Source code for nbodykit.utils

import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
import warnings
import functools
import contextlib
import os, sys

[docs]def get_data_bounds(data, comm): """ Return the global minimum/maximum of a numpy array along the first axis. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray the data to find the bounds of comm : the MPI communicator Returns ------- min, max : the min/max of ``data`` """ assert isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) # min/max dmin = numpy.ones(data.shape[1:]) * (numpy.inf) dmax = numpy.ones_like(dmin) * (-numpy.inf) if len(data): dmin = data.min(axis=0) dmax = data.max(axis=0) # global min/max across all ranks dmin = numpy.asarray(comm.allgather(dmin)).min(axis=0) dmax = numpy.asarray(comm.allgather(dmax)).max(axis=0) return dmin, dmax
[docs]def split_size_3d(s): """ Split `s` into three integers, a, b, c, such that a * b * c == s and a <= b <= c Parameters ----------- s : int integer to split Returns ------- a, b, c: int integers such that a * b * c == s and a <= b <= c """ a = int(s** 0.3333333) + 1 d = s while a > 1: if s % a == 0: s = s // a break a = a - 1 b = int(s ** 0.5) + 1 while b > 1: if s % b == 0: s = s // b break b = b - 1 c = s return a, b, c
[docs]def deprecate(name, alternative, alt_name=None): """ This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emmitted when the function is used. """ alt_name = alt_name or alternative.__name__ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("%s is deprecated. Use %s instead" % (name, alt_name), FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return alternative(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def GatherArray(data, comm, root=0): """ Gather the input data array from all ranks to the specified ``root``. This uses `Gatherv`, which avoids mpi4py pickling, and also avoids the 2 GB mpi4py limit for bytes using a custom datatype Parameters ---------- data : array_like the data on each rank to gather comm : MPI communicator the MPI communicator root : int the rank number to gather the data to Returns ------- recvbuffer : array_like, None the gathered data on root, and `None` otherwise """ if not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("`data` must by numpy array in GatherArray") # need C-contiguous order if not data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: data = numpy.ascontiguousarray(data) local_length = data.shape[0] # check dtypes and shapes shapes = comm.gather(data.shape, root=root) dtypes = comm.allgather(data.dtype) # check for structured data if dtypes[0].char == 'V': # check for structured data mismatch names = set(dtypes[0].names) if any(set(dt.names) != names for dt in dtypes[1:]): raise ValueError("mismatch between data type fields in structured data") # check for 'O' data types if any(dtypes[0][name] == 'O' for name in dtypes[0].names): raise ValueError("object data types ('O') not allowed in structured data in GatherArray") # compute the new shape for each rank newlength = comm.allreduce(local_length) newshape = list(data.shape) newshape[0] = newlength # the return array if comm.rank == root: recvbuffer = numpy.empty(newshape, dtype=dtypes[0], order='C') else: recvbuffer = None for name in dtypes[0].names: d = GatherArray(data[name], comm, root=root) if comm.rank == 0: recvbuffer[name] = d return recvbuffer # check for 'O' data types if dtypes[0] == 'O': raise ValueError("object data types ('O') not allowed in structured data in GatherArray") # check for bad dtypes and bad shapes if comm.rank == root: bad_shape = any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes[1:]) bad_dtype = any(dt != dtypes[0] for dt in dtypes[1:]) else: bad_shape = None; bad_dtype = None bad_shape, bad_dtype = comm.bcast((bad_shape, bad_dtype)) if bad_shape: raise ValueError("mismatch between shape[1:] across ranks in GatherArray") if bad_dtype: raise ValueError("mismatch between dtypes across ranks in GatherArray") shape = data.shape dtype = data.dtype # setup the custom dtype duplicity = numpy.product(numpy.array(shape[1:], 'intp')) itemsize = duplicity * dtype.itemsize dt = MPI.BYTE.Create_contiguous(itemsize) dt.Commit() # compute the new shape for each rank newlength = comm.allreduce(local_length) newshape = list(shape) newshape[0] = newlength # the return array if comm.rank == root: recvbuffer = numpy.empty(newshape, dtype=dtype, order='C') else: recvbuffer = None # the recv counts counts = comm.allgather(local_length) counts = numpy.array(counts, order='C') # the recv offsets offsets = numpy.zeros_like(counts, order='C') offsets[1:] = counts.cumsum()[:-1] # gather to root comm.Barrier() comm.Gatherv([data, dt], [recvbuffer, (counts, offsets), dt], root=root) dt.Free() return recvbuffer
[docs]def ScatterArray(data, comm, root=0, counts=None): """ Scatter the input data array across all ranks, assuming `data` is initially only on `root` (and `None` on other ranks). This uses ``Scatterv``, which avoids mpi4py pickling, and also avoids the 2 GB mpi4py limit for bytes using a custom datatype Parameters ---------- data : array_like or None on `root`, this gives the data to split and scatter comm : MPI communicator the MPI communicator root : int the rank number that initially has the data counts : list of int list of the lengths of data to send to each rank Returns ------- recvbuffer : array_like the chunk of `data` that each rank gets """ import logging if counts is not None: counts = numpy.asarray(counts, order='C') if len(counts) != comm.size: raise ValueError("counts array has wrong length!") # check for bad input if comm.rank == root: bad_input = not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) else: bad_input = None