Source code for nbodykit.algorithms.convpower

import numpy
import logging
import time
import warnings

from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm
from nbodykit.utils import timer
from nbodykit.binned_statistic import BinnedStatistic
from .fftpower import project_to_basis
from import ComplexField

[docs]def get_real_Ylm(l, m): """ Return a function that computes the real spherical harmonic of order (l,m) Parameters ---------- l : int the degree of the harmonic m : int the order of the harmonic; abs(m) < l Returns ------- Ylm : callable a function that takes 4 arguments: (xhat, yhat, zhat) unit-normalized Cartesian coordinates and returns the specified Ylm References ---------- """ import sympy as sp # make sure l,m are integers l = int(l); m = int(m) # the relevant cartesian and spherical symbols x, y, z, r = sp.symbols('x y z r', real=True, positive=True) xhat, yhat, zhat = sp.symbols('xhat yhat zhat', real=True, positive=True) phi, theta = sp.symbols('phi theta') defs = [(sp.sin(phi), y/sp.sqrt(x**2+y**2)), (sp.cos(phi), x/sp.sqrt(x**2+y**2)), (sp.cos(theta), z/sp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2+z**2))] # the normalization factors if m == 0: amp = sp.sqrt((2*l+1) / (4*numpy.pi)) else: amp = sp.sqrt(2*(2*l+1) / (4*numpy.pi) * sp.factorial(l-abs(m)) / sp.factorial(l+abs(m))) # the cos(theta) dependence encoded by the associated Legendre poly expr = (-1)**m * sp.assoc_legendre(l, abs(m), sp.cos(theta)) # the phi dependence if m < 0: expr *= sp.expand_trig(sp.sin(abs(m)*phi)) elif m > 0: expr *= sp.expand_trig(sp.cos(m*phi)) # simplify expr = sp.together(expr.subs(defs)).subs(x**2 + y**2 + z**2, r**2) expr = amp * expr.expand().subs([(x/r, xhat), (y/r, yhat), (z/r, zhat)]) Ylm = sp.lambdify((xhat,yhat,zhat), expr, 'numexpr') # attach some meta-data Ylm.expr = expr Ylm.l = l Ylm.m = m return Ylm
[docs]class ConvolvedFFTPower(object): """ Algorithm to compute power spectrum multipoles using FFTs for a data survey with non-trivial geometry. Due to the geometry, the estimator computes the true power spectrum convolved with the window function (FFT of the geometry). This estimator implemented in this class is described in detail in Hand et al. 2017 (arxiv:1704.02357). It uses the spherical harmonic addition theorem such that only :math:`2\ell+1` FFTs are required to compute each multipole. This differs from the implementation in Bianchi et al. and Scoccimarro et al., which requires :math:`(\ell+1)(\ell+2)/2` FFTs. Results are computed when the object is inititalized, and the result is stored in the :attr:`poles` attribute. Important meta-data computed during algorithm execution is stored in the :attr:`attrs` dict. See the documenation of :func:``. .. note:: A full tutorial on the class is available in the documentation :ref:`here <convpower>`. Parameters ---------- source : FKPCatalog, FKPCatalogMesh the source to paint the data/randoms; FKPCatalog is automatically converted to a FKPCatalogMesh, using default painting parameters poles : list of int a list of integer multipole numbers ``ell`` to compute kmin : float, optional the edge of the first wavenumber bin; default is 0 dk : float, optional the spacing in wavenumber to use; if not provided; the fundamental mode of the box is used use_fkp_weights : bool, optional if ``True``, FKP weights will be added using ``P0_FKP`` such that the fkp weight is given by ``1 / (1 + P0*NZ)`` where ``NZ`` is the number density as a function of redshift column P0_FKP : float, optional the value of ``P0`` to use when computing FKP weights; must not be ``None`` if ``use_fkp_weights=True`` References ---------- * Hand, Nick et al. `An optimal FFT-based anisotropic power spectrum estimator`, 2017 * Bianchi, Davide et al., `Measuring line-of-sight-dependent Fourier-space clustering using FFTs`, MNRAS, 2015 * Scoccimarro, Roman, `Fast estimators for redshift-space clustering`, Phys. Review D, 2015 """ logger = logging.getLogger('ConvolvedFFTPower') def __init__(self, source, poles, Nmesh=None, kmin=0., dk=None, use_fkp_weights=False, P0_FKP=None): from nbodykit.source.catalog import FKPCatalog from nbodykit.source.catalogmesh import FKPCatalogMesh if not isinstance(source, (FKPCatalogMesh, FKPCatalog)): raise TypeError("input source should be a FKPCatalog or FKPCatalogMesh") if