Source code for nbodykit.algorithms.pair_counters.mocksurvey

from .base import PairCountBase, verify_input_sources
import numpy
import logging

[docs]class SurveyDataPairCount(PairCountBase): r""" Count (weighted) pairs of objects from a survey data catalog as a function of :math:`r`, :math:`(r,\mu)`, :math:`(r_p, \pi)`, or :math:`\theta` using the :mod:`Corrfunc` package. See the Notes below for the allowed coordinate dimensions. The default weighting scheme uses the product of the weights for each object in a pair. Results are computed when the class is inititalized. See the documenation of :func:`` for the attributes storing the results. .. note:: The algorithm expects the positions of particles from a survey catalog be the sky coordinates, right ascension and declination, and redshift. To compute pair counts in a simulation box using Cartesian coordinates, see :class:`~nbodykit.algorithms.SimulationBoxPairCount`. .. warning:: The right ascension and declination columns should be specified in degrees. Parameters ---------- mode : '1d', '2d', 'projected', 'angular' compute pair counts as a function of the specified coordinate basis; see the Notes section below for specifics first : CatalogSource the first source of particles, providing the 'Position' column edges : array_like the separation bin edges along the first coordinate dimension; depending on ``mode``, the options are :math:`r`, :math:`r_p`, or :math:`\theta`. Expected units for distances are :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}/h` and degrees for angles. Length of nbins+1 cosmo : :class:`~nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology`, optional the cosmology instance used to convert redshift into comoving distance; this is required for all cases except ``mode='angular'`` second : CatalogSource, optional the second source of particles to cross-correlate Nmu : int, optional the number of :math:`\mu` bins, ranging from 0 to 1; requred if ``mode='2d'`` pimax : float, optional The maximum separation along the line-of-sight when ``mode='projected'``. Distances along the :math:`\pi` direction are binned with unit depth. For instance, if ``pimax=40``, then 40 bins will be created along the :math:`\pi` direction. ra : str, optional the name of the column in the source specifying the right ascension coordinates in units of degrees; default is 'RA' dec : str, optional the name of the column in the source specifying the declination coordinates; default is 'DEC' redshift : str, optional the name of the column in the source specifying the redshift coordinates; default is 'Redshift' weight : str, optional the name of the column in the source specifying the object weights show_progress : bool, optional if ``True``, perform the pair counting calculation in 10 iterations, logging the progress after each iteration; this is useful for understanding the scaling of the code domain_factor : int, optional the integer value by which to oversubscribe the domain decomposition mesh before balancing loads; this number can affect the distribution of loads on the ranks -- an optimal value will lead to balanced loads **config : key/value pairs additional keywords to pass to the :mod:`Corrfunc` function Notes ----- This class can compute pair counts using several different coordinate choices, based on the value of the input argument ``mode``. The choices are: * ``mode='1d'`` : compute pairs as a function of the 3D separation :math:`r` * ``mode='2d'`` : compute pairs as a function of the 3D separation :math:`r` and the cosine of the angle to the line-of-sight, :math:`\mu` * ``mode='projected'`` : compute pairs as a function of distance perpendicular and parallel to the line-of-sight, :math:`r_p` and :math:`\pi` * ``mode='angular'`` : compute pairs as a function of angle on the sky, :math:`\theta` """ logger = logging.getLogger('SurveyDataPairCount') def __init__(self, mode, first, edges, cosmo=None, second=None, Nmu=None, pimax=None, ra='RA', dec='DEC', redshift='Redshift', weight='Weight', show_progress=False, domain_factor=4, **config): # verify the input sources required_cols = [ra, dec, weight] if mode != 'angular': required_cols.append(redshift) verify_input_sources(first, second, None, required_cols, inspect_boxsize=False) # init the base class (this verifies input arguments) PairCountBase.__init__(self, mode, edges, first, second, Nmu, pimax, weight, show_progress) # need cosmology if not angular! if mode != 'angular' and cosmo is None: raise ValueError("'cosmo' keyword is required when 'mode' is not 'angular'") # save the meta-data self.attrs['cosmo'] = cosmo self.attrs['weight'] = weight self.attrs['ra'] = ra self.attrs['dec'] = dec self.attrs['redshift'] = redshift self.attrs['config'] = config self.attrs['domain_factor'] = domain_factor # run the algorithm
[docs] def run(self): """ Calculate the pair counts of a survey data catalog. This adds the following attribute: - :attr:`SurveyDataPairCount.pairs` self.pairs.attrs['total_wnpairs']: The total of wnpairs. Attributes ---------- pairs : :class:`~nbodykit.binned_statistic.BinnedStatistic` a BinnedStatistic object holding the pair count results. The coordinate grid will be ``(r,)``, ``(r,mu)``, ``(rp, pi)``, or ``(theta,)`` when ``mode`` is '1d', '2d', 'projected', 'angular', respectively. The BinnedStatistic stores the following variables: - ``r``, ``rp``, or ``theta`` : the mean separation value in the bin - ``npairs``: the number of pairs in the bin - ``wnpairs``: the weighted npairs in the bin; each pair contributes the product of the individual weight values """ from .domain import decompose_survey_data # setup mode = self.attrs['mode'] first, second = self.first, self.second attrs = self.attrs.copy() Nmu = 1 if mode == '1d' else attrs['Nmu'] # compute the max cartesian distance for smoothing smoothing = numpy.max(attrs['edges']) if mode == 'projected': smoothing = numpy.sqrt(smoothing**2 + attrs['pimax']**2) elif mode == 'angular': smoothing = 2 * numpy.sin(0.5 * numpy.deg2rad(smoothing)) # do a domain decomposition on the data (pos1, w1), (pos2, w2) = decompose_survey_data(first, second, attrs, self.logger, smoothing, angular=(mode=='angular'), domain_factor=attrs['domain_factor']) # get the Corrfunc callable based on mode if attrs['mode'] in ['1d', '2d']: from .corrfunc.mocks import DDsmu_mocks func = DDsmu_mocks(attrs['edges'], Nmu, comm=self.comm, show_progress=attrs['show_progress']) elif attrs['mode'] == 'projected': from .corrfunc.mocks import DDrppi_mocks func = DDrppi_mocks(attrs['edges'], attrs['pimax'], comm=self.comm, show_progress=attrs['show_progress']) elif attrs['mode'] == 'angular': from .corrfunc.mocks import DDtheta_mocks func = DDtheta_mocks(attrs['edges'], comm=self.comm, show_progress=attrs['show_progress']) # do the calculation self.pairs = func(pos1, w1, pos2, w2, **attrs['config']) self.pairs.attrs['total_wnpairs'] = self.attrs['total_wnpairs'] # squeeze the result if '1d' (single mu bin was used) if mode == '1d': self.pairs = self.pairs.squeeze(dim='mu')