Source code for nbodykit.transform

import numpy
import dask.array as da
from six import string_types
from nbodykit.utils import deprecate

[docs]def StackColumns(*cols): """ Stack the input dask arrays vertically, column by column. This uses :func:`dask.array.vstack`. Parameters ---------- *cols : :class:`dask.array.Array` the dask arrays to stack vertically together Returns ------- :class:`dask.array.Array` : the dask array where columns correspond to the input arrays Raises ------ TypeError If the input columns are not dask arrays """ if not all(isinstance(col, da.Array) for col in cols): raise TypeError("all input columns in `vstack` must be dask arrays") return da.vstack(cols).T
[docs]def ConcatenateSources(*sources, **kwargs): """ Concatenate CatalogSource objects together, optionally including only certain columns in the returned source. .. note:: The returned catalog object carries the meta-data from only the first catalog supplied to this function (in the ``attrs`` dict). Parameters ---------- *sources : subclass of :class:`~nbodykit.base.catalog.CatalogSource` the catalog source objects to concatenate together columns : str, list of str, optional the columns to include in the concatenated catalog Returns ------- CatalogSource : the concatenated catalog source object Examples -------- >>> from nbodykit.lab import * >>> source1 = UniformCatalog(nbar=100, BoxSize=1.0) >>> source2 = UniformCatalog(nbar=100, BoxSize=1.0) >>> print(source1.csize, source2.csize) >>> combined = transform.ConcatenateSources(source1, source2, columns=['Position', 'Velocity']) >>> print(combined.csize) """ from nbodykit.base.catalog import CatalogSource columns = kwargs.get('columns', None) if isinstance(columns, string_types): columns = [columns] # concatenate all columns, if none provided if columns is None or columns == []: columns = sources[0].columns # check comms if not all(src.comm == sources[0].comm for src in sources): raise ValueError("cannot concatenate sources: comm mismatch") # check all columns are there for source in sources: if not all(col in source for col in columns): raise ValueError(("cannot concatenate sources: columns are missing " "from some sources")) # the total size size = sum(src.size for src in sources) data = {} for col in columns: data[col] = da.concatenate([src[col] for src in sources], axis=0) toret = CatalogSource._from_columns(size, sources[0].comm, use_cache=sources[0].use_cache, **data) toret.attrs.update(sources[0].attrs) return toret
[docs]def ConstantArray(value, size, chunks=100000): """ Return a dask array of the specified ``size`` holding a single value. This uses numpy's "stride tricks" to avoid replicating the data in memory for each element of the array. Parameters ---------- value : float the scalar value to fill the array with size : int the length of the returned dask array chunks : int, optional the size of the dask array chunks """ ele = numpy.array(value) toret = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(ele, [size] + list(ele.shape), [0] + list(ele.strides)) return da.from_array(toret, chunks=chunks)
[docs]def SkyToUnitSphere(ra, dec, degrees=True): """ Convert sky coordinates (``ra``, ``dec``) to Cartesian coordinates on the unit sphere. Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`dask.array.Array`; shape: (N,) the right ascension angular coordinate dec : :class:`dask.array.Array`; ; shape: (N,) the declination angular coordinate degrees : bool, optional specifies whether ``ra`` and ``dec`` are in degrees or radians Returns ------- pos : :class:`dask.array.Array`; shape: (N,3) the cartesian position coordinates, where columns represent ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` Raises ------ TypeError If the input columns are not dask arrays """ if not all(isinstance(col, da.Array) for col in [ra, dec]): raise TypeError("both ``ra`` and ``dec`` must be dask arrays") # put into radians from degrees if degrees: ra = da.deg2rad(ra) dec = da.deg2rad(dec) # cartesian coordinates x = da.cos( dec ) * da.cos( ra ) y = da.cos( dec ) * da.sin( ra ) z = da.sin( dec ) return da.vstack([x,y,z]).T
