Source code for nbodykit.source.catalog.fkp

from nbodykit.source.catalog.species import MultipleSpeciesCatalog
from nbodykit.transform import ConstantArray

import numpy
import logging

[docs]class FKPCatalog(MultipleSpeciesCatalog): """ An interface for simultaneous modeling of a ``data`` CatalogSource and a ``randoms`` CatalogSource, in the spirit of `Feldman, Kaiser, and Peacock, 1994 <>`_. This main functionality of this class is: * provide a uniform interface to accessing columns from the ``data`` CatalogSource and ``randoms`` CatalogSource, using column names prefixed with "data/" or "randoms/" * compute the shared :attr:`BoxSize` of the source, by finding the maximum Cartesian extent of the ``randoms`` * provide an interface to a mesh object, which knows how to paint the FKP density field from the ``data`` and ``randoms`` Parameters ---------- data : CatalogSource the CatalogSource of particles representing the `data` catalog randoms : CatalogSource the CatalogSource of particles representing the `randoms` catalog BoxSize : float, 3-vector, optional the size of the Cartesian box to use for the unified `data` and `randoms`; if not provided, the maximum Cartesian extent of the `randoms` defines the box BoxPad : float, 3-vector, optional optionally apply this additional buffer to the extent of the Cartesian box use_cache : bool, optional if ``True``, use the built-in dask cache system to cache data, providing significant speed-ups; requires :mod:`cachey` References ---------- - `Feldman, Kaiser, and Peacock, 1994 <>`__ """ logger = logging.getLogger('FKPCatalog') def __repr__(self): return "FKPCatalog(species=%s)" %str(self.attrs['species']) def __init__(self, data, randoms, BoxSize=None, BoxPad=0.02, use_cache=True): # init the base class MultipleSpeciesCatalog.__init__(self, ['data', 'randoms'], data, randoms) # add a default FKP weight columns, if it doesnt exist for i, name in enumerate(self.species): if 'FKPWeight' not in self[name]: self[name]['FKPWeight'] = 1.0 # unity by default # determine the BoxSize if numpy.isscalar(BoxSize): BoxSize = numpy.ones(3)*BoxSize self.attrs['BoxSize'] = BoxSize if numpy.isscalar(BoxPad): BoxPad = numpy.ones(3)*BoxPad self.attrs['BoxPad'] = BoxPad def _define_cartesian_box(self, position, selection): """ Internal function to put the :attr:`randoms` CatalogSource in a Cartesian box. This function add two necessary attribues: #. :attr:`BoxSize` : array_like, (3,) if not provided, the BoxSize in each direction is computed from the maximum extent of the Cartesian coordinates of the :attr:`randoms` Source, with an optional, additional padding #. :attr:`BoxCenter`: array_like, (3,) the mean coordinate value in each direction; this is used to re-center the Cartesian coordinates of the :attr:`data` and :attr:`randoms` to the range of ``[-BoxSize/2, BoxSize/2]`` """ from nbodykit.utils import get_data_bounds # the position and selection columns of the randoms catalog sel = self.compute(self['randoms'][selection]) pos = self['randoms'][position][sel] # the min/max of the position data pos_min, pos_max = get_data_bounds(self.compute(pos), self.comm) # used to center the data in the first cartesian quadrant delta = abs(pos_max - pos_min) self.attrs['BoxCenter'] = 0.5 * (pos_min + pos_max) # BoxSize is padded diff of min/max coordinates if self.attrs['BoxSize'] is None: delta *= 1.0 + self.attrs['BoxPad'] self.attrs['BoxSize'] = numpy.ceil(delta) # round up to nearest integer # log some info if self.comm.rank == 0:"BoxSize = %s" %str(self.attrs['BoxSize']))"cartesian coordinate range: %s : %s" %(str(pos_min), str(pos_max)))"BoxCenter = %s" %str(self.attrs['BoxCenter']))
[docs] def to_mesh(self, Nmesh=None, BoxSize=None, dtype='f4', interlaced=False, compensated=False, window='cic', fkp_weight='FKPWeight', comp_weight='Weight', nbar='NZ', selection='Selection', position='Position'): """ Convert the FKPCatalog to a mesh, which knows how to "paint" the FKP density field. Additional keywords to the :func:`to_mesh` function include the FKP weight column, completeness weight column, and the column specifying the number density as a function of redshift. Parameters ---------- Nmesh : int, 3-vector, optional the number of cells per box side; if not specified in `attrs`, this must be provided BoxSize : float, 3-vector, optional the size of the box; if provided, this will use the default value in `attrs` dtype : str, dtype, optional the data type of the mesh when painting interlaced : bool, optional whether to use interlacing to reduce aliasing when painting the particles on the mesh compensated : bool, optional whether to apply a Fourier-space transfer function to account for the effects of the gridding + aliasing window : str, optional the string name of the window to use when interpolating the particles to the mesh; see ``pmesh.window.methods`` for choices fkp_weight : str, optional the name of the column in the source specifying the FKP weight; this weight is applied to the FKP density field: ``n_data - alpha*n_randoms`` comp_weight : str, optional the name of the column in the source specifying the completeness weight; this weight is applied to the individual fields, either ``n_data`` or ``n_random`` selection : str, optional the name of the column used to select a subset of the source when painting nbar : str, optional the name of the column specifying the number density as a function of redshift position : str, optional the name of the column that specifies the position data of the objects in the catalog """ from nbodykit.source.catalogmesh import FKPCatalogMesh # verify that all of the required columns exist for name in self.species: for col in [fkp_weight, comp_weight, nbar]: if col not in self[name]: raise ValueError("the '%s' species is missing the '%s' column" %(name, col)) if Nmesh is None: try: Nmesh = self.attrs['Nmesh'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("cannot convert FKP source to a mesh; 'Nmesh' keyword is not " "supplied and the FKP source does not define one in 'attrs'.") # first, define the Cartesian box self._define_cartesian_box(position, selection) if BoxSize is None: BoxSize = self.attrs['BoxSize'] # initialize the FKP mesh kws = {'Nmesh':Nmesh, 'BoxSize':BoxSize, 'dtype':dtype, 'selection':selection} return FKPCatalogMesh(self, nbar=nbar, comp_weight=comp_weight, fkp_weight=fkp_weight, position=position, value='Value', interlaced=interlaced, compensated=compensated, window=window, **kws)