Source code for nbodykit.algorithms.threeptcf

import numpy
import logging

import kdcount
from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm
from nbodykit.binned_statistic import BinnedStatistic
from pmesh.domain import GridND
from nbodykit.utils import split_size_3d

[docs]class Multipoles3PCF(object): """ Compute the multipoles of the isotropic, three-point correlation function in configuration space. This uses the algorithm of Slepian and Eisenstein, 2015 which scales as :math:`\mathcal{O}(N^2)`, where :math:`N` is the number of objects. Results are computed when the object is inititalized. See the documenation of :func:`` for the attributes storing the results. Parameters ---------- source : CatalogSource the input source of particles providing the 'Position' column poles : list of int the list of multipole numbers to compute edges : array_like the edges of the bins of separation to use; length of nbins+1 BoxSize : float, 3-vector, optional the size of the box; if periodic boundary conditions used, and 'BoxSize' not provided in the source :attr:`attrs`, it must be provided here periodic : bool, optional whether to use periodic boundary conditions when computing separations between objects weight : str, optional the name of the column in the source specifying the particle weights selection : str, optional if not ``None``, the name of the column to use to select certain objects; should be the name of a boolean column References ---------- Slepian and Eisenstein, MNRAS 454, 4142-4158 (2015) """ logger = logging.getLogger('Multipoles3PCF') def __init__(self, source, poles, edges, BoxSize=None, periodic=True, weight='Weight', selection='Selection'): # check for all of the necessary columns for col in ['Position', weight, selection]: if col not in source: raise ValueError("the '%s' column must be defined in the source" %col) # store the subset of the source we selected self.source = source[source[selection]] self.comm = source.comm self.attrs = {} # need BoxSize self.attrs['BoxSize'] = numpy.empty(3) BoxSize = source.attrs.get('BoxSize', BoxSize) if periodic and BoxSize is None: raise ValueError("please specify a BoxSize if using periodic boundary conditions") self.attrs['BoxSize'][:] = BoxSize # test rmax for PBC if periodic and numpy.amax(edges) > 0.5*self.attrs['BoxSize'].min(): raise ValueError("periodic pair counts cannot be computed for Rmax > 0.5 * BoxSize") # save meta-data self.attrs['edges'] = edges self.attrs['poles'] = poles self.attrs['periodic'] = periodic self.attrs['weight'] = weight self.attrs['selection'] = selection
[docs] def run(self): """ Compute the three-point CF multipoles. This attaches the following the attributes to the class: - :attr:`poles` Attributes ---------- poles : :class:`~nbodykit.binned_statistic.BinnedStatistic` a BinnedStatistic object to hold the multipole results; the binned statistics stores the multipoles as variables ``zeta_0``, ``zeta_1``, etc for :math:`\ell=0,1,` etc. The coordinates of the binned statistic are ``r1`` and ``r2``, which give the separations between the three objects in CF """ redges = self.attrs['edges'] comm = self.comm nbins = len(redges)-1 Nell = len(self.attrs['poles']) if self.attrs['periodic']: boxsize = self.attrs['BoxSize'] else: boxsize = None # determine processor division for domain decomposition np = split_size_3d(comm.size) if self.comm.rank == 0:"using cpu grid decomposition: %s" %str(np)) # output zeta zeta = numpy.zeros((Nell,nbins,nbins), dtype='f8') # compute the Ylm expressions we need if self.comm.rank == 0:"computing Ylm expressions...") Ylm_cache = YlmCache(self.attrs['poles'], comm) if self.comm.rank == 0:"...done") # get the (periodic-enforced) position pos = self.source['Position'] if self.attrs['periodic']: pos %= self.attrs['BoxSize'] pos, w = self.source.compute(pos, self.source[self.attrs['weight']]) # global min/max across all ranks posmin = numpy.asarray(comm.allgather(pos.min(axis=0))).min(axis=0) posmax = numpy.asarray(comm.allgather(pos.max(axis=0))).max(axis=0) # domain decomposition grid = [numpy.linspace(posmin[i], posmax[i], np[i]+1, endpoint=True) for i in range(3)] domain = GridND(grid, comm=comm) layout = domain.decompose(pos, smoothing=0) pos = w = # get the position/weight of the secondaries rmax = numpy.max(self.attrs['edges']) if rmax > self.attrs['BoxSize'].max() * 0.25: pos_sec = numpy.concatenate(comm.allgather(pos), axis=0) w_sec = numpy.concatenate(comm.allgather(w), axis=0) else: layout = domain.decompose(pos, smoothing=rmax) pos_sec = w_sec = # make the KD-tree holding the secondaries tree_sec = kdcount.KDTree(pos_sec, boxsize=boxsize).root def callback(r, i, j, iprim=None): # remove self pairs valid = r > 0. r = r[valid]; i = i[valid] if iprim % 100 == 0 and self.comm.rank == 0:"done %d centrals" %iprim) # normalized, re-centered position array (periodic) dpos = (pos_sec[i] - pos[iprim]) # enforce periodicity in dpos if self.attrs['periodic']: for axis, col in enumerate(dpos.T): col[col > boxsize[axis]*0.5] -= boxsize[axis] col[col <= -boxsize[axis]*0.5] += boxsize[axis] recen_pos = dpos / r[:,numpy.newaxis] # find the mapping of r to rbins dig = numpy.searchsorted(self.attrs['edges'], r, side='left') # evaluate all Ylms Ylms = Ylm_cache(recen_pos[:,0]+1j*recen_pos[:,1], recen_pos[:,2]) # sqrt of primary weight w0 = w[iprim] # loop over each (l,m) pair for (l,m) in Ylms: # the Ylm evaluated at galaxy positions weights = Ylms[(l,m)] * w_sec[i] # sum over for each radial bin alm = numpy.zeros(nbins, dtype='c8') alm += numpy.bincount(dig, weights=weights.real, minlength=nbins+2)[1:-1] if m != 0: alm += 1j*numpy.bincount(dig, weights=weights.imag, minlength=nbins+2)[1:-1] # compute alm * conjugate(alm) alm = w0*numpy.outer(alm, alm.conj()) if m != 0: alm += alm.T # add in the -m contribution for m != 0 zeta[l,...] += alm.real # compute multipoles for each primary for iprim in range(len(pos)): tree_prim = kdcount.KDTree(numpy.atleast_2d(pos[iprim]), boxsize=boxsize).root tree_sec.enum(tree_prim, rmax, process=callback, iprim=iprim) # sum across all ranks zeta = comm.allreduce(zeta) # normalize according to Eq. 15 of Slepian et al. 2015 # differs by factor of (4 pi)^2 / (2l+1) from the C++ code zeta /= (4*numpy.pi) # make a BinnedStatistic dtype = numpy.dtype([('zeta_%d' %i, zeta.dtype) for i in range(Nell)]) data = numpy.empty(zeta.shape[-2:], dtype=dtype) for i in range(Nell): data['zeta_%d' %i] = zeta[i] # save the result self.poles = BinnedStatistic(['r1', 'r2'], [redges, redges], data)
def __getstate__(self): return {'poles', 'attrs':self.attrs} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.poles = BinnedStatistic(['r1', 'r2'], [self.attrs['edges']]*2, self.poles)
[docs] def save(self, output): """ Save the :attr:`poles` result to a JSON file with name ``output`` """ import json from nbodykit.utils import JSONEncoder # only the master rank writes if self.comm.rank == 0:'measurement done; saving result to %s' % output) with open(output, 'w') as ff: json.dump(self.__getstate__(), ff, cls=JSONEncoder)
[docs] @classmethod @CurrentMPIComm.enable def load(cls, filename, comm=None): """ Load a Multipoles3PCF result from ``filename`` that has been saved to disk with :func:``. """ import json from nbodykit.utils import JSONDecoder if comm.rank == 0: with open(filename, 'r') as ff: state = json.load(ff, cls=JSONDecoder) else: state = None state = comm.bcast(state) self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) self.comm = comm return self
