Source code for

import numpy
import os

from .base import FileType
from . import tools
from six import string_types

[docs]def getsize(filename, header_size, rowsize): """ The default method to determine the size of the binary file The "size" is defined as the number of rows, where each row has of size of `rowsize` in bytes. Notes ----- * This assumes the input file is not compressed * This function does not depend on the layout of the binary file, i.e., if the data is formatted in actual rows or not Raises ------ ValueError : If the function determines a fractional number of rows Parameters ---------- filename : str the name of the binary file header_size : int the size of the header in bytes, which will be skipped when determining the number of rows rowsize : int the size of the data in each row in bytes """ bytesize = os.path.getsize(filename) size, remainder = divmod(bytesize-header_size, rowsize) if remainder != 0: raise ValueError("byte size mismatch -- fractional rows found") return size
[docs]class BinaryFile(FileType): """ A file object to handle the reading of columns of data from a binary file. .. warning:: This assumes the data is stored in a column-major format Parameters ---------- path : str the name of the binary file to load dtype : numpy.dtype or list of tuples the dtypes of the columns to load; this should be either a ``numpy.dtype`` or be able to be converted to one via a :func:`numpy.dtype` call offsets : dict, optional a dictionay specifying the byte offsets of each column in the binary file; if not supplied, the offsets are inferred from the dtype size of each column, assuming a fixed header size, and contiguous storage header_size : int, optional the size of the header in bytes size : int, optional the number of objects in the binary file; if not provided, the value is inferred from the dtype and the total size of the file in bytes """ def __init__(self, path, dtype, offsets=None, header_size=0, size=None): self.path = path self.dataset = "*" # set the data type self.dtype = dtype if not isinstance(self.dtype, numpy.dtype): self.dtype = numpy.dtype(self.dtype) # determine the size (either an int or a function) if size is None: size = lambda fn: getsize(fn, header_size, self.dtype.itemsize) if callable(size): self.size = size(self.path) elif isinstance(size, int): self.size = size else: raise TypeError("`size` keyword should be a callable or integer") # use the input offsets dict if offsets is not None: if not isinstance(offsets, dict): raise TypeError("`offsets` keyword should be a dict") self.offsets = offsets.copy() # make sure each column in dtype is in the offsets table if not all(col in self.offsets for col in self): raise ValueError("missing some dtype columns in the input `offsets` dict") # create the dictionary of offsets else: self.offsets = {} for col in self: self.offsets[col] = self._default_byte_offset(col, header_size=header_size) def _default_byte_offset(self, col, header_size=0): """ Internal function to return the offset in bytes for the column name This assumes consecutive storage of columns, so the offset for the second column is the size of the full array of the first column (plus header size) """ offset = header_size cols = self.keys() i = 0 while i < cols.index(col): offset += self.size*self.dtype[cols[i]].itemsize i += 1 return offset
[docs] def read(self, columns, start, stop, step=1): """ Read the specified column(s) over the given range 'start' and 'stop' should be between 0 and :attr:`size`, which is the total size of the binary file (in particles) Parameters ---------- columns : str, list of str the name of the column(s) to return start : int the row integer to start reading at stop : int the row integer to stop reading at step : int, optional the step size to use when reading; default is 1 Returns ------- numpy.array structured array holding the requested columns over the specified range of rows """ if isinstance(columns, string_types): columns = [columns] dt = [(col, self.dtype[col]) for col in columns] toret = numpy.empty(tools.get_slice_size(start, stop, step), dtype=dt) with open(self.path, 'rb') as ff: for col in columns: offset = self.offsets[col] dtype = self.dtype[col], 0) * dtype.itemsize, 1) toret[col][:] = numpy.fromfile(ff, count=stop-start, dtype=dtype)[::step] return toret