Source code for nbodykit.cosmology.power.transfers

import numpy as np

available = ['CLASS', 'EisensteinHu', 'NoWiggleEisensteinHu']

[docs]class CLASS(object): """ The linear matter transfer function using the CLASS Boltzmann code. Parameters ---------- cosmo : :class:`Cosmology` the cosmology instance redshift : float the redshift of the power spectrum """ def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift): # make sure we have Pk if not cosmo.has_pk_matter: cosmo = cosmo.clone(output='mPk dTk vTk') self.cosmo = cosmo # find the low-k amplitude to normalize to 1 as k->0 at z = 0 self._norm = 1.0; self.redshift = 0 self._norm = 1. / self(1e-8) # the proper redshift self.redshift = redshift
[docs] def __call__(self, k): r""" Return the CLASS linear transfer function at :attr:`redshift`. This computes the transfer function from the CLASS linear power spectrum using: .. math:: T(k) = \left [ P_L(k) / k^n_s \right]^{1/2}. We normalize the transfer function :math:`T(k)` to unity as :math:`k \rightarrow 0` at :math:`z=0`. Parameters --------- k : float, array_like the wavenumbers in units of :math:`h \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}` Returns ------- Tk : float, array_like the transfer function evaluated at ``k``, normalized to unity on large scales """ k = np.asarray(k) linearP = self.cosmo.get_pklin(k, self.redshift) / self.cosmo.h**3 # in Mpc^3 primordialP = (k*self.cosmo.h)**self.cosmo.n_s # put k into Mpc^{-1} return self._norm * (linearP / primordialP)**0.5
[docs]class EisensteinHu(object): """ The linear matter transfer function using the Eisenstein & Hu (1998) fitting formula with BAO wiggles. Parameters ---------- cosmo : :class:`Cosmology` the cosmology instance redshift : float the redshift of the power spectrum References ---------- Eisenstein & Hu, "Baryonic Features in the Matter Transfer Function", 1998 """ def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift): self.cosmo = cosmo self.redshift = redshift self.Obh2 = cosmo.Omega0_b * cosmo.h ** 2 self.Omh2 = cosmo.Omega0_m * cosmo.h ** 2 self.f_baryon = cosmo.Omega0_b / cosmo.Omega0_m self.theta_cmb = cosmo.Tcmb0 / 2.7 # redshift and wavenumber of equality self.z_eq = 2.5e4 * self.Omh2 * self.theta_cmb ** (-4) # this is 1 + z self.k_eq = 0.0746 * self.Omh2 * self.theta_cmb ** (-2) # units of 1/Mpc # sound horizon and k_silk self.z_drag_b1 = 0.313 * self.Omh2 ** -0.419 * (1 + 0.607 * self.Omh2 ** 0.674) self.z_drag_b2 = 0.238 * self.Omh2 ** 0.223 self.z_drag = 1291 * self.Omh2 ** 0.251 / (1. + 0.659 * self.Omh2 ** 0.828) * \ (1. + self.z_drag_b1 * self.Obh2 ** self.z_drag_b2) self.r_drag = 31.5 * self.Obh2 * self.theta_cmb ** -4 * (1000. / (1+self.z_drag)) self.r_eq = 31.5 * self.Obh2 * self.theta_cmb ** -4 * (1000. / self.z_eq) self.sound_horizon = 2. / (3.*self.k_eq) * np.sqrt(6. / self.r_eq) * \ np.log((np.sqrt(1 + self.r_drag) + np.sqrt(self.r_drag + self.r_eq)) / (1 + np.sqrt(self.r_eq)) ) self.k_silk = 1.6 * self.Obh2 ** 0.52 * self.Omh2 ** 0.73 * (1 + (10.4*self.Omh2) ** -0.95) # alpha_c alpha_c_a1 = (46.9*self.Omh2) ** 0.670 * (1 + (32.1*self.Omh2) ** -0.532) alpha_c_a2 = (12.0*self.Omh2) ** 0.424 * (1 + (45.0*self.Omh2) ** -0.582) self.alpha_c = alpha_c_a1 ** -self.f_baryon * alpha_c_a2 ** (-self.f_baryon**3) # beta_c beta_c_b1 = 0.944 / (1 + (458*self.Omh2) ** -0.708) beta_c_b2 = 0.395 * self.Omh2 ** -0.0266 self.beta_c = 1. / (1 + beta_c_b1 * ((1-self.f_baryon) ** beta_c_b2) - 1) y = self.z_eq / (1 + self.z_drag) alpha_b_G = y * (-6.*np.sqrt(1+y) + (2. + 3.*y) * np.log((np.sqrt(1+y)+1) / (np.sqrt(1+y)-1))) self.alpha_b = 2.07 * self.k_eq * self.sound_horizon * (1+self.r_drag)**-0.75 * alpha_b_G self.beta_node = 8.41 * self.Omh2 ** 0.435 self.beta_b = 0.5 + self.f_baryon + (3. - 2.*self.f_baryon) * np.sqrt( (17.2*self.Omh2) ** 2 + 1 )
