{b,0}`. Currently unrealistic cosmology where Omega_b == 0 is not supported. Omega0_cdm : float the current cold dark matter density parameter, :math:`\Omega_{cdm,0}` N_ur : float the number of ultra-relativistic (massless neutrino) species; the default number is inferred based on the number of massive neutrinos via the following logic: if you have respectively 1,2,3 massive neutrinos and use the default ``T_ncdm`` value (0.71611 K), designed to give m/omega of 93.14 eV, and you wish to have ``N_eff=3.046`` in the early universe, then ``N_ur`` is set to 2.0328, 1.0196, 0.00641, respectively. m_ncdm : list, None the masses (in eV) for all massive neutrino species; an empty list should be passed for no massive neutrinos. The default is a single massive neutrino with mass of 0.06 eV P_k_max : float the maximum ``k`` value to compute power spectrum results to, in units of :math:`h/Mpc` P_z_max : float the maximum redshift to compute power spectrum results to gauge : str, either synchronous or newtonian n_s : float the tilt of the primordial power spectrum nonlinear : bool whether to compute nonlinear power spectrum results via HaloFit verbose : bool whether to turn on the default CLASS logging for all submodules **kwargs : extra keyword parameters to pass to CLASS. Mainly used to pass-in parameter names that are not valid Python function argument names, e.g. ``temperature contributions``, or ``number count contributions``. Users should be wary of configuration options that may conflict with the base set of parameters. To override parameters, chain the result with :func:`clone`. """ # delegate resolve order -- a pun at mro; which in # this case introduces the meta class bloat and doesn't solve # the issue. We want delayed initialization of interfaces # or so-called 'mixins'. # easier to just use delegates with a customized getattr. # this doesn't work well with automated documentation tools though, # unfortunately. dro = [AstropyCompat, Thermo, Spectra, Perturbs, Primordial, Background, ClassEngine] dro_dict = dict([(n.__name__, n) for n in dro]) @store_user_kwargs() def __init__(self, h=0.67556, T0_cmb=2.7255, Omega0_b=0.022032/0.67556**2, Omega0_cdm=0.12038/0.67556**2, N_ur=None, m_ncdm=[0.06], P_k_max=10., P_z_max=100., gauge='synchronous', n_s=0.9667, nonlinear=False, verbose=False, **kwargs # additional arguments to pass to CLASS ): # quickly copy over all arguments -- # at this point locals only contains the arguments. args = dict(locals()) # store the extra CLASS params kwargs = args.pop('kwargs') # remove some non-CLASS variables args.pop('self') # check for deprecated init signature deprecated_args = check_deprecated_init(self._user_args, self._user_kwargs) if deprecated_args is not None: # check for conflicts between named args user passed and # deprecated args passed via **kwargs for a in deprecated_args: if a in self._user_kwargs: raise ValueError("Parameter conflicts; use '%s' parameter only" %a) # if we make it here, it is a valid deprecated syntax import warnings warnings.warn(("This init signature is deprecated; see the Cosmology " "docstring for new signature"), FutureWarning) args = deprecated_args else: # merge the kwargs; without resolving conflicts. args.update(kwargs) # check for input conflicts (using kwargs user actually input) check_args(self._user_kwargs) # verify and set defaults pars = compile_args(args) # use set state to de-serialize the object. self.__setstate__(pars)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a dict string when printed """ return dict(self).__str__()
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Allows dict() to be used on class. Use :func:`from_dict` to reconstruct an instance. """ pars = for k in pars: yield k, pars[k]
