Source code for

from .binary import BinaryFile
import numpy
from six import string_types
from . import tools
import warnings

DefaultColumnDefs = [
    ('Position', ('auto', 3), 'all', ),
    ('GadgetVelocity',  ('auto', 3), 'all', ),
    ('ID', 'auto', 'all', ),
    ('Mass', 'auto', None, ),
    ('InternalEnergy', 'auto', (0, ), ),
    ('Density', 'auto', (0, ), ),
    ('SmoothingLength', 'auto', (0,) ),

DefaultHeaderDtype = [
        ('Npart', ('u4', 6)),
        ('Massarr', ('f8', 6)),
        ('Time', ('f8')),
        ('Redshift', ('f8')),
        ('FlagSfr', ('i4')),
        ('FlagFeedback', ('i4')),
        ('Nall', ('u4', 6)),
        ('FlagCooling', ('i4')),
        ('NumFiles', ('i4')),
        ('BoxSize', ('f8')),
        ('Omega0', ('f8')),
        ('OmegaLambda', ('f8')),
        ('HubbleParam', ('f8')),
        ('FlagAge', ('i4')),
        ('FlagMetals', ('i4')),
        ('NallHW', ('u4', 6)),
        ('flag_entr_ics', ('i4')),

[docs]class Gadget1File(BinaryFile): """ Read snapshot binary files from Volkers Gadget 1/2/3 simulations. These files are stored column-wise with a format, with a header of size 28 bytes to begin the file. The columns are: * Position : 'f4', 'f8' precision the position data, usually in Kpc/h units. * GadgetVelocity : 'f4', 'f8' precision the Gadget 1 velocity, sqrt(a)**-1 v_p. in km/s * ID : 'i8'/'i4' precision integers specfiying the particle ID Parameters ---------- path : str the path to the binary file to load columndefs : list a list of triplets (columnname, element_dtype, particle_types) ptype : int type of particle of interest. hdtype : list, dtype dtype of the header; must define Massarr and Npart References ---------- """ def __init__(self, path, columndefs=DefaultColumnDefs, hdtype=DefaultHeaderDtype, ptype=1): if ptype not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: raise ValueError("ptype shall be 0 ~ 5.") # if the file has block names before blocks self.has_columnnames = numpy.fromfile(path, dtype='i4', count=1)[0] == 8 hdtype = numpy.dtype(hdtype) hdtype_padded = numpy.dtype([ ('f77', 'i4'), ('header', hdtype), ('padding', ('u1', 256 - hdtype.itemsize))]) with open(path, 'rb') as ff: if self.has_columnnames: + 8 + 4) header = numpy.fromfile(ff, dtype=hdtype_padded, count=1)[0]['header'] attrs = {} for key in header.dtype.names: attrs[key] = header[key].copy() self.attrs = attrs self.file_header = header self.header_mass = header['Massarr'][ptype] self.ptype = ptype dtype = [] defs = [] with open(path, 'rb') as ff: offsets = {} ptr = 256 + 4 + 4 if self.has_columnnames: ptr = ptr + 4 + 8 + 4 for column, spec, ptypes in columndefs: if not isinstance(spec, tuple): spec = spec, () if len(spec) == 1: spec = spec[0], () if ptypes == 'all': ptypes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] elif column == 'Mass': ptypes = (header['Massarr'] == 0).nonzero()[0] blocksize = 0 reloffset = 0 N = 0 for i in ptypes: if i == ptype: reloffset = N N += int(header['Npart'][i]) if N != 0: # block exists if self.has_columnnames: ptr = ptr + 4 + 8 + 4, 0) a = numpy.fromfile(ff, dtype='i4', count=1)[0] ptr += 4 itemsize = a // N # compute precision from blocksize blocksize = N * itemsize offsets[column] = ptr + reloffset * itemsize ptr += a, 0) b = numpy.fromfile(ff, dtype='i4', count=1)[0] ptr += 4 if a != b or b != blocksize: raise IOError("F77 unformatted meta data for `%s` disagrees with true size: starting = %d truth = %d ending = %d" % (column, a, blocksize, b)) itemshape =[1]) prec = itemsize // itemshape else: offsets[column] = ptr warnings.warn("Cannot decide the item size of `%s`, assuming 4 bytes." % (column)) prec = None if spec[0] == 'auto': if column == 'ID': mapping = {8:'i8', 4:'i4', None:'i4'} else: mapping = {8:'f8', 4:'f4', None:'f8'} spec = mapping[prec], spec[1] if column == "Mass" or ptype in ptypes: dtype.append((column, spec)) defs.append((column, spec, ptypes)) dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) self.defs = defs BinaryFile.__init__(self, path, dtype=dtype, header_size=256+4+4, offsets=offsets, size=int(header['Npart'][ptype])) self.dataset = str(ptype)
[docs] def read(self, columns, start, stop, step=1): """ Read the specified column(s) over the given range 'start' and 'stop' should be between 0 and :attr:`size`, which is the total size of the binary file (in particles) Parameters ---------- columns : str, list of str the name of the column(s) to return start : int the row integer to start reading at stop : int the row integer to stop reading at step : int, optional the step size to use when reading; default is 1 Returns ------- numpy.array structured array holding the requested columns over the specified range of rows """ if isinstance(columns, string_types): columns = [columns] if stop > self.size or start > self.size or start < 0 or stop < 0: raise IndexError("start : %d stop %d beyond size of data set %d" % (start, stop, self.size)) dt = [(col, self.dtype[col]) for col in columns] toret = numpy.empty(tools.get_slice_size(start, stop, step), dtype=dt) with open(self.path, 'rb') as ff: for col in columns: offset = self.offsets[col] dtype = self.dtype[col] if col == 'Mass' and self.header_mass != 0: toret[col][:] = self.header_mass else:, 0) * dtype.itemsize, 1) toret[col][:] = numpy.fromfile(ff, count=stop-start, dtype=dtype)[::step] return toret