[docs] def __call__(self, k): r""" Return the Eisenstein-Hu transfer function with BAO wiggles. This is normalized to unity as :math:`k \rightarrow 0` at :math:`z=0`. The redshift scaling is provided by the :func:`Cosmology.scale_independent_growth_factor` function. Parameters --------- k : float, array_like the wavenumbers in units of :math:`h \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}` Returns ------- Tk : float, array_like the transfer function evaluated at ``k``, normalized to unity on large scales """ if np.isscalar(k) and k == 0.: return 1.0 k = np.asarray(k) # only compute k > 0 modes valid = k > 0. k = k[valid] * self.cosmo.h # now in 1/Mpc q = k / (13.41*self.k_eq) ks = k*self.sound_horizon T_c_ln_beta = np.log(np.e + 1.8*self.beta_c*q) T_c_ln_nobeta = np.log(np.e + 1.8*q); T_c_C_alpha = 14.2 / self.alpha_c + 386. / (1 + 69.9 * q ** 1.08) T_c_C_noalpha = 14.2 + 386. / (1 + 69.9 * q ** 1.08) T_c_f = 1. / (1. + (ks/5.4) ** 4) f = lambda a, b : a / (a + b*q**2) T_c = T_c_f * f(T_c_ln_beta, T_c_C_noalpha) + (1-T_c_f) * f(T_c_ln_beta, T_c_C_alpha) s_tilde = self.sound_horizon * (1 + (self.beta_node/ks)**3) ** (-1./3.) ks_tilde = k*s_tilde T_b_T0 = f(T_c_ln_nobeta, T_c_C_noalpha) T_b_1 = T_b_T0 / (1 + (ks/5.2)**2 ) T_b_2 = self.alpha_b / (1 + (self.beta_b/ks)**3 ) * np.exp(-(k/self.k_silk) ** 1.4) T_b = np.sinc(ks_tilde/np.pi) * (T_b_1 + T_b_2) T = np.ones(valid.shape) T[valid] = self.f_baryon*T_b + (1-self.f_baryon)*T_c; return T * self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(self.redshift)
[docs]class NoWiggleEisensteinHu(object): """ Linear power spectrum using the Eisenstein & Hu (1998) fitting formula without BAO wiggles. Parameters ---------- cosmo : :class:`Cosmology` the cosmology instance redshift : float the redshift of the power spectrum References ---------- Eisenstein & Hu, "Baryonic Features in the Matter Transfer Function", 1998 """ def __init__(self, cosmo, redshift): self.cosmo = cosmo self.redshift = redshift self.Obh2 = cosmo.Omega0_b * cosmo.h ** 2 self.Omh2 = cosmo.Omega0_m * cosmo.h ** 2 self.f_baryon = cosmo.Omega0_b / cosmo.Omega0_m self.theta_cmb = cosmo.Tcmb0 / 2.7 # wavenumber of equality self.k_eq = 0.0746 * self.Omh2 * self.theta_cmb ** (-2) # units of 1/Mpc self.sound_horizon = cosmo.h * 44.5 * np.log(9.83/self.Omh2) / \ np.sqrt(1 + 10 * self.Obh2** 0.75) # in Mpc/h self.alpha_gamma = 1 - 0.328 * np.log(431*self.Omh2) * self.f_baryon + \ 0.38* np.log(22.3*self.Omh2) * self.f_baryon ** 2
[docs] def __call__(self, k): r""" Return the Eisenstein-Hu transfer function without BAO wiggles. This is normalized to unity as :math:`k \rightarrow 0` at :math:`z=0`. The redshift scaling is provided by the :func:`~Cosmology.scale_independent_growth_factor` function. Parameters --------- k : float, array_like the wavenumbers in units of :math:`h \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}` Returns ------- Tk : float, array_like the transfer function evaluated at ``k``, normalized to unity on large scales """ if np.isscalar(k) and k == 0.: return 1.0 # only compute k > 0 modes k = np.asarray(k) valid = k > 0. k = k[valid] * self.cosmo.h # in 1/Mpc now ks = k * self.sound_horizon / self.cosmo.h q = k / (13.41*self.k_eq) gamma_eff = self.Omh2 * (self.alpha_gamma + (1 - self.alpha_gamma) / (1 + (0.43*ks) ** 4)) q_eff = q * self.Omh2 / gamma_eff L0 = np.log(2*np.e + 1.8 * q_eff) C0 = 14.2 + 731.0 / (1 + 62.5 * q_eff) T = np.ones(valid.shape) T[valid] = L0 / (L0 + C0 * q_eff**2) return T * self.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(self.redshift)