[docs]class YlmCache(object): """ A class to compute spherical harmonics :math:`Y_{lm}` up to a specified maximum :math:`\ell` During calculation, the necessary power of Cartesian unit vectors are cached in memory to avoid repeated calculations for separate harmonics. """ def __init__(self, ells, comm): import sympy as sp from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function self.ells = list(ells) self.max_ell = max(ells) lms = [(int(l),int(m)) for l in ells for m in range(0, l+1)] # compute the Ylm string expressions in parallel exprs = [] for i in range(comm.rank, len(lms), comm.size): lm = lms[i] exprs.append((lm, self._get_Ylm(*lm))) exprs = [x for sublist in comm.allgather(exprs) for x in sublist] # determine the powers entering into each expression args = {} for lm, expr in exprs: matches = [] for var in ['xpyhat', 'zhat']: for e in range(2, max(ells)+1): name = var + '**' + str(e) if name in str(expr): matches.append((name, 'cached_'+var, str(e))) args[lm] = matches # define a function to return cached power def from_cache(name, pow): return self._cache[str(name)+str(pow)] f = implemented_function(sp.Function('from_cache'), from_cache) # arguments to the sympy functions zhat = sp.Symbol('zhat', real=True, positive=True) xpyhat = sp.Symbol('xpyhat', complex=True) self._cache = {} # make the Ylm functions self._Ylms = {} for lm, expr in exprs: for var in args[lm]: expr = expr.replace(var[0], 'from_cache(%s, %s)' %var[1:]) self._Ylms[lm] = sp.lambdify((xpyhat, zhat), expr)
[docs] def __call__(self, xpyhat, zhat): """ Return a dictionary holding Ylm for each (l,m) combination required Parameters ---------- xpyhat : array_like a complex array holding xhat + i * yhat, where xhat and yhat are the two cartesian unit vectors zhat : array_like the third cartesian unit vector """ # fill the cache first self._cache['cached_xpyhat2'] = xpyhat**2 self._cache['cached_zhat2'] = zhat**2 for name,x in zip(['cached_xpyhat', 'cached_zhat'], [xpyhat, zhat]): for i in range(3, self.max_ell+1): self._cache[name+str(i)] = self._cache[name+str(i-1)]*x # return a dictionary for each (l,m) tuple toret = {} for lm in self._Ylms: toret[lm] = self._Ylms[lm](xpyhat, zhat) return toret
def _get_Ylm(self, l, m): """ Compute an expression for spherical harmonic of order (l,m) in terms of Cartesian unit vectors, :math:`\hat{z}` and :math:`\hat{x} + i \hat{y}` Parameters ---------- l : int the degree of the harmonic m : int the order of the harmonic; |m| < l Returns ------- expr : a sympy expression that corresponds to the requested Ylm References ---------- """ import sympy as sp # the relevant cartesian and spherical symbols x, y, z, r = sp.symbols('x y z r', real=True, positive=True) xhat, yhat, zhat = sp.symbols('xhat yhat zhat', real=True, positive=True) xpyhat = sp.Symbol('xpyhat', complex=True) phi, theta = sp.symbols('phi theta') defs = [(sp.sin(phi), y/sp.sqrt(x**2+y**2)), (sp.cos(phi), x/sp.sqrt(x**2+y**2)), (sp.cos(theta), z/sp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) ] # the cos(theta) dependence encoded by the associated Legendre poly expr = sp.assoc_legendre(l, m, sp.cos(theta)) # the exp(i*m*phi) dependence expr *= sp.expand_trig(sp.cos(m*phi)) + sp.I*sp.expand_trig(sp.sin(m*phi)) # simplifying optimizations expr = sp.together(expr.subs(defs)).subs(x**2 + y**2 + z**2, r**2) expr = expr.expand().subs([(x/r, xhat), (y/r, yhat), (z/r, zhat)]) expr = expr.factor().factor(extension=[sp.I]).subs(xhat+sp.I*yhat, xpyhat) expr = expr.subs(xhat**2 + yhat**2, 1-zhat**2).factor() # and finally add the normalization amp = sp.sqrt((2*l+1) / (4*numpy.pi) * sp.factorial(l-m) / sp.factorial(l+m)) expr *= amp return expr