[docs] def __dir__(self): """ a list of all members from all delegate classes """ r = [] # first allow tab completion of delegate names; to help resolve conflicts r.extend([n.__name__ for n in self.dro]) # then allow tab completion of all delegate methods for i in reversed(self.dro): r.extend(dir(i)) return sorted(list(set(r)))
def __setattr__(self, key, value): # do not allow setting of properties of the delegate classes if any(hasattr(n, key) for n in self.dro): raise ValueError(("the Cosmology object is immutable; use clone() or " "match() to update parameters")) return object.__setattr__(self, key, value)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): """ Find the proper delegate, initialize it, and run the method """ # getting a delegate explicitly, e.g. c.Background if name in self.dro_dict: iface = self.dro_dict[name] if iface not in self.delegates: self.delegates[iface] = iface(self.engine) return self.delegates[iface] # resolving a name from the delegates : c.Om0 => c.Background.Om0 for iface in self.dro: if hasattr(iface, name): if iface not in self.delegates: self.delegates[iface] = iface(self.engine) d = self.delegates[iface] return getattr(d, name) else: raise AttributeError("Attribute `%s` not found in any of the delegate objects" % name)
def __getstate__(self): return ( @property def sigma8(self): """ The amplitude of matter fluctuations at :math:`z=0` in a sphere of radius :math:`r = 8 \ h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}`. This is not an input CLASS parameter. To scale ``sigma8``, use :func:`match`, which adjusts scalar amplitude ``A_s`` to achieve the desired ``sigma8``. """ return self.Spectra.sigma8 @property def Omega0_cb(self): """ The total density of CDM and Baryon. This is not an input CLASS parameter. To scale ``Omega0_cb``, use :func:`match`. """ return self.Background.Omega0_cdm + self.Background.Omega0_b
[docs] def match(self, sigma8=None, Omega0_cb=None, Omega0_m=None): """ Creates a new cosmology that matches a derived parameter. This is different from clone, where CLASS parameters are used. Note that we only supoort matching one derived parameter at a time, because the matching is in general non-commutable. Parameters ---------- sigma8 : float or None We scale the scalar amplitude ``A_s`` to achieve the desired ``sigma8``. Omega0_cb: float or None Desired total energy density of CDM and baryon. Omega0_m: float or None Desired total energy density of matter-like components (included ncdm) Returns ------- A new cosmology parameter where the derived parameter matches the given constrain. """ if sum(0 if i is None else 1 for i in [sigma8, Omega0_cb, Omega0_m]) != 1: raise ValueError("Only match one derived parameter at one time; but multiple is given.") if sigma8 is not None: return self.clone(A_s=self.A_s * (sigma8/self.sigma8)**2) if Omega0_cb is not None: rat = Omega0_cb / self.Omega0_cb return self.clone(Omega_b=rat * self.Omega0_b, Omega_cdm=rat * self.Omega0_cdm) if Omega0_m is not None: Omega0_cb = Omega0_m - (self.Omega0_ncdm_tot - self.Omega0_pncdm_tot) - self.Omega0_dcdm return self.match(Omega0_cb=Omega0_cb) return self
[docs] def to_astropy(self): """ Initialize and return a subclass of :class:`astropy.cosmology.FLRW` from the :class:`Cosmology` class. Returns ------- subclass of :class:`astropy.cosmology.FLRW` : the astropy class holding the cosmology values """ import astropy.cosmology as ac import astropy.units as au is_flat = True needs_w0 = False needs_wa = False pars = {} pars['H0'] = 100*self.h pars['Om0'] = self.Omega0_b + self.Omega0_cdm # exclude massive neutrinos to better match astropy pars['Tcmb0'] = self.Tcmb0 pars['Neff'] = self.Neff pars['Ob0'] = self.Ob0 if self.has_massive_nu: # all massless by default m_nu = numpy.zeros(int(numpy.floor(self.Neff))) # then add massive species m_nu[:len(self.m_ncdm)] = self.m_ncdm[:] pars['m_nu'] = au.Quantity(m_nu, au.eV) if self.Ok0 != 0.: pars['Ode0'] = self.Ode0 is_flat = False if self.wa_fld != 0: pars['wa'] = self.wa_fld pars['w0'] = self.wa_fld needs_wa = True if self.w0_fld != -1: pars['w0'] = self.w0_fld needs_w0 = True # determine class to return prefix = "" if not is_flat else "Flat" if needs_wa: cls = prefix + "w0waCDM" elif needs_w0: cls = prefix + "wCDM" else: cls = prefix + "LambdaCDM" cls = getattr(ac, cls) return cls(**pars)
