Source code for nbodykit.source.catalog.halos

from .array import ArrayCatalog
from nbodykit import CurrentMPIComm, transform
from nbodykit.utils import GatherArray, ScatterArray
from nbodykit.base.catalog import CatalogSourceBase, CatalogSource, column

import numpy
import logging

[docs]class HaloCatalog(CatalogSource): """ A CatalogSource of objects that represent halos, which can be populated using analytic models from :mod:`halotools`. Parameters ---------- source : CatalogSource the source holding the particles to be interpreted as halos cosmo : :class:`~nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` the cosmology instance; redshift : float the redshift of the halo catalog mdef : str, optional string specifying mass definition, used for computing default halo radii and concentration; should be 'vir' or 'XXXc' or 'XXXm' where 'XXX' is an int specifying the overdensity mass : str, optional the column name specifying the mass of each halo position : str, optional the column name specifying the position of each halo velocity : str, optional the column name specifying the velocity of each halo """ logger = logging.getLogger("HaloCatalog") def __init__(self, source, cosmo, redshift, mdef='vir', mass='Mass', position='Position', velocity='Velocity'): # make sure all of the columns are there required = ['mass', 'position', 'velocity'] for name, col in zip(required, [mass, position, velocity]): if col is None: raise ValueError("the %s column cannot be None in HaloCatalog" %name) if col not in source: raise ValueError("input source is missing the %s column; '%s' does not exist" %(name, col)) if not isinstance(source, CatalogSourceBase): raise TypeError("input source to HalotoolsCatalog should be a CatalogSource") comm = source.comm self._source = source self.cosmo = cosmo # get the attrs from the source self.attrs.update(source.attrs) # and save the parameters self.attrs['redshift'] = redshift self.attrs['cosmo'] = dict(self.cosmo) self.attrs['mass'] = mass self.attrs['velocity'] = velocity self.attrs['position'] = position self.attrs['mdef'] = mdef # names of the mass and radius fields, based on mass def self.attrs['halo_mass_key'] = 'halo_m' + mdef self.attrs['halo_radius_key'] = 'halo_r' + mdef # the size self._size = self._source.size # init the base class CatalogSource.__init__(self, comm=comm)
[docs] @column def Mass(self): """ The halo mass column, assumed to be in units of :math:`M_\odot/h`. """ return self._source[self.attrs['mass']]
[docs] @column def Position(self): """ The halo position column, assumed to be in units of :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}/h`. """ return self._source[self.attrs['position']]
[docs] @column def Velocity(self): """ The halo velocity column, assumed to be in units of km/s. """ return self._source[self.attrs['velocity']]
[docs] @column def VelocityOffset(self): """ The redshift-space distance offset due to the velocity in units of distance. The assumed units are :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}/h`. This multiplies ``Velocity`` by :math:`1 / (a 100 E(z)) = 1 / (a H(z)/h)`. """ z = self.attrs['redshift'] rsd_factor = (1+z) / (100*self.cosmo.efunc(z)) return self['Velocity'] * rsd_factor
[docs] @column def Concentration(self): """ The halo concentration, computed using :func:`nbodykit.transform.HaloConcentration`. This uses the analytic formulas for concentration from `Dutton and Maccio 2014 <>`_. Users can override this column to implement custom mass-concentration relations. """ z = self.attrs['redshift'] mdef = self.attrs['mdef'] return transform.HaloConcentration(self['Mass'], self.cosmo, z, mdef=mdef)
[docs] @column def Radius(self): """ The halo radius, computed using :func:`nbodykit.transform.HaloRadius`. Assumed units of :math:`\mathrm{Mpc}/h`. """ z = self.attrs['redshift'] mdef = self.attrs['mdef'] return transform.HaloRadius(self['Mass'], self.cosmo, z, mdef=mdef)
[docs] def to_halotools(self, BoxSize=None): """ Return the HaloCatalog as a :class:`halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog`. The Halotools catalog only holds the local data, although halos are labeled via the ``halo_id`` column using the global index. Parameters ---------- BoxSize : float, array_like, optional the size of the box; must be supplied if 'BoxSize' is not in the :attr:`attrs` dict Returns ------- cat : :class:`halotools.sim_manager.UserSuppliedHaloCatalog` the Halotools halo catalog, storing the local halo data """ from halotools.sim_manager import UserSuppliedHaloCatalog # make sure we have at least one halo if self.csize == 0: raise ValueError("cannot create halotools