Source code for nbodykit.algorithms.fof

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy
import logging
from mpi4py import MPI
from nbodykit.source.catalog import ArrayCatalog
from nbodykit.utils import split_size_3d
from nbodykit.utils import DistributedArray

[docs]class FOF(object): """ A friends-of-friends halo finder that computes the label for each particle, denoting which halo it belongs to. Friends-of-friends was first used by Davis et al 1985 to define halos in hierachical structure formation of cosmological simulations. The algorithm is also known as DBSCAN in computer science. The subroutine here implements a parallel version of the FOF. The underlying local FOF algorithm is from :mod:`kdcount.cluster`, which is an adaptation of the implementation in Volker Springel's Gadget and Martin White's PM. Results are computed when the object is inititalized. See the documenation of :func:`` for the attributes storing the results. For returning a CatalogSource of the FOF halos, see :func:`find_features` and for computing a halo catalog with added analytic information for a specific redshift and cosmology, see :func:`to_halos`. Parameters ---------- source : CatalogSource the source to run the FOF algorithm on; must support 'Position' linking_length : float the linking length, either in absolute units, or relative to the mean particle separation nmin : int halo with fewer particles are ignored absolute : bool, optional If `True`, the linking length is in absolute units, otherwise it is relative to the mean particle separation; default is `False` """ logger = logging.getLogger('FOF') def __init__(self, source, linking_length, nmin, absolute=False, periodic=True, domain_factor=1): self.comm = source.comm self._source = source if 'Position' not in source: raise ValueError("cannot compute FOF without 'Position' column") self.attrs = {} self.attrs['linking_length'] = linking_length self.attrs['nmin'] = nmin self.attrs['absolute'] = absolute self.attrs['periodic'] = periodic self.attrs['domain_factor'] = domain_factor if periodic and 'BoxSize' not in source.attrs: raise ValueError("Periodic FOF requires BoxSize in .attrs['BoxSize']") # linking length relative to mean separation if not absolute: mean_separation = pow(['BoxSize']) / source.csize, 1.0 / len(source.attrs['Nmesh'])) linking_length *= mean_separation self._linking_length = linking_length # and run
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the FOF algorithm. This function returns nothing, but does attach several attributes to the class instance: - attr:`labels` - :attr:`max_labels` .. note:: The :attr:`labels` array is scattered evenly across all ranks. Attributes ---------- labels : array_like, length: :attr:`size` an array the label that specifies which FOF halo each particle belongs to max_label : int the maximum label across all ranks; this represents the total number of FOF halos found """ # run the FOF minid = fof(self._source, self._linking_length, self.comm, self.attrs['periodic'], self.attrs['domain_factor'], self.logger) # the sorted labels self.labels = _assign_labels(minid, comm=self.comm, thresh=self.attrs['nmin']) self.max_label = self.comm.allgather(self.labels.max())
[docs] def find_features(self, peakcolumn=None): """ Based on the particle labels, identify the groups, and return the center-of-mass ``CMPosition``, ``CMVelocity``, and Length of each feature. If a ``peakcolumn`` is given, the ``PeakPosition`` and ``PeakVelocity`` is also calculated for the particle at the peak value of the column. Data is scattered evenly across all ranks. Returns ------- :class:`~nbodykit.source.catalog.array.ArrayCatalog` : a source holding the ('CMPosition', 'CMVelocity', 'Length') of each feature; optionaly, ``PeakPosition``, ``PeakVelocity`` are also included if ``peakcolumn`` is not None """ # the center-of-mass (Position, Velocity, Length) halos = fof_catalog(self._source, self.labels, self.comm, peakcolumn=peakcolumn, periodic=self.attrs['periodic']) attrs = self._source.attrs.copy() attrs.update(self.attrs) return ArrayCatalog(halos, comm=self.comm, **attrs)