[docs] @classmethod def from_astropy(kls, cosmo, **kwargs): """ Initialize and return a :class:`Cosmology` object from a subclass of :class:`astropy.cosmology.FLRW`. Parameters ---------- cosmo : subclass of :class:`astropy.cosmology.FLRW`. the astropy cosmology instance **kwargs : extra keyword parameters to pass when initializing; they shall not be in conflict with the parameters inferred from cosmo. To override parameters, chain the result with :func:`clone`. Returns ------- :class:`Cosmology` : the initialized cosmology object """ args = astropy_to_dict(cosmo) # merge in additional arguments -- this will die if # there are conflicts. args.update(kwargs) # astropy_to_dict creates args, so we can use the 'user-friendly' # constructor. return Cosmology(**args)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """ Initialize a :class:`Cosmology` object from the CLASS parameter file Parameters ---------- filename : str the name of the parameter file to read **kwargs : extra keyword parameters to pass when initializing; they shall not be in conflict with the parameters inferred from cosmo. To override parameters, chain the result with :func:`clone`. """ from classylss import load_ini # extract dictionary of parameters from the file pars = load_ini(filename) # intentionally not using merge; use clone if # parameters are to modified. pars.update(kwargs) return cls.from_dict(pars)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(kls, pars): """ Creates a Cosmology from a pars dictionary. This is a rather 'raw' API. The dictionary must be readable by ClassEngine. Unlike ``Cosmology(**args)``, ``pars`` must not contain any convenient names defined here. """ self = object.__new__(Cosmology) self.__setstate__(pars) return self
def __setstate__(self, state): pars = state # initialize the engine as the backup delegate. self.engine = ClassEngine(pars) self.delegates = {ClassEngine: self.engine} = pars
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new cosmology based on modification of self, with the input keyword parameters changed. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : keyword parameters to adjust Returns ------- :class:`Cosmology` a copy of self, with the input ``kwargs`` adjusted """ # this call to merge_args is OK because is # a valid set of args args = merge_args(, kwargs) check_args(args) pars = compile_args(args) return type(self).from_dict(pars)
[docs]def astropy_to_dict(cosmo): """ Convert an astropy cosmology object to a dictionary of parameters suitable for initializing a Cosmology object. """ from astropy import cosmology, units args = {} args['h'] = cosmo.h args['T0_cmb'] = cosmo.Tcmb0.value if cosmo.Ob0 is not None: args['Omega0_b'] = cosmo.Ob0 else: raise ValueError("please specify a value 'Ob0' ") args['Omega0_cdm'] = cosmo.Om0 - cosmo.Ob0 # should be okay for now # handle massive neutrinos if cosmo.has_massive_nu: # convert to eV m_nu = cosmo.m_nu if hasattr(m_nu, 'unit') and m_nu.unit != units.eV: m_nu = else: m_nu = units.eV * m_nu # from CLASS notes: # one more remark: if you have respectively 1,2,3 massive neutrinos, # if you stick to the default value pm equal to 0.71611, designed to give m/omega of # 