Source code for

from .base import FileType
from . import tools
from six import string_types
import numpy
try: import fitsio
except ImportError: fitsio = None

[docs]class FITSFile(FileType): """ A file object to handle the reading of FITS data using the :mod:`fitsio` package. See also: Parameters ---------- path : str the file path to load ext: number or string, optional The extension. Either the numerical extension from zero or a string extension name. If not sent, data is read from the first HDU that has data. """ def __init__(self, path, ext=None): # hide the import exception if fitsio is None: raise ImportError("please install fitsio: ``conda install -c bccp fitsio``") self.path = path self.dataset = str(ext) # try to find the first Table HDU to read if not specified with fitsio.FITS(path) as ff: if ext is None: for i, hdu in enumerate(ff): if hdu.has_data(): ext = i break if ext is None: raise ValueError("input fits file '%s' has not binary table to read" %path) else: if isinstance(ext, string_types): if ext not in ff: raise ValueError("FITS file does not contain extension with name '%s'" %ext) elif ext >= len(ff): raise ValueError("FITS extension %d is not valid" %ext) # make sure we crash if data is wrong or missing if not ff[ext].has_data() or ff[ext].get_exttype() == 'IMAGE_HDU': raise ValueError("FITS extension %d is not a readable binary table" %ext) self.attrs = {} self.attrs['ext'] = ext # size and dtype with fitsio.FITS(path) as ff: self.size = ff[ext].get_nrows() self.dtype = ff[ext].get_rec_dtype()[0]
[docs] def read(self, columns, start, stop, step=1): """ Read the specified column(s) over the given range 'start' and 'stop' should be between 0 and :attr:`size`, which is the total size of the file Parameters ---------- columns : str, list of str the name of the column(s) to return start : int the row integer to start reading at stop : int the row integer to stop reading at step : int, optional the step size to use when reading; default is 1 Returns ------- numpy.array structured array holding the requested columns over the specified range of rows """ if isinstance(columns, string_types): columns = [columns] kws = {'ext':self.attrs['ext'], 'columns':columns, 'rows':range(start, stop, step)} return, **kws)