Source code for nbodykit.algorithms.pair_counters.base

from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm
from nbodykit.binned_statistic import BinnedStatistic
import numpy

[docs]class PairCountBase(object): """ An abstract base class for pair counting algorithms. Users should use one of the subclasses of this class. """ def __init__(self, mode, edges, first, second, Nmu, pimax, weight, show_progress=False): # check input 'mode' valid_modes = ['1d', '2d', 'projected', 'angular'] if mode not in valid_modes: raise ValueError("allowed 'mode' values are: %s" % valid_modes) # check min edge if numpy.min(edges) <= 0.: raise ValueError(("the lower edge of the 1st separation bin must " "greater than zero (no self-pairs)")) # check mode requirements if mode == '2d' and Nmu is None: raise ValueError("'Nmu' keyword is required when 'mode' is '2d'") if Nmu is not None and mode != '2d': raise ValueError("mode should be '2d' if 'Nmu' is specified") if mode == 'projected' and pimax is None: raise ValueError("'pimax' keyword is required when 'mode' is 'projected'") if pimax is not None and mode != 'projected': raise ValueError("mode should be 'projected' if 'projected' is specified") if mode == 'projected' and pimax < 1.0: raise ValueError("'pimax' must be at least 1.0 when 'mode' is 'projected'") self.first = first self.second = second self.comm = first.comm # store the meta-data self.attrs = {} self.attrs['mode'] = mode self.attrs['edges'] = edges self.attrs['Nmu'] = Nmu self.attrs['pimax'] = pimax self.attrs['show_progress'] = show_progress # store the total size of the sources self.attrs['N1'] = first.csize self.attrs['N2'] = second.csize if second is not None else None if second is None or second is first: wpairs1, wpairs2 = self.comm.allreduce(first.compute(first[weight].sum())), self.comm.allreduce(first.compute((first[weight]**2).sum())) # for auto excluding self pairs to avoid a biased estimator. The factor 0.5 is by convention. # In the end it will cancel out in two point function estimators. self.attrs['total_wnpairs'] = 0.5*(wpairs1**2-wpairs2) self.attrs['is_cross'] = False else: wpairs1, wpairs2 = self.comm.allreduce(first.compute(first[weight].sum())), self.comm.allreduce(second.compute(second[weight].sum())) self.attrs['total_wnpairs'] = 0.5*wpairs1*wpairs2 self.attrs['is_cross'] = True def __getstate__(self): return {'pairs', 'attrs':self.attrs} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) edges = self.attrs['edges'] # reconstruct the result based on mode kws = {'fields_to_sum' : ['npairs', 'wnpairs']} if self.attrs['mode'] == '1d': dims, edges = ['r'], [edges] elif self.attrs['mode'] == '2d': muedges = numpy.linspace(0, 1., self.attrs['Nmu']+1) dims, edges = ['r', 'mu'], [edges, muedges] elif self.attrs['mode'] == 'projected': piedges = numpy.linspace(0, self.attrs['pimax'], int(self.attrs['pimax']+1)) dims, edges = ['rp', 'pi'], [edges, piedges] elif self.attrs['mode'] == 'angular': dims, edges = ['theta'], [edges] else: valid = ['1d','2d','angular','projected'] args = (self.attrs['mode'], valid) raise ValueError("mode = '%s' should be one of %s" % args) # save the result as a BinnedStatistic self.pairs = BinnedStatistic(dims, edges, self.pairs, **kws)
[docs] def save(self, output): """ Save result as a JSON file with name ``output`` """ import json from nbodykit.utils import JSONEncoder # only the master rank writes if self.comm.rank == 0:'measurement done; saving result to %s' % output) with open(output, 'w') as ff: json.dump(self.__getstate__(), ff, cls=JSONEncoder)
[docs] @classmethod @CurrentMPIComm.enable def load(cls, output, comm=None): """ Load a result has been saved to disk with :func:`save`. """ import json from nbodykit.utils import JSONDecoder if comm.rank == 0: with open(output, 'r') as ff: state = json.load(ff, cls=JSONDecoder) else: state = None state = comm.bcast(state) self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) self.comm = comm return self
[docs]def verify_input_sources(first, second, BoxSize, required_columns, inspect_boxsize=True): """ Verify that the input source objects have all of the required columns and appropriate box size attributes. """ if second is None: second = first # check for comm mismatch assert second.comm is first.comm, "communicator mismatch between input sources" # check required columns for source in [first, second]: for col in required_columns: if col not in source: raise ValueError("the column '%s' is missing from input source; cannot do pair count" %col) if inspect_boxsize: _BoxSize = numpy.zeros(3) BoxSize1 = first.attrs.get('BoxSize', None) if BoxSize1 is not None: _BoxSize[:] = BoxSize1[:] if BoxSize is not None: _BoxSize[:] = BoxSize if (_BoxSize==0.).all(): raise ValueError("BoxSize must be supplied in the source ``attrs`` or via the ``BoxSize`` keyword") BoxSize2 = second.attrs.get('BoxSize', None) if BoxSize1 is not None and BoxSize2 is not None: if not numpy.all(first.attrs['BoxSize'] == BoxSize2): raise ValueError("BoxSize mismatch between pair count cross-correlation sources") if not numpy.all(first.attrs['BoxSize'] == _BoxSize): raise ValueError("BoxSize mismatch between sources and the pair count algorithm") return _BoxSize