

HaloCatalog(source, cosmo, redshift[, mdef, …]) A wrapper CatalogSource of halo objects to interface nicely with halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog.
class nbodykit.source.catalog.halos.HaloCatalog(source, cosmo, redshift, mdef='vir', mass='Mass', position='Position', velocity='Velocity')[source]

A wrapper CatalogSource of halo objects to interface nicely with halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog.

  • source (CatalogSource) – the source holding the particles to be interpreted as halos
  • cosmo (Cosmology) – the cosmology instance;
  • redshift (float) – the redshift of the halo catalog
  • mdef (str, optional) – string specifying mass definition, used for computing default halo radii and concentration; should be ‘vir’ or ‘XXXc’ or ‘XXXm’ where ‘XXX’ is an int specifying the overdensity
  • mass (str, optional) – the column name specifying the mass of each halo
  • position (str, optional) – the column name specifying the position of each halo
  • velocity (str, optional) – the column name specifying the velocity of each halo


Index The attribute giving the global index rank of each particle in the list.
attrs A dictionary storing relevant meta-data about the CatalogSource.
columns All columns in the CatalogSource, including those hard-coded into the class’s defintion and override columns provided by the user.
csize The total, collective size of the CatalogSource, i.e., summed across all ranks.
hardcolumns A list of the hard-coded columns in the CatalogSource.
size The number of objects in the CatalogSource on the local rank.
use_cache If set to True, use the built-in caching features of dask to cache data in memory.


Concentration() The halo concentration, computed using nbodykit.transform.HaloConcentration().
Mass() The halo mass column, assumed to be in units of \(M_\odot/h\).
Position() The halo position column, assumed to be in units of \(\mathrm{Mpc}/h\).
Radius() The halo radius, computed using nbodykit.transform.HaloRadius().
Selection() A boolean column that selects a subset slice of the CatalogSource.
Value() When interpolating a CatalogSource on to a mesh, the value of this array is used as the Value that each particle contributes to a given mesh cell.
Velocity() The halo velocity column, assumed to be in units of km/s.
VelocityOffset() The redshift-space distance offset due to the velocity in units of distance.
Weight() The column giving the weight to use for each particle on the mesh.
compute(*args, **kwargs) Our version of dask.compute() that computes multiple delayed dask collections at once.
copy() Return a shallow copy of the object, where each column is a reference of the corresponding column in self.
get_hardcolumn(col) Construct and return a hard-coded column.
gslice(start, stop[, end, redistribute]) Execute a global slice of a CatalogSource.
make_column(array) Utility function to convert an array-like object to a dask.array.Array.
read(columns) Return the requested columns as dask arrays.
save(output, columns[, datasets, header]) Save the CatalogSource to a bigfile.BigFile.
sort(keys[, reverse, usecols]) Return a CatalogSource, sorted globally across all MPI ranks in ascending order by the input keys.
to_halotools([BoxSize, selection]) Return the CatalogSource as a halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog.
to_mesh([Nmesh, BoxSize, dtype, interlaced, …]) Convert the CatalogSource to a MeshSource, using the specified parameters.
view([type]) Return a “view” of the CatalogSource object, with the returned type set by type.

The halo concentration, computed using nbodykit.transform.HaloConcentration().

This uses the analytic formulas for concentration from Dutton and Maccio 2014.


The halo mass column, assumed to be in units of \(M_\odot/h\).


The halo position column, assumed to be in units of \(\mathrm{Mpc}/h\).


The halo radius, computed using nbodykit.transform.HaloRadius().

Assumed units of \(\mathrm{Mpc}/h\).


The halo velocity column, assumed to be in units of km/s.


The redshift-space distance offset due to the velocity in units of distance. The assumed units are \(\mathrm{Mpc}/h\).

This multiplies Velocity by \(1 / (a 100 E(z)) = 1 / (a H(z)/h)\).

to_halotools(BoxSize=None, selection='Selection')[source]

Return the CatalogSource as a halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog.

The Halotools catalog only holds the local data, although halos are labeled via the halo_id column using the global index.

  • BoxSize (float, array_like, optional) – the size of the box; note that anisotropic boxes are currently not supported by halotools
  • selection (str, optional) – the name of the column to slice the data on before converting to a halotools catalog

cat – the Halotools halo catalog, storing the local halo data

Return type:
