Source code for

from six import string_types
import numpy
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from nbodykit import _global_options

[docs]class FileType(object): """ An abstract base class representing a file object. Users should subclass this class and implement the :func:`read` function, responsible for reading data from the specific file type. """ logger = logging.getLogger("FileType") def __init__(self, dtype, size): self.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype) self.size = size
[docs] @abstractmethod def read(self, columns, start, stop, step=1): """ Read the specified column(s) over the given range, returning a structured numpy array Parameters ---------- columns : str, list of str the name of the column(s) to return start : int the row integer to start reading at stop : int the row integer to stop reading at step : int, optional the step size to use when reading; default is 1 Returns ------- data : array_like a numpy structured array holding the requested data """ pass
@property def columns(self): """ A list of the names of the columns in the file. This defaults to the named fields in the file's :attr:`dtype` attribute, but differ from this if a view of the file has been returned with :func:`asarray` """ try: return self._columns except AttributeError: return list(self.dtype.names) @columns.setter def columns(self, val): self._columns = val @property def ncol(self): """ The number of data columns in the file. """ return len(self.columns) @property def shape(self): """ The shape of the file, which defaults to ``(size, )`` Multiple dimensions can be introduced into the shape if a view of the file has been returned with :func:`asarray` """ try: return self._shape except AttributeError: return (self.size,) @shape.setter def shape(self, val): self._shape = val @property def ndim(self): return len(self.shape) @property def size(self): """ The size of the file, i.e., number of rows """ try: return self._size except: name = self.__class__.__name__ raise AttributeError("please set the ``size`` attribute when initializing the '%s' class" %name) @size.setter def size(self, val): self._size = val @property def dtype(self): """ A :class:`numpy.dtype` object holding the data types of each column in the file. """ try: return self._dtype except: name = self.__class__.__name__ raise AttributeError("please set the ``dtype`` attribute when initializing the '%s' class" %name) @dtype.setter def dtype(self, val): self._dtype = val def __len__(self): return self.size def __iter__(self): return iter(self.keys()) def __repr__(self): args = (self.__class__.__name__, self.path, self.dataset if hasattr(self, 'dataset') else "None", self.ncol, self.shape) return "%s(path=%s, dataset=%s, ncolumns=%d, shape=%s>" % args def __contains__(self, col): return col in self.columns
[docs] def keys(self): """ Aliased function to return :attr:`columns` """ return list(self.columns)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, s): """ This function provides numpy-like array indexing of the file object. It supports: #. integer, slice-indexing similar to arrays #. string indexing using column names in :func:`keys` #. array-like indexing using integer lists or boolean arrays .. note:: If a single column is being returned, a numpy array holding the data is returned, rather than a structured array with only a single field. """ # dont call asarray unless we have a single string index asarray = False if isinstance(s, string_types): s = [s] asarray = True # if index is a list, it should contain a series of column names # this will return a "view" of the file, slicing the data type # to include only the requested columns if isinstance(s, list) and all(isinstance(k, string_types) for k in s): # empty slice if not len(s): raise IndexError("no columns selected in slice") # crash if the dtype has no fields if self.dtype.names is None: raise IndexError(("cannot access view of specific columns after `asarray()` " "has been called; use integer array indexing instead")) # all strings must be valid column names if not all(ss in self.keys() for ss in s): invalid = [col for col in s if s not in self.keys()] raise IndexError("invalid string keys: %s; run keys() for valid options" %str(invalid)) # create a new object, with slice of dtype # FIXME: the new object shall be a different type. obj = object.__new__(self.__class__) obj.dtype = numpy.dtype([(col, self.dtype[col]) for col in s]) obj.size = self.size # set the owner of the underlying memory if getattr(self, 'base', None) is not None: obj.base = self.base else: obj.base = self # return the single numpy array if only a # single column was asked for if len(s) == 1 and asarray: obj = obj.asarray() return obj # tuple for indices in multiple dimensions # this can either be of length 1 or 2 second_axis_index = None if isinstance(s, tuple): # verify the tuple shape if len(s) > len(self.shape): args = len(self.shape), len(s) raise IndexError("file dimension is %d, but you supplied tuple of length %d" %args) if len(s) == 1: s = s[0] elif len(s) == 2: s, second_axis_index = s else: raise IndexError("tuple index '%s' not understood" %str(s)) # call the read function over the desired row range # if we don't own memory, return from 'base' attribute if getattr(self, 'base', None) is None: memown = self else: memown = self.base # a list here means we are dealing with array-like