Source code for nbodykit.cosmology.power.zeldovich

import mcfit
import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as spline
from scipy.integrate import quad

from .linear import LinearPower

NUM_PTS = 1024
KMIN = 1e-5
KMAX = 1e2
NMAX = 15

[docs]def isiterable(obj): """Returns `True` if the given object is iterable.""" try: iter(obj) return True except TypeError: return False
[docs]def vectorize_if_needed(func, *x): """ Helper function to vectorize functions on array inputs""" if any(map(isiterable, x)): return numpy.vectorize(func)(*x) else: return func(*x)
[docs]class ZeldovichPower(object): """ The matter power spectrum in the Zel'dovich approximation. Parameters ---------- cosmo : :class:`Cosmology` the cosmology instance z : float the redshift of the power spectrum transfer : str, optional string specifying the transfer function to use for the linear power spectrum; one of 'CLASS', 'EisensteinHu', 'NoWiggleEisensteinHu' Attributes ---------- cosmo : class:`Cosmology`, astropy.cosmology.FLRW the object giving the cosmological parameters sigma8 : float the z=0 amplitude of matter fluctuations redshift : float the redshift to compute the power at Plin : class:`LinearPower` the linear power spectrum class used to compute the Zel'dovich power """ def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift, transfer='CLASS'): # initialize the linear power self.Plin = LinearPower(cosmo, redshift, transfer='CLASS') self.cosmo = self.Plin.cosmo self._sigma8 = self.cosmo.sigma8 self.redshift = redshift # use low-k approx below this value self._k0_low = 5e-3 # store meta-data self._attrs = {} self._attrs.update(self.Plin.attrs) @property def attrs(self): """ The meta-data dictionary """ self._attrs['redshift'] = self.redshift self._attrs['sigma8'] = self.sigma8 return self._attrs def _setup(self): r""" Internal function to compute the following quantities, needed in the Zel'dovich approximation: .. math:: \sigma_v^2 = 1/(6\pi^2) \int dk P_L(k), X(q) = \int \frac{dk}{2\pi^2} P_L(k) \left[ \frac{2}{3} - 2\frac{j_1(kq)}{kq} \right], Y(q) = \int \frac{dk}{2\pi^2} P_L(k) \left[ -2j_0(kq) + 6\frac{j_1(kq)}{kq} \right]. """ # set up the k-grid for integrals k = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(KMIN), numpy.log10(KMAX), NUM_PTS) Pk = self.Plin(k) # compute the I0, I1 integrals we need self._r, I0 = ZeldovichJ0(k)(Pk, extrap=True) _, I1 = ZeldovichJ1(k)(Pk, extrap=True) # compute the X(r), Y(r) integrals we need self._sigmasq = self.Plin.velocity_dispersion(kmin=1e-5, kmax=10.)**2 self._X = -2.*I1 + 2 * self._sigmasq self._Y = -2.*I0 + 6.*I1 # needed for the low-k approx self._Q3 = quad(lambda q: (self.Plin(q)/q)**2, 1e-6, 100.)[0] @property def redshift(self): """ The redshift of the power spectrum """ return self._z @redshift.setter def redshift(self, value): self._z = value self.Plin.redshift = value self._setup() @property def sigma8(self): """ The amplitude of matter fluctuations at :math:`z=0`. """ return self._sigma8 @sigma8.setter def sigma8(self, value): self._sigma8 = value self.Plin.sigma8 = value self._setup() def _low_k_approx(self, k): r""" Return the low-k approximation of the Zel'dovich power. This computes: .. math:: P(k) = (1 - k^2 \sigma_v^2 + 1/2 k^4 \sigma_v^4) P_L(k) + 0.5 Q_3(k), where :math:`Q_3(k)` is defined as .. math:: Q_3(k) = \frac{k^4}{10\pi^2} \int dq \frac{P^2_L(q)}{q^2}. """ Q3 = 1./(10.*numpy.pi**2) * k**4 * self._Q3 Plin = self.Plin(k) term1 = (1 - k**2 * self._sigmasq + 0.5 * k**4 * self._sigmasq**2) * Plin term2 = 0.5 * Q3 return term1 + term2
[docs] def __call__(self, k): r""" Return the Zel'dovich power in :math:`h^{-3} \mathrm{Mpc}^3 at :attr:`redshift` and ``k``, where ``k`` is in units of :math:`h \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}`. Parameters ---------- k : float, array_like the wavenumbers to evaluate the power at """ def Pzel_at_k(ki): # return the low-k approximation if ki < self._k0_low: return self._low_k_approx(ki) # do the full integral Pzel = 0.0 for n in range(0, NMAX+1): I = ZeldovichPowerIntegral(self._r, n) if n > 0: f = (ki*self._Y)**n * numpy.exp(-0.5*ki**2 * (self._X + self._Y)) else: f = numpy.exp(-0.5*ki**2 * (self._X + self._Y)) - numpy.exp(-ki**2*self._sigmasq) kk, this_Pzel = I(f, extrap=False) Pzel += spline(kk, this_Pzel)(ki) return Pzel return vectorize_if_needed(Pzel_at_k, k)
[docs]class ZeldovichJ0(mcfit.mcfit): r""" An integral over :math:`j_0` needed to compute the Zeldovich power. The integral is given by: .. math:: I_0(r) = \int \frac{dk}{2\pi^2} P_L(k) j_0(kr). """ def __init__(self, k): self.l = 0 UK = mcfit.kernels.Mellin_SphericalBesselJ(self.l) prefac = k postfac = 1 / (2*numpy.pi)**1.5 mcfit.mcfit.__init__(self, k, UK, q=1.0, lowring=False, prefac=prefac, postfac=postfac)
[docs]class ZeldovichJ1(mcfit.mcfit): r""" An integral over :math:`j_1` needed to compute the Zeldovich power. The integral is given by: .. math:: I_1(r) = \int \frac{dk}{2\pi^2} P_L(k) \frac{j_1(kr)}{kr}. """ def __init__(self, k): self.l = 1 UK = mcfit.kernels.Mellin_SphericalBesselJ(self.l) prefac = 1.0 postfac = 1 / (2*numpy.pi)**1.5 mcfit.mcfit.__init__(self, k, UK, q=0, lowring=False, prefac=prefac, postfac=postfac) self.postfac /= self.y
[docs]class ZeldovichPowerIntegral(mcfit.mcfit): r""" The integral needed to evaluate the density auto spectrum in the Zel'dovich approximation. This evaluates: .. math:: I(k, n) = 4\pi \int dr r^2 \mathrm{exp}\left[-0.5k^2(X(r) + Y(r)) \right] \left (\frac{k Y(r)}{r} \right)^n j_n(kr). """ def __init__(self, r, n): self.n = n UK = mcfit.kernels.Mellin_SphericalBesselJ(self.n) prefac = r**(3-n) postfac = (2*numpy.pi)**1.5 mcfit.mcfit.__init__(self, r, UK, q=1.5-n, lowring=True, prefac=prefac, postfac=postfac)