not hasattr(source, 'paint'): source = source.to_mesh(Nmesh=Nmesh) self.source = source self.Nmesh = Nmesh self.comm = self.source.comm # make a list of multipole numbers if numpy.isscalar(poles): poles = [poles] if use_fkp_weights and P0_FKP is None: raise ValueError(("please set the 'P0_FKP' keyword if you wish to automatically " "use FKP weights with 'use_fkp_weights=True'")) # add FKP weights if use_fkp_weights: if self.comm.rank == 0:"adding FKP weights as the '%s' column, using P0 = %.4e" %(self.source.fkp_weight, P0_FKP)) for name in ['data', 'randoms']: # print a warning if we are overwriting a non-default column old_fkp_weights = self.source[name+'/'+self.source.fkp_weight] if self.source.compute(old_fkp_weights.sum()) != len(old_fkp_weights): warn = "it appears that we are overwriting FKP weights for the '%s' " %name warn += "source in FKPCatalog when using 'use_fkp_weights=True' in ConvolvedFFTPower" warnings.warn(warn) nbar = self.source[name+'/'+self.source.nbar] self.source[name+'/'+self.source.fkp_weight] = 1.0 / (1. + P0_FKP * nbar) self.attrs = {} self.attrs['poles'] = poles self.attrs['dk'] = dk self.attrs['kmin'] = kmin self.attrs['use_fkp_weights'] = use_fkp_weights self.attrs['P0_FKP'] = P0_FKP # store BoxSize and BoxCenter from source self.attrs['BoxSize'] = self.source.attrs['BoxSize'] self.attrs['BoxPad'] = self.source.attrs['BoxPad'] self.attrs['BoxCenter'] = self.source.attrs['BoxCenter'] # grab some mesh attrs, too self.attrs['mesh.window'] = self.source.attrs['window'] self.attrs['mesh.interlaced'] = self.source.attrs['interlaced'] # and run
[docs] def run(self): """ Compute the power spectrum multipoles. This function does not return anything, but adds several attributes (see below). Attributes ---------- edges : array_like the edges of the wavenumber bins poles : :class:`~nbodykit.binned_statistic.BinnedStatistic` a BinnedStatistic object that behaves similar to a structured array, with fancy slicing and re-indexing; it holds the measured multipole results, as well as the number of modes (``modes``) and average wavenumbers values in each bin (``k``) attrs : dict dictionary holding input parameters and several important quantites computed during execution: #. data.N, randoms.N : the unweighted number of data and randoms objects #. data.W, randoms.W : the weighted number of data and randoms objects, using the column specified as the completeness weights #. alpha : the ratio of ``data.W`` to ``randoms.W`` #. data.norm, randoms.norm : the normalization of the power spectrum, computed from either the "data" or "randoms" catalog (they should be similar). See equations 13 and 14 of arxiv:1312.4611. #. data.shotnoise, randoms.shotnoise : the shot noise values for the "data" and "random" catalogs; See equation 15 of arxiv:1312.4611. #. shotnoise : the total shot noise for the power spectrum, equal to ``data.shotnoise`` + ``randoms.shotnoise``; this should be subtracted from the monopole. #. BoxSize : the size of the Cartesian box used to grid the data and randoms objects on a Cartesian mesh. For further details on the meta-data, see :ref:`the documentation <fkp-meta-data>`. """ pm = # setup the binning in k out to the minimum nyquist frequency dk = 2*numpy.pi/pm.BoxSize.min() if self.attrs['dk'] is None else self.attrs['dk'] self.edges = numpy.arange(self.attrs['kmin'], numpy.pi*pm.Nmesh.min()/pm.BoxSize.max() + dk/2, dk) # measure the binned 1D multipoles in Fourier space poles = self._compute_multipoles() # set all the necessary results self.poles = BinnedStatistic(['k'], [self.edges], poles, fields_to_sum=['modes'], **self.attrs)
[docs] def to_pkmu(self, mu_edges, max_ell): """ Invert the measured multipoles :math:`P_\ell(k)` into power spectrum wedges, :math:`P(k,\mu)`. Parameters ---------- mu_edges : array_like the edges of the :math:`\mu` bins max_ell : int the maximum multipole to use when computing the wedges; all even multipoles with :math:`ell` less than or equal to this number are included Returns ------- pkmu : BinnedStatistic a data set holding the :math:`P(k,\mu)` wedges """ from scipy.special import legendre from scipy.integrate import quad def compute_coefficient(ell, mumin, mumax): """ Compute how much each multipole contributes to a given wedges. This returns: .. math:: \frac{1}{\mu_{max} - \mu_{max}} \int_{\mu_{min}}^{\mu^{max}} \mathcal{L}_\ell(\mu) """ norm = 1.0 / (mumax - mumin) return norm * quad(lambda mu: legendre(ell)(mu), mumin, mumax)[0] # make sure we have all the poles measured ells = list(range(0, max_ell+1, 2)) if any('power_%d' %ell not in self.poles for ell in ells): raise ValueError("measurements for ells=%s required if max_ell=%d" %(ells, max_ell)) # new data array dtype = numpy.dtype([('power', 'c8'), ('k', 'f8'), ('mu', 'f8')]) data = numpy.zeros((self.poles.shape[0], len(mu_edges)-1), dtype=dtype) # loop over each wedge bounds = list(zip(mu_edges[:-1], mu_edges[1:])) for imu, mulims in enumerate(bounds): # add the contribution from each Pell for ell in ells: coeff = compute_coefficient(ell, *mulims) data['power'][:,imu] += coeff * self.poles['power_%d' %ell] data['k'][:,imu] = self.poles['k'] data['mu'][:,imu] = numpy.ones(len(data))*0.5*(mulims[1]+mulims[0]) dims = ['k', 'mu'] edges = [self.poles.edges['k'], mu_edges] return BinnedStatistic(dims=dims, edges=edges, data=data, **self.attrs)
def __getstate__(self): state = dict(edges=self.edges,, attrs=self.attrs) return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.poles = BinnedStatistic(['k'], [self.edges], self.poles, fields_to_sum=['modes'])
[docs] def save(self, output): """ Save the ConvolvedFFTPower result to disk. The format is currently json. Parameters ---------- output : str the name of the file to dump the JSON results to """ import json from nbodykit.utils import JSONEncoder # only the master rank writes if self.comm.rank == 0:'saving ConvolvedFFTPower result to %s' %output) with open(output, 'w') as ff: json.dump(self.__getstate__(), ff, cls=JSONEncoder)
[docs] @classmethod @CurrentMPIComm.enable def load(cls, output, comm=None): """ Load a saved ConvolvedFFTPower result, which has been saved to disk with :func:``. The current MPI communicator is automatically used if the ``comm`` keyword is ``None`` """ import json from nbodykit.utils import JSONDecoder if comm.rank == 0: with open(output, 'r') as ff: state = json.load(ff, cls=JSONDecoder) else: state = None state = comm.bcast(state) self = object.__new__(cls) self.__setstate__(state) self.comm = comm return self
def _compute_multipoles(self): """ Compute the window-convoled power spectrum multipoles, for a data set with non-trivial survey geometry. This estimator builds upon the work presented in Bianchi et al. 2015 and Scoccimarro et al. 2015, but differs in the implementation. This class uses the spherical harmonic addition theorem such that only :math:`2\ell+1` FFTs are required per multipole, rather than the :math:`(\ell+1)(\ell+2)/2` FFTs in the implementation presented by Bianchi et al. and Scoccimarro et al. References ---------- * Bianchi, Davide et al., `Measuring line-of-sight-dependent Fourier-space clustering using FFTs`, MNRAS, 2015 * Scoccimarro, Roman, `Fast estimators for redshift-space clustering`, Phys. Review D, 2015 """ rank = self.comm.rank pm = # setup the 1D-binning muedges = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 2, endpoint=True) edges = [self.edges, muedges] # make a structured array to hold the results cols = ['k'] + ['power_%d' %l for l in sorted(self.attrs['poles'])] + ['modes'] dtype = ['f8'] + ['c8']*len(self.attrs['poles']) + ['i8'] dtype = numpy.dtype(list(zip(cols, dtype))) result = numpy.empty(len(self.edges)-1, dtype=dtype) # offset the box coordinate mesh ([-BoxSize/2, BoxSize]) back to # the original (x,y,z) coords offset = self.attrs['BoxCenter'] + 0.5*pm.BoxSize / pm.Nmesh # always need to compute ell=0 poles = sorted(self.attrs['poles']) if 0 not in poles: poles = [0] + poles assert poles[0] == 0 # initialize the compensation transfer compensation = None try: compensation = self.source._get_compensation() if self.comm.rank == 0:'using compensation function %s' %compensation[0][1].