Source code for nbodykit.cosmology.correlation

import numpy
import mcfit
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from .power.zeldovich import ZeldovichPower

NUM_PTS = 1024

[docs]def xi_to_pk(r, xi, ell=0, extrap=False): r""" Return a callable function returning the power spectrum multipole of degree :math:`\ell`, as computed from the Fourier transform of the input :math:`r` and :math:`\xi_\ell(r)` arrays. This uses the :mod:`mcfit` package perform the FFT. Parameters ---------- r : array_like separation values where ``xi`` is evaluated xi : array_like the array holding the correlation function multipole values ell : int multipole degree of the input correlation function and the output power spectrum; monopole by default extrap : bool, optional whether to extrapolate the power spectrum with a power law; can improve the smoothness of the FFT Returns ------- InterpolatedUnivariateSpline : a spline holding the interpolated power spectrum values """ P = mcfit.xi2P(r, l=ell) kk, Pk = P(xi, extrap=extrap) return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(kk, Pk)
[docs]def pk_to_xi(k, Pk, ell=0, extrap=True): r""" Return a callable function returning the correlation function multipole of degree :math:`\ell`, as computed from the Fourier transform of the input :math:`k` and :math:`P_\ell(k)` arrays. This uses the :mod:`mcfit` package perform the FFT. Parameters ---------- k : array_like wavenumbers where ``Pk`` is evaluated Pk : array_like the array holding the power spectrum multipole values ell : int multipole degree of the input power spectrum and the output correlation function; monopole by default extrap : bool, optional whether to extrapolate the power spectrum with a power law; can improve the smoothness of the FFT Returns ------- InterpolatedUnivariateSpline : a spline holding the interpolated correlation function values """ xi = mcfit.P2xi(k, l=ell) rr, CF = xi(Pk, extrap=extrap) return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rr, CF)
[docs]class CorrelationFunction(object): """ Evaluate the correlation function by Fourier transforming a power spectrum object, with automatic re-scaling with redshift and sigma8. Parameters ---------- power : callable a callable power spectrum that returns the power at a given ``k``; this should have ``redshift``, ``sigma8``, and ``cosmo`` attributes """ def __init__(self, power): self.power = power # check required attributes for attr in ['redshift', 'sigma8', 'cosmo']: if not hasattr(power, attr): raise AttributeError("input power spectrum object must have a ``%s`` attribute" %attr) # meta-data self._attrs = {} self._attrs.update(getattr(self.power, 'attrs', {})) @property def attrs(self): self._attrs['redshift'] = self.redshift self._attrs['sigma8'] = self.sigma8 return self._attrs @property def redshift(self): return self.power.redshift @redshift.setter def redshift(self, value): self.power.redshift = value @property def sigma8(self): return self.power.sigma8 @sigma8.setter def sigma8(self, value): self.power.sigma8 = value @property def cosmo(self): return self.power.cosmo
[docs] def __call__(self, r, smoothing=0., kmin=1e-5, kmax=10.): """ Return the correlation function (dimensionless) for separations ``r`` Parameters ---------- r : float, array_like the separation array in units of :math:`h^{-1} \mathrm(Mpc)` smoothing : float, optional the std deviation of the Fourier space Gaussian smoothing to apply to P(k) before taking the FFT kmin : float, optional the minimum ``k`` value to compute P(k) for before taking the FFT kmax : float, optional the maximum ``k`` value to compute P(k) for before taking the FFT """ k = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(kmin), numpy.log10(kmax), NUM_PTS) # power with smoothing Pk = self.power(k) Pk *= numpy.exp(-(k*smoothing)**2) # only extrap if not zeldovich extrap = not isinstance(self.power, ZeldovichPower) return pk_to_xi(k, Pk, extrap=extrap)(r)