bad_input = comm.bcast(bad_input) if bad_input: raise ValueError("`data` must by numpy array on root in ScatterArray") if comm.rank == 0: # need C-contiguous order if not data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: data = numpy.ascontiguousarray(data) shape_and_dtype = (data.shape, data.dtype) else: shape_and_dtype = None # each rank needs shape/dtype of input data shape, dtype = comm.bcast(shape_and_dtype) # object dtype is not supported fail = False if dtype.char == 'V': fail = any(dtype[name] == 'O' for name in dtype.names) else: fail = dtype == 'O' if fail: raise ValueError("'object' data type not supported in ScatterArray; please specify specific data type") # initialize empty data on non-root ranks if comm.rank != root: np_dtype = numpy.dtype((dtype, shape[1:])) data = numpy.empty(0, dtype=np_dtype) # setup the custom dtype duplicity = numpy.product(numpy.array(shape[1:], 'intp')) itemsize = duplicity * dtype.itemsize dt = MPI.BYTE.Create_contiguous(itemsize) dt.Commit() # compute the new shape for each rank newshape = list(shape) if counts is None: newlength = shape[0] // comm.size if comm.rank < shape[0] % comm.size: newlength += 1 newshape[0] = newlength else: if counts.sum() != shape[0]: raise ValueError("the sum of the `counts` array needs to be equal to data length") newshape[0] = counts[comm.rank] # the return array recvbuffer = numpy.empty(newshape, dtype=dtype, order='C') # the send counts, if not provided if counts is None: counts = comm.allgather(newlength) counts = numpy.array(counts, order='C') # the send offsets offsets = numpy.zeros_like(counts, order='C') offsets[1:] = counts.cumsum()[:-1] # do the scatter comm.Barrier() comm.Scatterv([data, (counts, offsets), dt], [recvbuffer, dt]) dt.Free() return recvbuffer
def attrs_to_dict(obj, prefix): if not hasattr(obj, 'attrs'): return {} d = {} for key, value in obj.attrs.items(): d[prefix + key] = value return d import json from astropy.units import Quantity, Unit from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology
[docs]class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ A subclass of :class:`json.JSONEncoder` that can also handle numpy arrays, complex values, and :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` objects. """ def default(self, obj): # Cosmology object if isinstance(obj, Cosmology): d = {} d['__cosmo__'] = return d # astropy quantity if isinstance(obj, Quantity): d = {} d['__unit__'] = str(obj.unit) value = obj.value if obj.size > 1: d['__dtype__'] = value.dtype.str if value.dtype.names is None else value.dtype.descr d['__shape__'] = value.shape value = value.tolist() d['__data__'] = value return d # complex values elif isinstance(obj, complex): return {'__complex__': [obj.real, obj.imag ]} # numpy arrays elif isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray): value = obj dtype = obj.dtype d = { '__dtype__' : dtype.str if dtype.names is None else dtype.descr, '__shape__' : value.shape, '__data__': value.tolist(), } return d # explicity convert numpy data types to python types # see: elif isinstance(obj, numpy.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, numpy.integer): return int(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]class JSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """ A subclass of :class:`json.JSONDecoder` that can also handle numpy arrays, complex values, and :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` objects. """ @staticmethod def hook(value): def fixdtype(dtype): if isinstance(dtype, list): true_dtype = [] for field in dtype: if len(field) == 3: true_dtype.append((str(field[0]), str(field[1]), field[2])) if len(field) == 2: true_dtype.append((str(field[0]), str(field[1]))) return true_dtype return dtype def fixdata(data, N, dtype): if not isinstance(dtype, list): return data # for structured array, # the last dimension shall be a tuple if N > 0: return [fixdata(i, N - 1, dtype) for i in data] else: assert len(data) == len(dtype) return tuple(data) d = None if '__dtype__' in value: dtype = fixdtype(value['__dtype__']) shape = value['__shape__'] a = fixdata(value['__data__'], len(shape), dtype) d = numpy.array(a, dtype=dtype) if '__unit__' in value: if d is None: d = value['__data__'] d = Quantity(d, Unit(value['__unit__'])) if '__cosmo__' in value: d = Cosmology.from_dict(value['__cosmo__']) if d is not None: return d if '__complex__' in value: real, imag = value['__complex__'] return real + 1j * imag return value def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['object_hook'] = JSONDecoder.hook json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def timer(start, end): """ Utility function to return a string representing the elapsed time, as computed from the input start and end times Parameters ---------- start : int the start time in seconds end : int the end time in seconds Returns ------- str : the elapsed time as a string, using the format `hours:minutes:seconds` """ hours, rem = divmod(end-start, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60) return "{:0>2}:{:0>2}:{:05.2f}".format(int(hours),int(minutes),seconds)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def captured_output(comm, root=0): """ Re-direct stdout and stderr to null for every rank but ``root`` """ # keep output on root if root is not None and comm.rank == root: yield sys.stdout, sys.stderr else: from six.moves import StringIO from nbodykit.extern.wurlitzer import sys_pipes # redirect stdout and stderr old_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO() old_stderr, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO() try: with sys_pipes() as (out, err): yield out, err finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr