Source code for nbodykit.batch

import os
import traceback
import logging
import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm

[docs]def split_ranks(N_ranks, N, include_all=False): """ Divide the ranks into chunks, attempting to have `N` ranks in each chunk. This removes the master (0) rank, such that `N_ranks - 1` ranks are available to be grouped Parameters ---------- N_ranks : int the total number of ranks available N : int the desired number of ranks per worker include_all : bool, optional if `True`, then do not force each group to have exactly `N` ranks, instead including the remainder as well; default is `False` """ available = list(range(1, N_ranks)) # available ranks to do work total = len(available) extra_ranks = total % N if include_all: for i, chunk in enumerate(numpy.array_split(available, max(total//N, 1))): yield i, list(chunk) else: for i in range(total//N): yield i, available[i*N:(i+1)*N] i = total // N if extra_ranks and extra_ranks >= N//2: remove = extra_ranks % 2 # make it an even number ranks = available[-extra_ranks:] if remove: ranks = ranks[:-remove] if len(ranks): yield i+1, ranks
[docs]def enum(*sequential, **named): """ Enumeration values to serve as status tags passed between processeseee """ enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named) return type('Enum', (), enums)
[docs]class TaskManager(object): """ An MPI task manager that distributes tasks over a set of MPI processes, using a specified number of independent workers to compute each task. Given the specified number of independent workers (which compute tasks in parallel), the total number of available CPUs will be divided evenly. The main function is ``iterate`` which iterates through a set of tasks, distributing the tasks in parallel over the available ranks. Parameters ---------- cpus_per_task : int the desired number of ranks assigned to compute each task comm : MPI communicator, optional the global communicator that will be split so each worker has a subset of CPUs available; default is COMM_WORLD debug : bool, optional if `True`, set the logging level to `DEBUG`, which prints out much more information; default is `False` use_all_cpus : bool, optional if `True`, use all available CPUs, including the remainder if `cpus_per_task` is not divide the total number of CPUs evenly; default is `False` """ logger = logging.getLogger('TaskManager') @CurrentMPIComm.enable def __init__(self, cpus_per_task, comm=None, debug=False, use_all_cpus=False): if debug: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.cpus_per_task = cpus_per_task self.use_all_cpus = use_all_cpus # the base communicator self.basecomm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if comm is None else comm self.rank = self.basecomm.rank self.size = self.basecomm.size # need at least one if self.size == 1: raise ValueError("need at least two processes to use a TaskManager") # communication tags self.tags = enum('READY', 'DONE', 'EXIT', 'START') # the task communicator self.comm = None # store a MPI status self.status = MPI.Status()
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Split the base communicator such that each task gets allocated the specified number of cpus to perform the task with """ chain_ranks = [] color = 0 total_ranks = 0 nworkers = 0 # split the ranks for i, ranks in split_ranks(self.size, self.cpus_per_task, include_all=self.use_all_cpus): chain_ranks.append(ranks[0]) if self.rank in ranks: color = i+1 total_ranks += len(ranks) nworkers = nworkers + 1 self.workers = nworkers # store the total number of workers # check for no workers! if self.workers == 0: raise ValueError("no pool workers available; try setting `use_all_cpus` = True") leftover = (self.size - 1) - total_ranks if leftover and self.rank == 0: args = (self.cpus_per_task, self.size-1, leftover) self.logger.warning("with `cpus_per_task` = %d and %d available rank(s), %d rank(s) will do no work" %args) self.logger.warning("set `use_all_cpus=True` to use all available cpus") # crash if we only have one process or one worker if self.size <= self.workers: args = (self.size, self.workers+1, self.workers) raise ValueError("only have %d ranks; need at least %d to use the desired %d workers" %args) # ranks that will do work have a nonzero color now self._valid_worker = color > 0 # split the comm between the workers self.comm = self.basecomm.Split(color, 0) self.original_comm = CurrentMPIComm.get() CurrentMPIComm.set(self.comm) return self
[docs] def is_root(self): """ Is the current process the root process? Root is responsible for distributing the tasks to the other available ranks """ return self.rank == 0
[docs] def is_worker(self): """ Is the current process a valid worker? Workers wait for instructions from the master """ try: return self._valid_worker except: raise ValeuError("workers are only defined when inside the ``with TaskManager()`` context")
def _get_tasks(self): """ Internal generator that yields the next available task from a worker """ if self.is_root(): raise RuntimeError("Root rank mistakenly told to await tasks") # logging info if self.comm.rank == 0: args = (self.rank, MPI.Get_processor_name(), self.comm.size) self.logger.debug("worker master rank is %d on %s with %d processes available" %args) # continously loop and wait for instructions while True: args = None tag = -1 # have the master rank of the subcomm ask for task and then broadcast if self.comm.rank == 0: self.basecomm.send(None, dest=0, tag=self.tags.READY) args = self.basecomm.recv(source=0, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=self.status) tag = self.status.Get_tag() # bcast to everyone in the worker subcomm args = self.comm.bcast(args) # args is [task_number, task_value] tag = self.comm.bcast(tag) # yield the task if tag == self.tags.START: # yield the task value yield args # wait for everyone in task group before telling master this task is done self.comm.Barrier() if self.comm.rank == 0: self.basecomm.send([args[0], None], dest=0, tag=self.tags.DONE) # see ya later elif tag == self.tags.EXIT: break # wait for everyone in task group and exit self.comm.Barrier() if self.comm.rank == 0: self.basecomm.send(None, dest=0, tag=self.tags.EXIT) # debug logging self.logger.debug("rank %d process is done waiting" %self.rank) def _distribute_tasks(self, tasks): """ Internal function that distributes the tasks from the root to the workers """ if not self.is_root(): raise ValueError("only the root rank should distribute the tasks") ntasks = len(tasks) task_index = 0 closed_workers = 0 # logging info args = (self.workers, ntasks) self.logger.debug("master starting with %d worker(s) with %d total tasks" %args) # loop until all workers have finished with no more tasks while closed_workers < self.workers: # look for tags from the workers data = self.basecomm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=self.status) source = self.status.Get_source() tag = self.status.Get_tag() # worker is ready, so send it a task if tag == self.tags.READY: # still more tasks to compute if task_index < ntasks: this_task = [task_index, tasks[task_index]] self.basecomm.send(this_task, dest=source, tag=self.tags.START) self.logger.debug("sending task `%s` to worker %d" %(str(tasks[task_index]), source)) task_index += 1 # all tasks sent -- tell worker to exit else: self.basecomm.send(None, dest=source, tag=self.tags.EXIT) # store the results from finished tasks elif tag == self.tags.DONE: self.logger.debug("received result from worker %d" %source) # track workers that exited elif tag == self.tags.EXIT: closed_workers += 1 self.logger.debug("worker %d has exited, closed workers = %d" %(source, closed_workers))
[docs] def iterate(self, tasks): """ A generator that iterates through a series of tasks in parallel. Notes ----- This is a collective operation and should be called by all ranks Parameters ---------- tasks : iterable an iterable of `task` items that will be yielded in parallel across all ranks Yields ------- task : the individual items of `tasks`, iterated through in parallel """ # master distributes the tasks and tracks closed workers if self.is_root(): self._distribute_tasks(tasks) # workers will wait for instructions elif self.is_worker(): for tasknum, args in self._get_tasks(): yield args
[docs] def map(self, function, tasks): """ Like the built-in :func:`map` function, apply a function to all of the values in a list and return the list of results. If ``tasks`` contains tuples, the arguments are passed to ``function`` using the ``*args`` syntax Notes ----- This is a collective operation and should be called by all ranks Parameters ---------- function : callable The function to apply to the list. tasks : list The list of tasks Returns ------- results : list the list of the return values of :func:`function` """ results = [] # master distributes the tasks and tracks closed workers if self.is_root(): self._distribute_tasks(tasks) # workers will wait for instructions elif self.is_worker(): # iterate through tasks in parallel for tasknum, args in self._get_tasks(): # make function arguments consistent with *args if not isinstance(args, tuple): args = (args,) # compute the result (only worker root needs to save) result = function(*args) if self.comm.rank == 0: results.append((tasknum, result)) # put the results in the correct order results = self.basecomm.allgather(results) results = [item for sublist in results for item in sublist] return [r[1] for r in sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[0])]
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """ Exit gracefully by closing and freeing the MPI-related variables """ if exc_value is not None: trace = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=5)) self.logger.error("an exception has occurred on rank %d:\n%s" %(self.rank, trace)) # bit of hack that forces mpi4py to exit all ranks # see!topic/mpi4py/RovYzJ8qkbc os._exit(1) # wait and exit self.logger.debug("rank %d process finished" %self.rank) self.basecomm.Barrier() if self.is_root(): self.logger.debug("master is finished; terminating") CurrentMPIComm.set(self.original_comm) if self.comm is not None: self.comm.Free()