Source code for nbodykit.algorithms.fibercollisions

from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm
from nbodykit.base.catalog import CatalogSource
from nbodykit.source import ArrayCatalog

from nbodykit.transform import SkyToUnitSphere
import numpy
import logging

[docs]class FiberCollisions(object): """ Run an angular FOF algorithm to determine fiber collision groups from an input catalog, and then assign fibers such that the maximum amount of object receive a fiber. This amounts to determining the following population of objects: - population 1: the maximal "clean" sample of objects in which each object is not angularly collided with any other object in this subsample - population 2: the potentially-collided objects; these objects are those that are fiber collided + those that have been "resolved" due to multiple coverage in tile overlap regions Results are computed when the object is inititalized. See the documenation of :func:`` for the attributes storing the results. Parameters ---------- ra : array_like the right ascension coordinate column dec : array_like the declination coordinate column collision_radius : float, optional the size of the angular collision radius (in degrees); default is 62 arcseconds seed : int, optional the random seed to use when determining which objects get fibers degrees : bool, optional set to `True` if the units of ``ra`` and ``dec`` are degrees References ---------- - `Guo et al. 2010 <>`_ """ logger = logging.getLogger('FiberCollisions') @CurrentMPIComm.enable def __init__(self, ra, dec, collision_radius=62/60./60., seed=None, degrees=True, comm=None): # compute the pos ra = CatalogSource.make_column(ra) dec = CatalogSource.make_column(dec) pos = SkyToUnitSphere(ra, dec, degrees=degrees).compute() # make the source dt = numpy.dtype([('Position', (pos.dtype.str, 3))]) pos = numpy.squeeze(pos.view(dtype=dt)) source = ArrayCatalog(pos, BoxSize=numpy.array([2., 2., 2.])) self.source = source self.comm = source.comm # set the seed randomly if it is None if seed is None: if self.comm.rank == 0: seed = numpy.random.randint(0, 4294967295) seed = self.comm.bcast(seed) # save the attrs self.attrs = {} self.attrs['collision_radius'] = collision_radius self.attrs['seed'] = seed self.attrs['degrees'] = degrees # store collision radius in radians self._collision_radius_rad = numpy.deg2rad(collision_radius) if self.comm.rank == 0:"collision radius in degrees = %.4f" %collision_radius) # compute
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the fiber assignment algorithm. This attaches the following attribute to the object: - :attr:`labels` .. note:: The :attr:`labels` attribute has a 1-to-1 correspondence with the rows in the input source. Attributes ---------- labels: :class:`~nbodykit.source.catalog.array.ArrayCatalog`; size: :attr:`size` a CatalogSource that has the following columns: - Label : the group labels for each object in the input CatalogSource; label == 0 objects are not in a group - Collided : a flag array specifying which objects are collided, i.e., do not receive a fiber - NeighborID : for those objects that are collided, this gives the (global) index of the nearest neighbor on the sky (0-indexed) in the input catalog ``source``, else it is set to -1 """ from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext from nbodykit.algorithms import FOF # angular FOF: labels gives the global group ID corresponding to each # object in Position on this rank fof = FOF(self.source, self._collision_radius_rad, 1, absolute=True) # assign the fibers (in parallel) with NumpyRNGContext(self.attrs['seed']): collided, neighbors = self._assign_fibers(fof.labels) # all reduce to get summary statistics N_pop1 = self.comm.allreduce((collided^1).sum()) N_pop2 = self.comm.allreduce((collided).sum()) f = N_pop2 * 1. / (N_pop1 + N_pop2) # print out some info if self.comm.rank == 0:"population 1 (clean) size = %d" %N_pop1)"population 2 (collided) size = %d" %N_pop2)"collision fraction = %.4f" %f) # return a structured array d = list(zip(['Label', 'Collided', 'NeighborID'], [fof.labels, collided, neighbors])) dtype = numpy.dtype([(col, x.dtype) for col, x in d]) result = numpy.empty(len(fof.labels), dtype=dtype) for col, x in d: result[col] = x # make a particle source self.labels = ArrayCatalog(result, comm=self.comm, **self.source.attrs)
