

FKPCatalog(data, randoms[, BoxSize, BoxPad, …]) An interface for simultaneous modeling of a data CatalogSource and a randoms CatalogSource, in the spirit of Feldman, Kaiser, and Peacock, 1994.
class nbodykit.source.catalog.fkp.FKPCatalog(data, randoms, BoxSize=None, BoxPad=0.02, use_cache=True)[source]

An interface for simultaneous modeling of a data CatalogSource and a randoms CatalogSource, in the spirit of Feldman, Kaiser, and Peacock, 1994.

This main functionality of this class is:

  • provide a uniform interface to accessing columns from the data CatalogSource and randoms CatalogSource, using column names prefixed with “data/” or “randoms/”
  • compute the shared BoxSize of the source, by finding the maximum Cartesian extent of the randoms
  • provide an interface to a mesh object, which knows how to paint the FKP density field from the data and randoms
  • data (CatalogSource) – the CatalogSource of particles representing the data catalog
  • randoms (CatalogSource) – the CatalogSource of particles representing the randoms catalog
  • BoxSize (float, 3-vector, optional) – the size of the Cartesian box to use for the unified data and randoms; if not provided, the maximum Cartesian extent of the randoms defines the box
  • BoxPad (float, 3-vector, optional) – optionally apply this additional buffer to the extent of the Cartesian box
  • use_cache (bool, optional) – if True, use the built-in dask cache system to cache data, providing significant speed-ups; requires cachey



attrs A dictionary storing relevant meta-data about the CatalogSource.
columns Columns for individual species can be accessed using a species/ prefix and the column name, i.e., data/Position.
hardcolumns Hardcolumn of the form species/name
species List of species names
use_cache If set to True, use the built-in caching features of dask to cache data in memory.


compute(*args, **kwargs) Our version of dask.compute() that computes multiple delayed dask collections at once.
copy() Return a shallow copy of the object, where each column is a reference of the corresponding column in self.
get_hardcolumn(col) Construct and return a hard-coded column.
make_column(array) Utility function to convert an array-like object to a dask.array.Array.
read(columns) Return the requested columns as dask arrays.
save(output, columns[, datasets, header]) Save the CatalogSource to a bigfile.BigFile.
to_mesh([Nmesh, BoxSize, dtype, interlaced, …]) Convert the FKPCatalog to a mesh, which knows how to “paint” the FKP density field.
view([type]) Return a “view” of the CatalogSource object, with the returned type set by type.
to_mesh(Nmesh=None, BoxSize=None, dtype='f4', interlaced=False, compensated=False, window='cic', fkp_weight='FKPWeight', comp_weight='Weight', nbar='NZ', selection='Selection', position='Position')[source]

Convert the FKPCatalog to a mesh, which knows how to “paint” the FKP density field.

Additional keywords to the to_mesh() function include the FKP weight column, completeness weight column, and the column specifying the number density as a function of redshift.

  • Nmesh (int, 3-vector, optional) – the number of cells per box side; if not specified in attrs, this must be provided
  • BoxSize (float, 3-vector, optional) – the size of the box; if provided, this will use the default value in attrs
  • dtype (str, dtype, optional) – the data type of the mesh when painting
  • interlaced (bool, optional) – whether to use interlacing to reduce aliasing when painting the particles on the mesh
  • compensated (bool, optional) – whether to apply a Fourier-space transfer function to account for the effects of the gridding + aliasing
  • window (str, optional) – the string name of the window to use when interpolating the particles to the mesh; see pmesh.window.methods for choices
  • fkp_weight (str, optional) – the name of the column in the source specifying the FKP weight; this weight is applied to the FKP density field: n_data - alpha*n_randoms
  • comp_weight (str, optional) – the name of the column in the source specifying the completeness weight; this weight is applied to the individual fields, either n_data or n_random
  • selection (str, optional) – the name of the column used to select a subset of the source when painting
  • nbar (str, optional) – the name of the column specifying the number density as a function of redshift
  • position (str, optional) – the name of the column that specifies the position data of the objects in the catalog