[docs] def to_halos(self, particle_mass, cosmo, redshift, mdef='vir', posdef='cm', peakcolumn='Density'): """ Return a :class:`~nbodykit.source.catalog.halos.HaloCatalog`, holding the center-of-mass position and velocity of each FOF halo, as well as the properly scaled mass, for a given cosmology and redshift. The returned catalog also has default analytic prescriptions for halo radius and concentration. The data is scattered evenly across all ranks. Parameters ---------- particle_mass : float the particle mass, which is used to convert the number of particles in each halo to a total mass cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.core.Cosmology` the cosmology of the catalog redshift : float the redshift of the catalog mdef : str, optional string specifying mass definition, used for computing default halo radii and concentration; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or 'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity posdef : str, optional position, can be cm (center of mass) or peak (particle with maximum value on a column) peakcolumn : str , optional when posdef is 'peak', this is the column in source for identifying particles at the peak for the position and velocity. Returns ------- :class:`~nbodykit.source.catalog.halos.HaloCatalog` a HaloCatalog at the specified cosmology and redshift """ from nbodykit.source.catalog.halos import HaloCatalog assert posdef in ['cm', 'peak'], "``posdef`` should be 'cm' or 'peak'" # meta-data attrs = self._source.attrs.copy() attrs.update(self.attrs) attrs['particle_mass'] = particle_mass if posdef == 'cm': # using the center-of-mass (Position, Velocity, Length) for each halo # not needing a column for peaks. peakcolumn = None else: pass data = fof_catalog(self._source, self.labels, self.comm, peakcolumn=peakcolumn, periodic=self.attrs['periodic']) data = data[data['Length'] > 0] halos = ArrayCatalog(data, comm=self.comm, **attrs) if posdef == 'cm': halos['Position'] = halos['CMPosition'] halos['Velocity'] = halos['CMVelocity'] elif posdef == 'peak': halos['Position'] = halos['PeakPosition'] halos['Velocity'] = halos['PeakVelocity'] # add the halo mass column halos['Mass'] = particle_mass * halos['Length'] coldefs = {'mass':'Mass', 'velocity':'Velocity', 'position':'Position'} return HaloCatalog(halos, cosmo, redshift, mdef=mdef, **coldefs)
def _assign_labels(minid, comm, thresh): """ Convert minid to sequential labels starting from 0. This routine is used to assign halo label to particles with the same minid. Halos with less than thresh particles are reclassified to 0. Parameters ---------- minid : array_like, ('i8') The minimum particle id of the halo. All particles of a halo have the same minid comm : py:class:`MPI.Comm` communicator. since this is a collective operation thresh : int halo with less than thresh particles are merged into halo 0 Returns ------- labels : array_like ('i8') The new labels of particles. Note that this is ordered by the size of halo, with the exception 0 represents all particles that are in halos that contain less than thresh particles. """ from mpi4py import MPI dtype = numpy.dtype([ ('origind', 'u8'), ('fofid', 'u8'), ]) data = numpy.empty(len(minid), dtype=dtype) # assign origind for recovery of ordering, since # we need to work in sorted fofid data['fofid'] = minid data['origind'] = numpy.arange(len(data), dtype='u4') data['origind'] += numpy.sum(comm.allgather(len(data))[:comm.rank], dtype='intp') \ data = DistributedArray(data, comm) # first attempt is to assign fofid for each group data.sort('fofid') label = data['fofid'].unique_labels() N = label.bincount() # now eliminate those with less than thresh particles small = N.local <= thresh Nlocal = label.bincount(local=True) # mask == True for particles in small halos mask = numpy.repeat(small, Nlocal) # globally shift halo id by one label.local += 1 label.local[mask] = 0 data['fofid'].local[:] = label.local[:] del label data.sort('fofid') data['fofid'].local[:] = data['fofid'].unique_labels().local[:] data.sort('origind') label = data['fofid'].local.view('i8').copy() del data Nhalo0 = max(comm.allgather(label.max())) + 1 Nlocal = numpy.bincount(label, minlength=Nhalo0) comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, Nlocal, op=MPI.SUM) # sort the labels by halo size arg = Nlocal[1:].argsort()[::-1] + 1 if Nhalo0 > 2**31: dtype = 'i8' else: dtype = 'i4' P = numpy.arange(Nhalo0, dtype=dtype) P[arg] = numpy.arange(len(arg), dtype=dtype) + 1 label = P[label] return label def _fof_local(layout, pos, boxsize, ll, comm): from kdcount import cluster N = len(pos) pos = if boxsize is not None: pos %= boxsize data = cluster.dataset(pos, boxsize=boxsize) fof = cluster.fof(data, linking_length=ll, np=0) labels = fof.labels del fof PID = numpy.arange(N, dtype='intp') PID += numpy.sum(comm.allgather(N)[:comm.rank], dtype='intp') PID = # initialize global labels minid = equiv_class(labels, PID, op=numpy.fmin)[labels] return minid def _fof_merge(layout, minid, comm): # generate global halo id while True: # merge, if a particle belongs to several ranks # use the global label of the minimal minid_new = layout.gather(minid, mode=numpy.fmin) minid_new = # on my rank, these particles have been merged merged = minid_new != minid # if no rank has merged any, we are done # gl is the global label (albeit with some holes) total = comm.allreduce(merged.sum()) if total == 0: del minid_new break old = minid[merged] new = minid_new[merged] arg = old.argsort() new = new[arg] old = old[arg] replacesorted(minid, old, new, out=minid) minid = layout.gather(minid, mode=numpy.fmin) return minid
[docs]def fof(source, linking_length, comm, periodic, domain_factor, logger): """ Run Friends-of-friends halo finder. Friends-of-friends was first used by Davis et al 1985 to define halos in hierachical structure formation of cosmological simulations. The algorithm is also known as DBSCAN in computer science. The subroutine here implements a parallel version of the FOF. The underlying local FOF algorithm is from `kdcount.cluster`, which is an adaptation of the implementation in Volker Springel's Gadget and Martin White's PM. It could have been done faster. Parameters ---------- source: CatalogSource the input source of particles; must support 'Position' column; ``source.attrs['BoxSize']`` is also used linking_length: float linking length in data units. (Usually Mpc/h). comm: MPI.Comm The mpi communicator. Returns ------- minid: array_like A unique label of each position. The label is not ranged from 0. """ from pmesh.domain import GridND np = split_size_3d(comm.size) nd = np * domain_factor if periodic: BoxSize = source.attrs.get('BoxSize', None) if BoxSize is None: raise ValueError("cannot compute FOF clustering of source without 'BoxSize' in ``attrs`` dict") if numpy.isscalar(BoxSize): BoxSize = [BoxSize, BoxSize, BoxSize] left = [0, 0, 0] right = BoxSize else: BoxSize = None left = numpy.min(comm.allgather(source['Position'].min(axis=0).compute()), axis=0) right = numpy.max(comm.allgather(source['Position'].max(axis=0).compute()), axis=0) grid = [ numpy.linspace(left[0], right[0], nd[0] + 1, endpoint=True), numpy.linspace(left[1], right[1], nd[1] + 1, endpoint=True), numpy.linspace(left[2], right[2], nd[2] + 1, endpoint=True), ] domain = GridND(grid, comm=comm, periodic=periodic) Position = source.compute(source['Position']) np = comm.allgather(len(Position)) if comm.rank == 0:"Number of particles max/min = %d / %d before spatial decomposition" % (max(np), min(np))) # balance the load domain.loadbalance(domain.load(Position)) layout = domain.decompose(Position, smoothing=linking_length * 1) np = comm.allgather(layout.newlength) if comm.rank == 0:"Number of particles max/min = %d / %d after spatial decomposition" % (max(np), min(np))) comm.barrier() minid = _fof_local(layout, Position, BoxSize, linking_length, comm) comm.barrier() minid = _fof_merge(layout, minid, comm) return minid
[docs]def fof_find_peaks(source, label, comm, position='Position', column='Density'): """ Find position of the peak (maximum) from a given column for a fof result. """ Nhalo0 = max(comm.allgather(label.max())) + 1 N = numpy.bincount(label, minlength=Nhalo0) comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, N, op=MPI.SUM) return hpos
[docs]def fof_catalog(source, label, comm, position='Position', velocity='Velocity', initposition='InitialPosition', peakcolumn=None, periodic=True): """ Catalog of FOF groups based on label from a parent source This is a collective operation -- the returned halo catalog will be equally distributed across all ranks Notes ----- This computes the center-of-mass position and velocity in the same units as the corresponding columns ``source`` Parameters ---------- source: CatalogSource the parent source of particles from which the center-of-mass position and velocity are computed for each halo label : array_like the label for each particle that identifies which halo it belongs to comm: MPI.Comm the mpi communicator. Must agree with the datasource position : str, optional the column name specifying the position velocity : str, optional the column name specifying the velocity initposition : str, optional the column name specifying the initial position; this is only computed if available peakcolumn : str, optional if not None, find PeakPostion and PeakVelocity based on the value of peakcolumn Returns ------- catalog: array_like A 1-d array of type 'Position', 'Velocity', 'Length'. The center mass position and velocity of the FOF halo, and Length is the number of particles in a halo. The catalog is sorted such that the most massive halo is first. ``catalog[0]`` does not correspond to any halo. """ from nbodykit.utils import ScatterArray # make sure all of the columns are there for col in [position, velocity]: if col not in source: raise ValueError("the column '%s' is missing from parent source; cannot compute halos" %col) dtype=[('CMPosition', ('f4', 3)),('CMVelocity', ('f4', 3)),('Length', 'i4')] N = count(label, comm=comm) if periodic: # make sure BoxSize is there boxsize = source.attrs.get('BoxSize', None) if boxsize is None: raise ValueError("cannot compute halo catalog from source without 'BoxSize' in ``attrs`` dict") else: boxsize = None # center of mass position hpos = centerofmass(label, source.compute(source[position]), boxsize=boxsize, comm=comm) # center of mass velocity hvel = centerofmass(label, source.compute(source[velocity]), boxsize=None, comm=comm) # center of mass initial position if initposition in source: dtype.append(('InitialPosition', ('f4', 3))) hpos_init = centerofmass(label, source.compute(source[initposition]), boxsize=boxsize, comm=comm) if peakcolumn is not None: assert peakcolumn in source dtype.append(('PeakPosition', ('f4', 3))) dtype.append(('PeakVelocity', ('f4', 3))) density = source[peakcolumn].compute() dmax = equiv_class(label, density, op=numpy.fmax, dense_labels=True, minlength=len(N), identity=-numpy.inf) comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, dmax, op=MPI.MAX) # remove any non-peak particle from the labels label1 = label * (density >= dmax[label]) # compute the center of mass on the new labels ppos = centerofmass(label1, source.compute(source[position]), boxsize=boxsize, comm=comm) pvel = centerofmass(label1, source.compute(source[velocity]), boxsize=None, comm=comm) dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) if comm.rank == 0: catalog = numpy.empty(shape=len(N), dtype=dtype) catalog['CMPosition'] = hpos catalog['CMVelocity'] = hvel catalog['Length'] = N catalog['Length'][0] = 0 if 'InitialPosition' in dtype.names: catalog['InitialPosition'] = hpos_init if peakcolumn is not None: catalog['PeakPosition'] = ppos catalog['PeakVelocity'] = pvel else: catalog = None return ScatterArray(catalog, comm, root=0)
