Install nbodykit

Getting nbodykit

nbodykit is currently supported on macOS and Linux architectures. The recommended installation method is to install nbodykit and its dependencies as part of the Anaconda Python distribution. For more advanced users, or those without an Anaconda distribution, the software can also be installed using the pip utility or directly from the source. In these latter cases, additional difficulties may arise when trying to compile and install some of nbodykit’s dependencies.

The package is available for Python versions 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6.

Installing nbodykit with Anaconda

The easiest installation method uses the conda utility, as part of the Anaconda package manager. The distribution can be downloaded and installed for free from

We have pre-built binaries for nbodykit and all of its dependencies available via Anaconda that are compatible with Linux and macOS platforms. To avoid dependency conflicts, we recommend installing nbodykit into a fresh environment. This can be achieved with the following commands:

$ conda create --name nbodykit-env python=3 # or use python=2 for python 2.7*
$ source activate nbodykit-env
$ conda install -c bccp nbodykit

Updating nbodykit and its dependencies

To keep nbodykit and its dependencies up to date, use

$ conda update -c bccp --all

Installing From Source for Conda-based Installs

Users can also install nbodykit from source from within a conda environment, given that git is installed. First, clone the GitHub repository,

$ git clone
$ cd nbodykit

Then, install all of the required dependencies using

$ conda install -c bccp --file requirements.txt
$ conda install -c bccp --file requirements-extras.txt

Now, the desired git branch can be installed easily. By default, the master branch is active, and the latest development state of nbodykit can be installed using

$ pip install -e .

Note that the -e flag installs nbodykit in “develop” mode, allowing the installed version to reflect the latest changes in the source code. The latest changes to the master branch can be incorporated from GitHub via

$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master

Installing nbodykit with pip


The easiest and recommended method to install nbodykit and its dependencies is using the Anaconda package. See Installing nbodykit with Anaconda for more details.

To build nbodykit from source, you will need to make sure all of the dependencies are properly installed on your system. To start, the following dependencies should be installed first:

$ pip install numpy cython mpi4py

Next, we must compile the remaining dependencies, which depends on the user’s machine.


To install nbodykit as well as all of its external dependencies on a Linux machine into the default Python installation directory:

$ pip install nbodykit[extras]

A different installation directory can be specified via the --user or --root <dir> options of the pip install command.


More care is required to properly build the dependencies on macOS machines. The autotools software is required, which can be installed using the MacPorts package manager using:

$ sudo port install autoconf automake libtool

Using recent versions of MacPorts, we also need to tell mpicc to use gcc rather than the default clang compiler, which doesn’t compile fftw correctly due to the lack of openmp support. Additionally, the LDSHARED environment variable must be explicitly set.

In bash, the installation command is:

$ export OMPI_CC=gcc
$ export LDSHARED="mpicc -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -DOMPI_IMPORTS"; pip install nbodykit[extras]

This command will compile and install the dependencies of nbodykit and then install nbodykit. Again, a different installation directory can be specified via the --user or --root <dir> options of the pip install command.

nbodykit on NERSC


This section covers using nbodykit on the computing nodes of NERSC. The development of nbodykit is supported by NERSC under the allocation m3035.

The computing nodes requires special care because they do not work with the simple MPI provided from Anaconda.

If instead you wish to use nbodykit on the login nodes of NERSC or the Jupyter Hub services (available at and, users should follow the Anaconda installation instructions to install nbodykit. The login nodes and JuptyerHub machines are very similar to standard computers. For more information on the JupyterHub services, see the official NERSC guide.

Development and testing of nbodykit was performed on the NERSC super-computing machines at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We maintain a daily build of the latest stable version of nbodykit on NERSC systems for Python versions 2.7, 3.6, and 3.7 and provide a tool to automatically load the appropriate environment when running jobs on either the Edison or Cori machines.

To load the latest stable version of nbodykit on NERSC, the following line should be added to the beginning of the user’s job script:

# load python 3.7 with latest stable nbodykit
source /global/common/software/m3035/ 3.7

If instead the user wishes to install the latest development version of nbodykit, the following lines should be added to the job script:

# first load python 3.7 with latest stable nbodykit
source /global/common/software/m3035/ 3.7

# overwrite nbodykit with the latest version from the tip of master

In the nbodykit source directory, we include an example Python script and job script for users. To run this example on NERSC, first download the necessary files:

# download the example script
$ wget

# download the job script
$ wget

and then if on the Cori machine, the job can be submitted using

$ sbatch -C haswell example-job.slurm

of if on the Edison machine, use

$ sbatch example-job.slurm

The example job script simply loads the nbodykit environment and executes the Python script in parallel, in this case, using 16 CPUs.

#SBATCH -p debug
#SBATCH -o nbkit-example
#SBATCH -n 16

# load nbodykit
source /global/common/software/m3035/ 3.7

# run the main nbodykit example
srun -n 16 python

If successful, this will save a file nbkit_example_power.json to the current working directory.