UserSuppliedHaloCatalog; catalog is empty") # make sure we have a BoxSize if BoxSize is None: BoxSize = self.attrs.get('BoxSize', None) if BoxSize is None: raise ValueError("please specify a 'BoxSize' to convert to a halotools catalog") # compute the columns cols = ['Position', 'Velocity', 'Mass', 'Radius', 'Concentration'] cols = self.compute(*[self[col] for col in cols]) Position, Velocity, Mass, Radius, Concen = [col for col in cols] # halo mass and radius keys mkey = self.attrs['halo_mass_key'] rkey = self.attrs['halo_radius_key'] # global halo ids (across all ranks) halo_id = self.Index.compute() # data columns kws = {} kws['halo_x'] = Position[:,0] kws['halo_y'] = Position[:,1] kws['halo_z'] = Position[:,2] kws['halo_vx'] = Velocity[:,0] kws['halo_vy'] = Velocity[:,1] kws['halo_vz'] = Velocity[:,2] kws[mkey] = Mass kws[rkey] = Radius kws['halo_nfw_conc'] = Concen kws['halo_id'] = halo_id kws['halo_hostid'] = halo_id kws['halo_upid'] = numpy.zeros(len(Position)) - 1 kws['halo_local_id'] = numpy.arange(0, self.size, dtype='i8') # add metadata too kws['cosmology'] = self.cosmo kws['redshift'] = self.attrs['redshift'] kws['Lbox'] = BoxSize kws['particle_mass'] = self.attrs.get('particle_mass', 1.0) kws['mdef'] = self.attrs['mdef'] return UserSuppliedHaloCatalog(**kws)
[docs] def populate(self, model, BoxSize=None, seed=None, **params): """ Populate the HaloCatalog using a :mod:`halotools` model. The model can be a built-in model from :mod:`nbodykit.hod` (which will be converted to a Halotools model) or directly a Halotools model instance. This assumes that this is the first time this catalog has been populated with the input model. To re-populate using the same model (but different parameters), call the :func:`repopulate` function of the returned :class:`PopulatedHaloCatalog`. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`nbodykit.hod.HODModel` or halotools model object the model instance to use to populate; model types from :mod:`nbodykit.hod` will automatically be converted BoxSize : float, 3-vector, optional the box size of the catalog; this must be supplied if 'BoxSize' is not in :attr:`attrs` seed : int, optional the random seed to use when populating the mock **params : key/value pairs specifying the model parameters to use Returns ------- cat : :class:`PopulatedHaloCatalog` the catalog object storing information about the populated objects Examples -------- Initialize a demo halo catalog: >>> from nbodykit.tutorials import DemoHaloCatalog >>> cat = DemoHaloCatalog('bolshoi', 'rockstar', 0.5) Populate with the built-in Zheng07 model: >>> from nbodykit.hod import Zheng07Model >>> galcat = cat.populate(Zheng07Model, seed=42) And then re-populate galaxy catalog with new parameters: >>> galcat.repopulate(alpha=0.9, logMmin=13.5, seed=42) """ from nbodykit.hod import HODModel from halotools.empirical_models import ModelFactory from halotools.sim_manager import UserSuppliedHaloCatalog # handle builtin model types if isinstance(model, (type, HODModel)) and issubclass(model, HODModel): model = model.to_halotools(self.cosmo, self.attrs['redshift'], self.attrs['mdef'], concentration_key='halo_nfw_conc') # check model type if not isinstance(model, ModelFactory): raise TypeError("model for populating mocks should be a Halotools ModelFactory") # make halotools catalog halocat = self.to_halotools(BoxSize=BoxSize) # cache the model so we have option to call repopulate later self.model = model # return the populated catalog return _populate_mock(self, model, seed=seed, halocat=halocat, **params)
[docs]class PopulatedHaloCatalog(ArrayCatalog): """ A CatalogSource to represent a set of objects populated into a :class:`HaloCatalog`. .. note:: Users should not access this class directly, but rather, call :func:`HaloCatalog.populate` to generate a :class:`PopulatedHaloCatalog`. Parameters ---------- data : structured numpy.ndarray the data of the populated objects model : the Halotools model instance cosmo : :class:`nbodykit.cosmology.cosmology.Cosmology` the cosmology instance """ @CurrentMPIComm.enable def __init__(self, data, model, cosmo, comm=None): ArrayCatalog.__init__(self, data, comm=comm) self.model = model self.cosmo = cosmo
[docs] def repopulate(self, seed=None, **params): """ Re-populate the catalog in-place, using the specified ``seed`` or model parameters. This re-uses the model that was last used to create this catalog. It is faster than :func:`HaloCatalog.populate` as it avoids initialization steps. It is intended to be used when looping over different parameter sets, e.g., when performing parameter optimization. .. note:: This operation is performed in-place. Parameters ---------- seed : int, optional the random seed to use when populating the mock **params : key/value pairs specifying the model parameters to use """ _populate_mock(self, self.model, seed=seed, inplace=True, **params)