def _assign_fibers(self, Label): """ Internal function to divide the data by collision group across ranks and assign fibers, such that the minimum number of objects are collided out of the survey """ import mpsort from mpi4py import MPI mask = Label != 0 dtype = numpy.dtype([ ('Position', ('f4', 3)), ('Label', ('i4')), ('Rank', ('i4')), ('Index', ('i4')), ('Collided', ('i4')), ('NeighborID', ('i4')) ]) PIG = numpy.empty(mask.sum(), dtype=dtype) PIG['Label'] = Label[mask] size = len(Label) size = self.comm.allgather(size) Ntot = sum(size) offset = sum(size[:self.comm.rank]) PIG['Index'] = offset + numpy.where(mask == True)[0] del Label Position = self.source.compute(self.source['Position']) PIG['Position'] = Position[mask] del Position Ntot = self.comm.allreduce(len(mask)) Nhalo = self.comm.allreduce( PIG['Label'].max() if len(PIG['Label']) > 0 else 0, op=MPI.MAX) + 1 # now count number of particles per halo PIG['Rank'] = PIG['Label'] % self.comm.size cnt = numpy.bincount(PIG['Rank'], minlength=self.comm.size) Nlocal = self.comm.allreduce(cnt)[self.comm.rank] # sort by rank and then label PIG2 = numpy.empty(Nlocal, PIG.dtype) mpsort.sort(PIG, orderby='Rank', out=PIG2, comm=self.comm) assert (PIG2['Rank'] == self.comm.rank).all() PIG2.sort(order=['Label']) if self.comm.rank == 0:'total number of collision groups = %d', Nhalo-1)"Started fiber assignment") # loop over unique group ids for group_id in numpy.unique(PIG2['Label']): start = PIG2['Label'].searchsorted(group_id, side='left') end = PIG2['Label'].searchsorted(group_id, side='right') N = end-start assert(PIG2['Label'][start:end] == group_id).all() # pairs (random selection) if N == 2: # randomly choose, with fixed local seed which = numpy.random.choice([0,1]) indices = [start+which, start+(which^1)] PIG2['Collided'][indices] = [1, 0] PIG2['NeighborID'][indices] = [PIG2['Index'][start+(which^1)], -1] # multiplets (minimize collidedness) elif N > 2: collided, nearest = self._assign_multiplets(PIG2['Position'][start:end]) PIG2['Collided'][start:end] = collided[:] PIG2['NeighborID'][start:end] = -1 if len(nearest): PIG2['NeighborID'][start:end][collided] = PIG2['Index'][start+nearest][:] if self.comm.rank == 0:"Finished fiber assignment") # return to the order specified by the global unique index mpsort.sort(PIG2, orderby='Index', out=PIG, comm=self.comm) # return arrays including the objects not in any groups collided = numpy.zeros(size[self.comm.rank], dtype='i4') collided[mask] = PIG['Collided'][:] neighbors = numpy.zeros(size[self.comm.rank], dtype='i4') - 1 neighbors[mask] = PIG['NeighborID'][:] del PIG return collided, neighbors def _assign_multiplets(self, Position): """ Internal function to assign the maximal amount of fibers in collision groups of size N > 2 """ from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform def count(slice, n): return n[numpy.nonzero(slice)[0]].sum() # first shuffle the member ids, so we select random element when tied N = len(Position) group_ids = list(range(N)) collided_ids = [] while len(group_ids) > 1: # compute dists and find where dists < collision radius dists = squareform(pdist(Position[group_ids], metric='euclidean')) numpy.fill_diagonal(dists, numpy.inf) # ignore self-pairs collisions = dists <= self._collision_radius_rad # total # of collisions for each group member n_collisions = numpy.sum(collisions, axis=0) # total # of collisions for those objects that collide with each group member n_other = numpy.apply_along_axis(count, 0, collisions, n_collisions) # remove object that has most # of collisions # and those colliding objects have least # of collisions idx = numpy.where(n_collisions == n_collisions.max())[0] # choose randomly, with a fixed local seed ii = numpy.random.choice(numpy.where(n_other[idx] == n_other[idx].min())[0]) collided_index = idx[ii] # make the collided galaxy and remove from group collided_id = group_ids.pop(collided_index) # only make this a collided object if its n_collisions > 0 # if n_collisions = 0, then the object can get a fiber for free if n_collisions[collided_index] > 0: collided_ids.append(collided_id) # compute the nearest neighbors neighbor_ids = [] group_indices = list(range(N)) dists = squareform(pdist(Position, metric='euclidean')) uncollided = [i for i in group_indices if i not in collided_ids] for i in sorted(collided_ids): neighbor = uncollided[dists[i][uncollided].argmin()] neighbor_ids.append(neighbor) collided = numpy.zeros(N, dtype=bool) collided[collided_ids] = True return collided, neighbor_ids