# ----------------------- # Helpers # -----------------------
[docs]def equiv_class(labels, values, op, dense_labels=False, identity=None, minlength=None): """ apply operation to equivalent classes by label, on values Parameters ---------- labels : array_like the label of objects, starting from 0. values : array_like the values of objects (len(labels), ...) op : :py:class:`numpy.ufunc` the operation to apply dense_labels : boolean If the labels are already dense (from 0 to Nobjects - 1) If False, :py:meth:`numpy.unique` is used to convert the labels internally Returns ------- result : the value of each equivalent class Examples -------- >>> x = numpy.arange(10) >>> print equiv_class(x, x, numpy.fmin, dense_labels=True) [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] >>> x = numpy.arange(10) >>> v = numpy.arange(20).reshape(10, 2) >>> x[1] = 0 >>> print equiv_class(x, 1.0 * v, numpy.fmin, dense_labels=True, identity=numpy.inf) [[ 0. 1.] [ inf inf] [ 4. 5.] [ 6. 7.] [ 8. 9.] [ 10. 11.] [ 12. 13.] [ 14. 15.] [ 16. 17.] [ 18. 19.]] """ # dense labels if not dense_labels: junk, labels = numpy.unique(labels, return_inverse=True) del junk N = numpy.bincount(labels) offsets = numpy.concatenate([[0], N.cumsum()], axis=0)[:-1] arg = labels.argsort() if identity is None: identity = op.identity if minlength is None: minlength = len(N) # work around numpy dtype reference counting bugs # be a simple man and never steal anything. dtype = numpy.dtype((values.dtype, values.shape[1:])) result = numpy.empty(minlength, dtype=dtype) result[:len(N)] = op.reduceat(values[arg], offsets) if (N == 0).any(): result[:len(N)][N == 0] = identity if len(N) < minlength: result[len(N):] = identity return result
[docs]def replacesorted(arr, sorted, b, out=None): """ replace a with corresponding b in arr Parameters ---------- arr : array_like input array sorted : array_like sorted b : array_like out : array_like, output array Result ------ newarr : array_like arr with a replaced by corresponding b Examples -------- >>> print replacesorted(numpy.arange(10), numpy.arange(5), numpy.ones(5)) [1 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 8 9] """ if out is None: out = arr.copy() if len(sorted) == 0: return out ind = sorted.searchsorted(arr) ind.clip(0, len(sorted) - 1, out=ind) arr = numpy.array(arr) found = sorted[ind] == arr out[found] = b[ind[found]] return out
[docs]def centerofmass(label, pos, boxsize, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): """ Calulate the center of mass of particles of the same label. The center of mass is defined as the mean of positions of particles, but care has to be taken regarding to the periodic boundary. This is a collective operation, and after the call, all ranks will have the position of halos. Parameters ---------- label : array_like (integers) Halo label of particles, >=0 pos : array_like (float, 3) position of particles. boxsize : float or None size of the periodic box, or None if no periodic boundary is assumed. comm : :py:class:`MPI.Comm` communicator for the collective operation. Returns ------- hpos : array_like (float, 3) the center of mass position of the halos. """ Nhalo0 = max(comm.allgather(label.max())) + 1 N = numpy.bincount(label, minlength=Nhalo0) comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, N, op=MPI.SUM) if boxsize is not None: posmin = equiv_class(label, pos, op=numpy.fmin, dense_labels=True, identity=numpy.inf, minlength=len(N)) comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, posmin, op=MPI.MIN) dpos = pos - posmin[label] for i in range(dpos.shape[-1]): bhalf = boxsize[i] * 0.5 dpos[..., i][dpos[..., i] < -bhalf] += boxsize[i] dpos[..., i][dpos[..., i] >= bhalf] -= boxsize[i] else: dpos = pos dpos = equiv_class(label, dpos, op=numpy.add, dense_labels=True, minlength=len(N)) comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, dpos, op=MPI.SUM) dpos /= N[:, None] if boxsize is not None: hpos = posmin + dpos hpos %= boxsize else: hpos = dpos return hpos
[docs]def count(label, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): """ Count the number of particles of the same label. This is a collective operation, and after the call, all ranks will have the particle count. Parameters ---------- label : array_like (integers) Halo label of particles, >=0 comm : :py:class:`MPI.Comm` communicator for the collective operation. Returns ------- count : array_like the count of number of particles in each halo """ Nhalo0 = max(comm.allgather(label.max())) + 1 N = numpy.bincount(label, minlength=Nhalo0) comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, N, op=MPI.SUM) return N