Source code for nbodykit.source.catalog.halos

from nbodykit.base.catalog import CatalogSource, column
from nbodykit import transform
import numpy

[docs]class HaloCatalog(CatalogSource): """ A wrapper CatalogSource of halo objects to interface nicely with :class:`halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog`. Parameters ---------- source : CatalogSource the source holding the particles to be interpreted as halos cosmo : :class:`~nbodykit.cosmology.core.Cosmology` the cosmology instance; redshift : float the redshift of the halo catalog mdef : str, optional string specifying mass definition, used for computing default halo radii and concentration; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or 'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity mass : str, optional the column name specifying the mass of each halo position : str, optional the column name specifying the position of each halo velocity : str, optional the column name specifying the velocity of each halo """ def __init__(self, source, cosmo, redshift, mdef='vir', mass='Mass', position='Position', velocity='Velocity'): # make sure all of the columns are there for name, col in zip(['mass', 'position', 'velocity'], [mass, position, velocity]): if col is None: raise ValueError("the %s column cannot be None in HaloCatalog" %name) if col not in source: raise ValueError("input source is missing the %s column; '%s' does not exist" %(name, col)) comm = source.comm self._source = source self.cosmo = cosmo # get the attrs from the source self.attrs.update(source.attrs) # and save the parameters self.attrs['redshift'] = redshift self.attrs['mass'] = mass self.attrs['velocity'] = velocity self.attrs['position'] = position self.attrs['mdef'] = mdef # the size self._size = self._source.size # init the base class CatalogSource.__init__(self, comm=comm, use_cache=False)
[docs] @column def Mass(self): """ The halo mass column, assumed to be in units of :math:`M_\odot/h`. """ return self.make_column(self._source[self.attrs['mass']])
[docs] @column def Position(self): """ The halo position column, assumed to be in units of :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}/h`. """ return self.make_column(self._source[self.attrs['position']])
[docs] @column def Velocity(self): """ The halo velocity column, assumed to be in units of km/s. """ return self.make_column(self._source[self.attrs['velocity']])
[docs] @column def VelocityOffset(self): """ The redshift-space distance offset due to the velocity in units of distance. The assumed units are :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}/h`. This multiplies ``Velocity`` by :math:`1 / (a 100 E(z)) = 1 / (a H(z)/h)`. """ z = self.attrs['redshift'] rsd_factor = (1+z) / (100*self.cosmo.efunc(z)) return self['Velocity'] * rsd_factor
[docs] @column def Concentration(self): """ The halo concentration, computed using :func:`nbodykit.transform.HaloConcentration`. This uses the analytic formulas for concentration from `Dutton and Maccio 2014 <>`_. """ z = self.attrs['redshift'] mdef = self.attrs['mdef'] return transform.HaloConcentration(self['Mass'], self.cosmo, z, mdef=mdef)
[docs] @column def Radius(self): """ The halo radius, computed using :func:`nbodykit.transform.HaloRadius`. Assumed units of :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}/h`. """ z = self.attrs['redshift'] mdef = self.attrs['mdef'] return transform.HaloRadius(self['Mass'], self.cosmo, z, mdef=mdef)
[docs] def to_halotools(self, BoxSize=None, selection='Selection'): """ Return the CatalogSource as a :class:`halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog`. The Halotools catalog only holds the local data, although halos are labeled via the ``halo_id`` column using the global index. Parameters ---------- BoxSize : float, array_like, optional the size of the box; note that anisotropic boxes are currently not supported by halotools selection : str, optional the name of the column to slice the data on before converting to a halotools catalog Returns ------- cat : :class:`halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog` the Halotools halo catalog, storing the local halo data """ from halotools.sim_manager import UserSuppliedHaloCatalog from halotools.empirical_models import model_defaults # make sure we have at least one halo if self.csize == 0: raise ValueError("cannot create halotools UserSuppliedHaloCatalog; catalog is empty") # make sure we have a BoxSize if BoxSize is None: BoxSize = self.attrs.get('BoxSize', None) if BoxSize is None: raise ValueError("please specify a 'BoxSize' to convert to a halotools catalog") # anisotropic boxes not yet supported if not numpy.isscalar(BoxSize): BoxSize = numpy.asarray(BoxSize) if not (BoxSize == BoxSize[0]).all(): raise ValueError("halotools does not currently support anisotropic boxes; see astropy/halotools#641") else: BoxSize = BoxSize[0] assert selection in self, "'%s' selection column is not valid" %selection # compute the columns sel = self.compute(self[selection]) cols = ['Position', 'Velocity', 'Mass', 'Radius', 'Concentration'] cols = self.compute(*[self[col][sel] for col in cols]) Position, Velocity, Mass, Radius, Concen = [col for col in cols] # names of the mass and radius fields, based on mass def mkey = model_defaults.get_halo_mass_key(self.attrs['mdef']) rkey = model_defaults.get_halo_boundary_key(self.attrs['mdef']) # global halo ids (across all ranks) sizes = self.comm.allgather(self.size) start = sum(sizes[:self.comm.rank]) halo_id = numpy.arange(start, start+self.size, dtype='i8')[sel] # data columns kws = {} kws['halo_x'] = Position[:,0] kws['halo_y'] = Position[:,1] kws['halo_z'] = Position[:,2] kws['halo_vx'] = Velocity[:,0] kws['halo_vy'] = Velocity[:,1] kws['halo_vz'] = Velocity[:,2] kws[mkey] = Mass kws[rkey] = Radius kws['halo_nfw_conc'] = Concen kws['halo_id'] = halo_id kws['halo_upid'] = numpy.zeros(len(Position)) - 1 kws['halo_local_id'] = numpy.arange(0, self.size, dtype='i8')[sel] # add metadata too kws['cosmology'] = self.cosmo kws['redshift'] = self.attrs['redshift'] kws['Lbox'] = BoxSize kws['particle_mass'] = self.attrs.get('particle_mass', 1.0) kws['mdef'] = self.attrs['mdef'] return UserSuppliedHaloCatalog(**kws)