__name__) except ValueError as e: if self.comm.rank == 0: self.logger.warning('no compensation applied: %s' %str(e)) # spherical harmonic kernels (for ell > 0) Ylms = [[get_real_Ylm(l,m) for m in range(-l, l+1)] for l in poles[1:]] # paint the FKP density field to the mesh (paints: data - alpha*randoms, essentially) rfield = self.source.to_real_field() # just paint the real field (without any additional compensation) meta = rfield.attrs.copy() if rank == 0:'%s painting done' %self.source.window) # first, check if normalizations from data and randoms are similar # if not, n(z) column is probably wrong if not numpy.allclose(meta['data.norm'], meta['randoms.norm'], rtol=0.05): msg = "normalization in ConvolvedFFTPower different by more than 5%; algorithm requires they must be similar\n" msg += "\trandoms.norm = %.6f, data.norm = %.6f\n" %(meta['randoms.norm'], meta['data.norm']) msg += "\tpossible discrepancies could be related to normalization of n(z) column ('%s')\n" %self.source.nbar msg += "\tor the consistency of the FKP weight column ('%s') for 'data' and 'randoms';\n" %self.source.fkp_weight msg += "\tn(z) columns for 'data' and 'randoms' should be normalized to represent n(z) of the data catalog" raise ValueError(msg) # save the painted density field for later density = rfield.copy() # FFT density field and apply the paintbrush window transfer kernel cfield = rfield.r2c() if compensation is not None: cfield.apply(func=compensation[0][1], kind=compensation[0][2], out=Ellipsis) if rank == 0:'ell = 0 done; 1 r2c completed') # monopole A0 is just the FFT of the FKP density field volume = A0 = ComplexField(pm) A0[:] = cfield[:] * volume # normalize with a factor of volume # initialize the memory holding the Aell terms for # higher multipoles (this holds sum of m for fixed ell) Aell = ComplexField(pm) # the real-space grid xgrid = [xx.astype('f8') + offset[ii] for ii, xx in enumerate(density.slabs.optx)] xnorm = numpy.sqrt(sum(xx**2 for xx in xgrid)) xgrid = [x/xnorm for x in xgrid] # the Fourier-space grid kgrid = [kk.astype('f8') for kk in cfield.slabs.optx] knorm = numpy.sqrt(sum(kk**2 for kk in kgrid)); knorm[knorm==0.] = numpy.inf kgrid = [k/knorm for k in kgrid] # proper normalization: same as equation 49 of Scoccimarro et al. 2015 norm = 1. / meta['randoms.norm'] # loop over the higher order multipoles (ell > 0) start = time.time() for iell, ell in enumerate(poles[1:]): # clear 2D workspace Aell[:] = 0. # iterate from m=-l to m=l and apply Ylm substart = time.time() for Ylm in Ylms[iell]: # reset the real-space mesh to the original density rfield[:] = density[:] # apply the config-space Ylm for islab, slab in enumerate(rfield.slabs): slab[:] *= Ylm(xgrid[0][islab], xgrid[1][islab], xgrid[2][islab]) # real to complex rfield.r2c(out=cfield) # apply the Fourier-space Ylm for islab, slab in enumerate(cfield.slabs): slab[:] *= Ylm(kgrid[0][islab], kgrid[1][islab], kgrid[2][islab]) # add to the total sum Aell[:] += cfield[:] # and this contribution to the total sum substop = time.time() if rank == 0: self.logger.debug("done term for Y(l=%d, m=%d) in %s" %(Ylm.l, Ylm.m, timer(substart, substop))) # apply the compensation transfer function if compensation is not None: Aell.apply(func=compensation[0][1], kind=compensation[0][2], out=Ellipsis) # factor of 4*pi from spherical harmonic addition theorem + volume factor Aell[:] *= 4*numpy.pi*volume # log the total number of FFTs computed for each ell if rank == 0: args = (ell, len(Ylms[iell]))'ell = %d done; %s r2c completed' %args) # calculate the power spectrum multipoles, slab-by-slab to save memory # this computes Aell.conj() * A0 for islab in range(A0.shape[0]): Aell[islab,...] = norm*Aell[islab].conj()*A0[islab] # project on to 1d k-basis (averaging over mu=[0,1]) proj_result, _ = project_to_basis(Aell, edges) result['power_%d' %ell][:] = numpy.squeeze(proj_result[2]) # summarize how long it took stop = time.time() if rank == 0:"higher order multipoles computed in elapsed time %s" %timer(start, stop)) # also compute ell=0 if 0 in self.attrs['poles']: # the 3D monopole for islab in range(A0.shape[0]): A0[islab,...] = norm*A0[islab]*A0[islab].conj() # the 1D monopole proj_result, _ = project_to_basis(A0, edges) result['power_0'][:] = numpy.squeeze(proj_result[2]) # save the number of modes and k result['k'][:] = numpy.squeeze(proj_result[0]) result['modes'][:] = numpy.squeeze(proj_result[-1]) # update with the attributes computed while painting self.attrs['alpha'] = meta['alpha'] self.attrs['shotnoise'] = meta['shotnoise'] for key in meta: if key.startswith('data.') or key.startswith('randoms.'): self.attrs[key] = meta[key] if rank == 0:"normalized power spectrum with `randoms.norm = %.6f`" %meta['randoms.norm']) return result