93.14 eV, and if you want to use N_ur to get N_eff equal to 3.046 in the early universe, # then you should pass here respectively 2.0328,1.0196,0.00641 N_ur = [2.0328, 1.0196, 0.00641] N_massive = (m_nu > 0.).sum() args['N_ur'] = (cosmo.Neff/3.046) * N_ur[N_massive-1] args['m_ncdm'] = [k.value for k in sorted(m_nu[m_nu > 0.], reverse=True)] else: args['m_ncdm'] = [] args['N_ur'] = cosmo.Neff # specify the curvature args['Omega0_k'] = cosmo.Ok0 # handle dark energy if isinstance(cosmo, cosmology.LambdaCDM): pass elif isinstance(cosmo, cosmology.wCDM): args['w0_fld'] = cosmo.w0 args['wa_fld'] = 0. args['Omega0_Lambda'] = 0. # use Omega_fld elif isinstance(cosmo, cosmology.w0waCDM): args['w0_fld'] = cosmo.w0 args['wa_fld'] = cosmo.wa args['Omega0_Lambda'] = 0. # use Omega_fld else: cls = cosmo.__class__.__name__ valid = ["LambdaCDM", "wCDM", "w0waCDM"] msg = "dark energy equation of state not recognized for class '%s'; " %cls msg += "valid classes: %s" %str(valid) raise ValueError(msg) return args
[docs]def compile_args(args): """ Compile the input args of Cosmology object to the input parameters (pars) to a :class:`Cosmology` object. A variety of defaults are set to tune CLASS for quantities used in large scale structures. Difference between pars and args: - anything that is valid pars is also valid args. - after replacing our customizations in args, we get pars. Note that CLASS will check for additional conflicts. see :func:`merge_args` """ pars = {} # we try to make pars write only. # set some default parameters pars.setdefault('output', "vTk dTk mPk") pars.setdefault('extra metric transfer functions', 'y') # args and pars are pretty much compatible; pars.update(args) def set_alias(pars_name, args_name): if args_name not in args: return v = args[args_name] pars.pop(args_name) # pop because we copied everything. if pars_name in args: v = args[pars_name] pars[pars_name] = v set_alias('T_cmb', 'T0_cmb') set_alias('Omega_cdm', 'Omega0_cdm') set_alias('Omega_b', 'Omega0_b') set_alias('Omega_k', 'Omega0_k') set_alias('Omega_ur', 'Omega0_ur') set_alias('Omega_Lambda', 'Omega_lambda') # classylss variable has lowercase l set_alias('Omega_Lambda', 'Omega0_lambda') # classylss variable has lowercase l set_alias('Omega_Lambda', 'Omega0_Lambda') set_alias('Omega_fld', 'Omega0_fld') set_alias('Omega_ncdm', 'Omega0_ncdm') set_alias('Omega_g', 'Omega0_g') # turn on verbosity if 'verbose' in args: pars.pop('verbose') verbose = args['verbose'] if verbose: for par in ['input', 'background', 'thermodynamics', 'perturbations', 'transfer', 'primordial', 'spectra', 'nonlinear', 'lensing']: name = par + '_verbose' if name not in pars: pars[name] = 1 # no massive neutrinos if 'm_ncdm' in args: pars.pop('m_ncdm') m_ncdm = args['m_ncdm'] if m_ncdm is None: m_ncdm = [] if numpy.isscalar(m_ncdm): # a single massive neutrino m_ncdm = [m_ncdm] if isinstance(m_ncdm, (list, numpy.ndarray)): m_ncdm = list(m_ncdm) else: raise TypeError("``m_ncdm`` should be a list of mass values in eV") for m in m_ncdm: if m == 0: raise ValueError("A zero mass is specified in the non-cold dark matter list. " "This is not needed, as we automatically set N_ur based on " "the number of entries in m_ncdm such that Neff = 3.046.") # number of massive neutrino species pars['N_ncdm'] = len(m_ncdm) # m_ncdm only needed if we have massive neutrinos if len(m_ncdm) > 0: pars['m_ncdm'] = m_ncdm # from CLASS notes: # one more remark: if you have respectively 1,2,3 massive neutrinos, # if you stick to the default value pm equal to 0.71611, designed to give m/omega of # 93.14 eV, and if you want to use N_ur to get N_eff equal to 3.046 in the early universe, # then you should pass here respectively 2.0328,1.0196,0.00641 N_ur_table = [3.046, 2.0328, 1.0196, 0.00641] if args['N_ur'] is None: pars['N_ur'] = N_ur_table[len(m_ncdm)] if 'N_ur' in args: if args['N_ur'] is not None: pars['N_ur'] = args['N_ur'] # check gauge if 'gauge' in args: if args['gauge'] not in ['synchronous', 'newtonian']: raise ValueError("'gauge' should be 'synchronous' or 'newtonian'") # set cosmological constant to zero if we got fluid w0/wa if 'w0_fld' in args or 'wa_fld' in args: if pars.get('Omega_Lambda', 0) > 0: raise ValueError(("non-zero Omega_Lambda (cosmological constant) specified as " "well as fluid w0/wa; use Omega_fld instead")) pars['Omega_Lambda'] = 0. # maximum k value set_alias('P_k_max_h/Mpc', 'P_k_max') # maximum redshift set_alias('z_max_pk', 'P_z_max') # nonlinear set_alias('non linear', 'nonlinear') # sorry we use a boolean but # class uses existence of string. if pars.pop('non linear', False): pars['non linear'] = 'halofit' # remove None's for remaining parameters -- None means using a default from CLASS # NOTE: do this last since m_ncdm=None means no massive_neutrinos for key in list(pars.keys()): if pars[key] is None: pars.pop(key) return pars
[docs]def merge_args(args, moreargs): """ merge moreargs into args. Those defined in moreargs takes priority than those defined in args. see :func:`compile_args` """ args = args.copy() for name in moreargs.keys(): # pop those conflicting with me from the old pars for eq in find_eqcls(name): if eq in args: args.pop(eq) args.update(moreargs) return args
[docs]def check_deprecated_init(args, kwargs): """ Check if ``kwargs`` uses the (now deprecated) signature of ``Cosmology`` prior to version 0.2.6. If using the deprecated syntax, this returns the necessary arguments for the new signature, and ``None`` otherwise. """ from astropy import cosmology, units defaults = {'H0':67.6, 'Om0':0.31, 'Ob0':0.0486, 'Ode0':0.69, 'w0':-1., 'Tcmb0':2.7255, 'Neff':3.04, 'm_nu':0., 'flat':False} # the deprecated kwargs deprecated_args = [k for k in kwargs if k in defaults] # all clear; nothing to do if not len(deprecated_args): return # if we got deprecated kwargs, make sure we didn't get any valid kwargs!! if not all(a in defaults for a in kwargs) or len(kwargs) and len(args): msg = "mixing deprecated and valid arguments for the Cosmology class; " msg += 'the following args are deprecated: %s' % str(deprecated_args) raise ValueError(msg) # update old defaults with input params defaults.update(kwargs) if defaults['m_nu'] is not None: defaults['m_nu'] = units.Quantity(defaults['m_nu'], 'eV') # determine the astropy class if defaults['w0'] == -1.0: # cosmological constant cls = 'LambdaCDM' defaults.pop('w0') else: cls = 'wCDM' # use special flat case if Ok0 = 0 if defaults.pop('flat'): cls = 'Flat' + cls defaults.pop('Ode0') # initialize the astropy engine and convert to dict for Cosmology() astropy_cosmo = getattr(cosmology, cls)(**defaults) return astropy_to_dict(astropy_cosmo)
def check_args(args): cf = {} for name in args.keys(): cf[name] = [] for eq in find_eqcls(name): if eq == name: continue if eq in args: cf[name].append(eq) for name in cf.keys(): if len(cf[name]) > 0: raise ValueError("Conflicted parameters are given: %s" % str(cf)) # dict that defines input parameters that conflict with each other CONFLICTS = [('h', 'H0', '100*theta_s'), ('T_cmb', 'Omega_g', 'omega_g', 'Omega0_g'), ('Omega_b', 'omega_b', 'Omega0_b'), ('Omega_fld', 'Omega0_fld'), ('Omega_Lambda', 'Omega0_Lambda'), ('N_ur', 'Omega_ur', 'omega_ur', 'Omega0_ur'), ('Omega_cdm', 'omega_cdm', 'Omega0_cdm'), ('m_ncdm', 'Omega_ncdm', 'omega_ncdm', 'Omega0_ncdm'), ('P_k_max', 'P_k_max_h/Mpc', 'P_k_max_1/Mpc'), ('P_z_max', 'z_max_pk'), ('nonlinear', 'non linear'), ('A_s', 'ln10^{10}A_s'), ] def find_eqcls(key): for cls in CONFLICTS: if key in cls: return cls else: return ()