def _populate_mock(cat, model, seed=None, halocat=None, inplace=False, **params): """ Internal function to perform the mock population on a HaloCatalog, given a :mod:`halotools` model. The implementation is not massively parallel. The data is gathered to the root rank, mock population is performed, and then the data is re-scattered evenly across ranks. """ # verify input params valid = sorted(model.param_dict) missing = set(params) - set(valid) if len(missing): raise ValueError("invalid halo model parameter names: %s" % str(missing)) # update the model parameters model.param_dict.update(params) # set the seed randomly if it is None if seed is None: seed = numpy.random.randint(0, 4294967295) # use uncorrelated seed per rank rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=seed) seed1 = rng.randint(0, 4294967295, size=cat.comm.size)[cat.comm.rank] # the types of galaxies we are populating gal_types = getattr(model, 'gal_types', []) # re-populate the mock (without halo catalog pre-processing) kws = {'seed':seed1, 'Num_ptcl_requirement':0, 'halo_mass_column_key':cat.attrs['halo_mass_key']} if hasattr(model, 'mock'): model.mock.populate(**kws) # populating model for the first time (initialization costs) else: if halocat is None: raise ValueError("halocat cannot be None if we are populating for the first time") model.populate_mock(halocat=halocat, **kws) # enumerate gal types as integers # NOTE: necessary to avoid "O" type columns _enum_gal_types(model.mock.galaxy_table, gal_types) # crash if any object dtypes # NOTE: we cannot use GatherArray/ScatterArray on objects data = _test_for_objects(model.mock.galaxy_table).as_array() # re-initialize with new source if inplace: PopulatedHaloCatalog.__init__(cat, data, model, cat.cosmo, comm=cat.comm) galcat = cat else: galcat = PopulatedHaloCatalog(data, model, cat.cosmo, comm=cat.comm) # crash with no particles! if galcat.csize == 0: raise ValueError("no particles in catalog after populating halo catalog") # add Position, Velocity galcat['Position'] = transform.StackColumns(galcat['x'], galcat['y'], galcat['z']) galcat['Velocity'] = transform.StackColumns(galcat['vx'], galcat['vy'], galcat['vz']) # add VelocityOffset z = cat.attrs['redshift'] rsd_factor = (1+z) / (100.*cat.cosmo.efunc(z)) galcat['VelocityOffset'] = galcat['Velocity'] * rsd_factor # add meta-data galcat.attrs.update(cat.attrs) galcat.attrs.update(model.param_dict) galcat.attrs['seed'] = seed galcat.attrs['gal_types'] = {t:i for i,t in enumerate(gal_types)} # propagate total number of halos for logging Nhalos = galcat.comm.allreduce(len(galcat.model.mock.halo_table)) # and log some info _log_populated_stats(galcat, Nhalos) return galcat def _log_populated_stats(cat, Nhalos): """ Internal function to log statistics of a populated catalog. It logs information about satellite fraction, mass distribution, and total number. This is called each time that :func:`_populate_mock` is called. """ # compute the satellite fraction fsat = None if 'gal_type' in cat: gal_types = cat.attrs['gal_types'] if 'satellites' in gal_types: Nsats = cat.comm.allreduce((cat['gal_type'] == gal_types['satellites']).sum()) fsat = float(Nsats) / cat.csize cat.attrs['fsat'] = fsat # mass distribution stats mass = cat[cat.attrs['halo_mass_key']].compute() logmass = numpy.log10(mass) avg_logmass = cat.comm.allreduce(logmass.sum()) / cat.csize sq_logmass = cat.comm.allreduce(((logmass - avg_logmass)**2).sum()) / cat.csize std_logmass = sq_logmass**0.5 if cat.comm.rank == 0: if fsat is not None:"satellite fraction: %.2f" % fsat)"populated %d objects into %d halos" % (cat.csize, Nhalos))"mean log10 halo mass: %.2f" % avg_logmass)"std log10 halo mass: %.2f" % std_logmass) def _enum_gal_types(galtab, types): """ Enumerate the galaxy types as integers instead of strings. """ if 'gal_type' in galtab.colnames: gal_type = numpy.zeros(len(galtab), dtype='i4') for i, gtype in enumerate(sorted(types[1:])): idx = galtab['gal_type'] == gtype gal_type[idx] = i+1 galtab.replace_column('gal_type', gal_type) def _test_for_objects(data): """ Raise an exception if any of the columns have 'O' dtype. This is necessary because the 'O' dtype has an undefined size and cannot be scattered/gathered via MPI. """ for col in data.colnames: if data.dtype[col] == 'O': raise TypeError("column '%s' is of type 'O'; must convert to integer or string" %col) return data