indexing if isinstance(s, list): s = numpy.array(s) # do array-like indexing if isinstance(s, numpy.ndarray): # make all integers indexing positive if s.dtype == numpy.integer: s[s < 0] += len(self) # read the full desired slice in consecutive chunks toret = numpy.concatenate([,*sl) for sl in find_slice_chunks(s)]) # slice contiguous chunk via (start, stop, step) else: # input is integer if isinstance(s, int): if s < 0: s += self.size start, stop, step = s, s+1, 1 # input is a slice elif isinstance(s, slice): start, stop, step = s.indices(self.size) else: raise IndexError("index '%s' not understood - should be an integer or slice" %str(s)) # call the read function over the desired row range toret =, start, stop, step) # if file has no named fields, then # try to view the output as a single numpy array if len(self.dtype) == 0: try: # FIXME: shall we ensure read always returns C-contiguous? toret = numpy.ascontiguousarray(toret).view(self.dtype) if len(self.shape) > 1: toret = toret.reshape((-1, self.shape[1])) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("error trying to view slice as a single numpy array: %s" %str(e)) # if we have an index for the second dimension # then slice the return value if second_axis_index is not None: toret = toret[:,second_axis_index] return toret
[docs] def asarray(self): """ Return a view of the file, where the fields of the structured array are stacked in columns of a single numpy array Examples -------- Start with a file object with three named columns, ``ra``, ``dec``, and ``z`` >>> ff.dtype dtype([('ra', '<f4'), ('dec', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')]) >>> ff.shape (1000,) >>> ff.columns ['ra', 'dec', 'z'] >>> ff[:3] array([(235.63442993164062, 59.39099884033203, 0.6225500106811523), (140.36181640625, -1.162310004234314, 0.5026500225067139), (129.96627807617188, 45.970130920410156, 0.4990200102329254)], dtype=(numpy.record, [('ra', '<f4'), ('dec', '<f4'), ('z', '<f4')])) Select a subset of columns and switch the ordering and convert output to a single numpy array >>> x = ff[['dec', 'ra']].asarray() >>> x.dtype dtype('float32') >>> x.shape (1000, 2) >>> x.columns ['dec', 'ra'] >>> x[:3] array([[ 59.39099884, 235.63442993], [ -1.16231 , 140.36181641], [ 45.97013092, 129.96627808]], dtype=float32) Now, select only the first column (``dec``) >>> dec = x[:,0] >>> dec[:3] array([ 59.39099884, -1.16231 , 45.97013092], dtype=float32) Returns ------- FileType : a file object that will return a numpy array with the columns representing the fields """ # no named fields --> crash if not len(self.dtype): raise ValueError("no named dtype fields to convert to numpy array") # multiple vector dtypes --> crash if len(self.dtype) > 1 and any(len(self.dtype[col].shape) for col in self.dtype.names): raise ValueError("cannot convert multiple vector data types to numpy array") # different dtypes --> crash if any(self.dtype[col].base != self.dtype[0].base for col in self.dtype.names): raise ValueError("cannot convert data types of different types to single numpy array") # create the new object # FIXME: the new object shall be a different type. obj = object.__new__(self.__class__) # the second axis of the shape if len(self.dtype) == 1: subshape = self.dtype[0].shape else: subshape = (len(self.dtype),) obj.dtype = self.dtype[0].base obj.columns = list(self.columns) obj.shape = (self.size, ) + subshape obj.size = self.size if getattr(self, 'base', None) is not None: obj.base = self.base else: obj.base = self return obj
[docs] def get_dask(self, column, blocksize=None): """ Return the specified column as a dask array, which delays the explicit reading of the data until :meth:`dask.compute` is called The dask array is chunked into blocks of size `blocksize` Parameters ---------- column : str the name of the column to return blocksize : int, optional the size of the chunks in the dask array Returns ------- :class:`dask.array.Array` : the dask array holding the column, which computes the necessary functions to read the data, but delays evaluating until the user specifies """ if blocksize is None: blocksize = _global_options['dask_chunk_size'] if column not in self: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid column; run keys() for valid options" %column) import dask.array as da return da.from_array(self[column], chunks=blocksize)
[docs]def find_slice_chunks(index): """ A generator to yield (start, stop, step) tuples which will correspond to the input selection index ``index`` can be either a boolen index, or a list of integers specifying the rows to include Parameters ---------- index : array_like either a boolean array, indicating which rows to select, or integers specifying which rows to include Yields ------ (start, stop, step) : tuple of int the slice integers to read, corresponding to a valid spart of the selection index """ from itertools import groupby from operator import itemgetter if isinstance(index, list): index = numpy.array(index) # handle boolean index if index.dtype == '?': vals, N = zip(*[(k, sum(1 for i in g)) for k,g in groupby(index)]) N = numpy.cumsum(N) for i, v in enumerate(vals): if v: ilow = i-1 if ilow < 0: Nlow = 0 else: Nlow = N[ilow] yield (Nlow, N[i], 1) # handle integer index else: N = [] for k,g in groupby(enumerate(index), lambda x: x[0]-x[1]): N.append(list(map(itemgetter(1), g))) for xx in N: yield (xx[0], xx[-1]+1, 1)