[docs]def SkyToCartesian(ra, dec, redshift, cosmo, degrees=True): """ Convert sky coordinates (``ra``, ``dec``, ``redshift``) to a Cartesian ``Position`` column. .. warning:: The returned Cartesian position is in units of Mpc/h. Parameters ----------- ra : :class:`dask.array.Array`; shape: (N,) the right ascension angular coordinate dec : :class:`dask.array.Array`; shape: (N,) the declination angular coordinate redshift : :class:`dask.array.Array`; shape: (N,) the redshift coordinate cosmo : :class:`~nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` the cosmology used to meausre the comoving distance from ``redshift`` degrees : bool, optional specifies whether ``ra`` and ``dec`` are in degrees Returns ------- pos : :class:`dask.array.Array`; shape: (N,3) the cartesian position coordinates, where columns represent ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` in units of Mpc/h Raises ------ TypeError If the input columns are not dask arrays """ if not all(isinstance(col, da.Array) for col in [ra, dec, redshift]): raise TypeError("input ra, dec, and redshift objects must be dask arrays") # pos on the unit sphere pos = SkyToUnitSphere(ra, dec, degrees=degrees) # multiply by the comoving distance in Mpc/h r = redshift.map_blocks(lambda z: cosmo.comoving_distance(z), dtype=redshift.dtype) return r[:,None] * pos
[docs]def HaloConcentration(mass, cosmo, redshift, mdef='vir'): """ Return halo concentration from halo mass, based on the analytic fitting formulas presented in `Dutton and Maccio 2014 <>`_. .. note:: The units of the input mass are assumed to be :math:`M_{\odot}/h` Parameters ---------- mass : array_like either a numpy or dask array specifying the halo mass; units assumed to be :math:`M_{\odot}/h` cosmo : :class:`~nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` the cosmology instance used in the analytic formula redshift : float compute the c(M) relation at this redshift mdef : str, optional string specifying the halo mass definition to use; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or 'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity Returns ------- concen : :class:`dask.array.Array` a dask array holding the analytic concentration values References ---------- Dutton and Maccio, "Cold dark matter haloes in the Planck era: evolution of structural parameters for Einasto and NFW profiles", 2014, arxiv:1402.7073 """ from halotools.empirical_models import NFWProfile if not isinstance(mass, da.Array): mass = da.from_array(mass, chunks=100000) # initialize the model kws = {'cosmology':cosmo.to_astropy(), 'conc_mass_model':'dutton_maccio14', 'mdef':mdef, 'redshift':redshift} model = NFWProfile(**kws) return mass.map_blocks(lambda mass: model.conc_NFWmodel(prim_haloprop=mass), dtype=mass.dtype)
[docs]def HaloRadius(mass, cosmo, redshift, mdef='vir'): r""" Return halo radius from halo mass, based on the specified mass definition. This is independent of halo profile, and simply returns .. math:: R = \left [ 3 M /(4\pi\Delta) \right]^{1/3} where :math:`\Delta` is the density threshold, which depends on cosmology, redshift, and mass definition .. note:: The units of the input mass are assumed to be :math:`M_{\odot}/h` Parameters ---------- mass : array_like either a numpy or dask array specifying the halo mass; units assumed to be :math:`M_{\odot}/h` cosmo : :class:`~nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` the cosmology instance redshift : float compute the density threshold which determines the R(M) relation at this redshift mdef : str, optional string specifying the halo mass definition to use; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or 'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity Returns ------- radius : :class:`dask.array.Array` a dask array holding the halo radius """ from halotools.empirical_models import halo_mass_to_halo_radius if not isinstance(mass, da.Array): mass = da.from_array(mass, chunks=100000) kws = {'cosmology':cosmo.to_astropy(), 'mdef':mdef, 'redshift':redshift} return mass.map_blocks(lambda mass: halo_mass_to_halo_radius(mass=mass, **kws), dtype=mass.dtype)
# deprecated functions vstack = deprecate("nbodykit.transform.vstack", StackColumns, "nbodykit.transform.StackColumns") concatenate = deprecate("nbodykit.transform.concatenate", ConcatenateSources, "nbodykit.transform.ConcatenateSources") SkyToCartesion = deprecate("nbodykit.transform.SkyToCartesion", SkyToCartesian, "nbodykit.transform.SkyToCartesian")